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Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? Teaching the Elementary Economics Georgia Performance Standards Georgia Council On Economic Education w w w. g c.

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2 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? Teaching the Elementary Economics Georgia Performance Standards Georgia Council On Economic Education w w w. g c e e. o r g Economically ^

3 economics What is economics? Our essential question…

4 Economics is… making decisions about allocating limited resources to get the unlimited number of things we want. Our enduring understanding…

5 How to Really Be a Millionaire

6 The Millionaire Game 1.Most millionaires are college graduates. TRUE 2.A majority of millionaires work fewer that 40 hours a week. FALSE 3.More than half of all millionaires never received money from a trust fund or estate. TRUE 4.More millionaires drive Fords than Cadillacs. TRUE

7 The Millionaire Game 5.Most millionaires work in glamorous jobs such as sports, entertainment, or high tech. FALSE 6.Many poor people become millionaires by winning the lottery. FALSE 7.College graduates earn about 65% more than high school graduates. TRUE

8 The Millionaire Game 8.If you want to be a millionaire, avoid the risk of the stock market. FALSE 9.At age 18, you decide not to smoke and save $1.50 a day. You invest this $1.50 a day at 8% interest until you are age 67. At age 67, your savings are worth almost $300,000. TRUE 10.Single people are more often millionaires than married people. FALSE

9 Why a workshop on economics? Remember, this is a United States History course!!

10 The New GPS Grades K-5 approved October 2004 two major changes focus on the United States all six years builds across the grades like a ladder

11 Kindergarten Symbols of America Where We Live Observing Labor Day Observing Columbus Day Observing Veterans Day Observing Thanksgiving Day Observing Martin Luther Day, Jr. Day Observing Presidents Day Celebrating Our Nation Personal Finance

12 Grade One American Heroes Our Earth, Our Home Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Lewis & Clark; Sacagawea Harriet Tubman Theodore Roosevelt George Washington Carver American Folktales Personal Finance

13 Grade Two Georgia, My State Before There Was a Georgia Georgia’s Beginnings – James Oglethorpe – Tomochichi – Mary Musgrove Native Georgians – Creeks – Cherokee – Sequoyah Civil Rights – Martin Luther King, Jr. – Jackie Robinson Human Rights – Jimmy Carter Personal Finance

14 Grade Three Our Democratic Heritage Roots of Our Democracy Our Economy Paul Revere Frederick Douglass Susan B. Anthony Mary McLeod Bethune Franklin Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt Thurgood Marshall Lyndon B. Johnson Cesar Chavez

15 Grade Four U. S. History: Beginnings to 1860 Native American Cultures European Exploration in North America Colonial America The American Revolution The New Nation Westward Expansion Personal Finance

16 Grade Five U. S. History Since 1860 The Civil War Reconstruction Turn of the Century America World War I The Great Depression World War II The Cold War America Since 1975 Personal Finance

17 The New GPS Grades K-5 rollout training completed implementation began Fall 2008 new CRCT Spring 2009

18 The New CRCT history geography civics/government economics (including personal finance) core skills map and globe information processing

19 Content Weight for the GPS CRCT GPS Grades K-2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 History --30%50% Geography --20%15% Civics --30%20% Economics --20%15% QCC Economics --10%

20 Why economics in United States History? U.S. schools rely on history to teach about our national identity and knowledge of our past. Are we succeeding?

21 Why economics in United States History? Think about the context of history… decisions History is the record of political and economic decisions that people have made across time.

22 How do we prepare? Focus on economic decision making across the eras of United States history.

23 United States Economic History Teaching the Economics Georgia Performance Standards at Grades 4 and 5 Georgia Council On Economic Education w w w. g c e e. o r g


25 Components of US Economic History Essay for the teacher on the economic history of our nation Series of seven lesson plans, one for each era of the new GPS framework Glossary of GPS economic terms Sample CRCT test questions for each unit

26 Introducing the US Economic History Lessons embedded in eras of history lesson essential question introduction/abstract GPS correlation economic concepts lesson knowledge and skills objectives list of materials needed time required procedure assessment

27 Personal Finance comprehensive program targeted at grades K-2, 3-5 separate workshop offered through the Stock Market Game

28 What is economics?

29 What do adults frequently identify as the most basic concept in economics?

30 Economics is More Than Supply and Demand.

31 What do students frequently identify as the most basic concept in economics?

32 Economics is More Than Money.

33 Scarcity What is the most basic, fundamental concept in economics?

34 Factors of Production  Productive Resources Natural Resources/Land Human Resources/Labor Capital Goods/Tools Entrepreneurship innovative ideas risk taker

35 Who Would Have Predicted in 1980… the collapse of the Soviet Union

36 Who Would Have Predicted in 1980… Nelson Mandela as president of South Africa

37 Who Would Have Predicted in 1980… economic stagnation in Japan

38 Who Would Have Predicted in 1980… Record US economic expansion in the 1990s Recent economic debacle

39 Who Would Have Predicted that in 2007? Who Would Have Predicted that in 2007? Gas prices would be $4.00 per gallon in 2008?

40 The Guide to Economic Thinking Pulling the Pieces Together 1. People choose. 2.People’s choices involve costs. 3.People respond to incentives in predictable ways. 4.People create economic systems that influence individual choices and incentives. 5.People gain when they trade voluntarily. 6.People’s choices have consequences that lie in the future.

41 The Classroom Solution... essential teaching essential economic concepts in the context of United States history.

42 Economics Economics… You Do You Teach this “stuff”?

43 HOW we teach is as important to student learning as focusing on WHAT we teach.

44 What makes a difference? Factual Information - 35% Retention –lecture –textbook –flashcards Conceptual Schemes - 50% Retention –webbing –graphic organizers Motor Activities - 70% Retention –draw and label graphs –role play, simulations –build models Thinking Skills - 80% Retention –data and document analysis –problem solving Attitudinal Development - 100% Retention –discussion of controversial topics –debates

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