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Experimentation in Computer Science (Part 1). Outline  Empirical Strategies  Measurement  Experiment Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Experimentation in Computer Science (Part 1). Outline  Empirical Strategies  Measurement  Experiment Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimentation in Computer Science (Part 1)

2 Outline  Empirical Strategies  Measurement  Experiment Process

3 Outline  Empirical Strategies  Measurement  Experiment Process

4 Empirical Strategies: Research Paradigms  Qualitative -- study objects in their natural setting, interpret phenomena based on people’s explanations, discover causes noticed by subjects  Quantitative -- compare 2 or more groups or treatments, identify or quantify cause-effect relationships  Qualitative and quantitative are complementary  Quantitative research considers measures to assess effects of treatment, whereas qualitative research considers beliefs/understanding to explain why treatments differ.

5 Empirical Strategies: Types of Investigations  Survey – often retrospective, through interviews or questionnaires  Case Study - observational, often in-situ for an ongoing project  Experiment - controlled study, laboratory, manipulation of variables  Quasi-Experiment – experiment, but lacking randomization Experiments are quantitative; surveys and case studies can be quantitative or qualitative

6 Empirical Strategies: Surveys  Purpose:  descriptive (assert characteristics)  explanatory (assess why)  exploratory (pre-study)  Process  select variables  select sample  collect data  analyze and generalize Example: survey 10% of web application users in a community on their opinions of a new web technology, to infer overall opinion across all developers in the community, and understand why they use or do not use this technology.

7 Empirical Strategies: Surveys  Data collection methods:  Questionnaires oCheaper distribution and execution  Interviews oHigher response rate oRemoves possible ambiguity Resource: E. Babbie, Survey Research Methods, Wadsworth, 1990

8 Empirical Strategies: Case Studies  Study a phenomenon in a specific time/space  Applicable to dynamic or larger studies:  Long term evaluations  Industrial evaluations  Can be used to compare approaches (e.g. on a project and sister project); not an experiment because not randomly selected  Easier to plan than controlled experiments

9 Resource: R. K. Yin, Case Study Research Design and Methods, Sage Publications, 1994 Empirical Strategies: Case Studies  Harder to control, hence less useful for asserting causality Example: observe the application of a web application development method within an industrial context, using two different development methodologies, over a long portion of the lifecycles of two development projects

10 Empirical Strategies: Experiments  Most controlled form of study  Manipulate independent variables  View affects on dependent variables  Controlled environment  Reproducible  Randomization over subjects and objects  Often involve a baseline (control group) Resource: Wohlin et al., Experimentation in Software Engineering, Kluwer, 2 nd Ed.

11 Empirical Strategies: Experiments  Uses:  Confirm / reject theories  Confirm conventional wisdom, test pre-conceptions  Explore relationships and interactions  Evaluate accuracy of models  Validate measures Example: randomly assign a set of web app testers from company C to two groups: one using testing technique A and one using testing technique B, and ask them to apply these techniques to a randomly selected set of C’s web apps containing seeded faults, and measure fault-detection effectiveness

12 Empirical Strategies: Quasi-Experiments  The same as an experiment, except with a lack of randomization over subjects or objects  Drawback: reduced generality Example: a large set of test suites created by a specific technique, and a set of equivalently sized randomly generated test suites, are applied to a single large web app that your research group has developed.

13 Empirical Strategies: Comparison

14 Empirical Strategies: Factors in Selecting a Strategy  Type of research question  Level of control required  Time and space of target of study  Resources available All types of studies are valuable.

15 Experimentation in Software Engineering --- Outline  Empirical Strategies  Measurement  Experiment Process

16 Measurement: Terminology  Measurement: a mapping from the empirical world to the formal, relational world  Measure: a number or symbol assigned to an entity (object in the world) by this mapping to characterize and manipulate an attribute  Valid measure: a measure that captures necessary properties of the attribute, and properly characterizes it mathematically.

17 Measurement: Failing to Capture Properties  Goal: measure programmer productivity  Usual: code size or coding effort oSize = LOC oEffort = person_months  Problems with LOC oLOC only reflects part of the output oWe want to measure production (output) as delivered benefit  Problems with effort oEquivalence among employers or even developers oFull / part time

18  An objective measure involves no subjective judgment about the measurement value  A subjective measure does involve subjective judgment, depends on both the object and the viewpoint from which the measurement is taken Examples:  Objective: lines of code, delivery date  Subjective: personnel skill, usability Measurement: Objective vs Subjective

19  A direct measure of an attribute does not involve measurement of other attributes  An indirect (derived) measure does involve measurement of other attributes.  Often, only indirect measures are available. Examples:  Direct: number of defects  Indirect: programmer productivity = LOC/effort Measurement: Direct vs Indirect

20 Experimentation in Software Engineering --- Outline  Empirical Strategies  Measurement  Experiment Process

21 Experiment Process: Motivation  Properly designed experiments provide:  Control of subjects, objects, and instrumentation, allowing us to draw more general conclusions or conclusions about causality  Ability to use statistical analyses (hypothesis testing)  Support for replication  Achieving proper design requires us to define a process for experimentation

22 Experiment Process: Overview Cause construct Effect construct TreatmentOutcome Theory (hypothesis) Observation cause-effect construct treatment-outcome construct Independent variableDependent variable Experiment objective Experiment operation

23 Experiment Process: Variables, Factors  Variable: Entity that can change and take on different values  Independent variable(s): variables that are manipulated and controlled – also known as factors  Dependent variable(s): variables we want to see the effects of changes in independent variables on  Factor: variables other than those chosen as independent and dependent; these must be carefully controlled for S.E. Process Dependent variables Independent variables (Factors)

24 Experiment Process: Treatments  Treatment: one value of an independent variable (the variable manipulated) S.E. Process Dependent variables Independent variables Exp. Design Experiment Independent variables at fixed levels Treatment

25 Experiment Process: Objects and Subjects  Treatments are assigned to subjects / objects  Subjects: people to whom treatments are applied, or more often, who apply treatments  Objects: artifacts that treatments are applied to, or that are manipulated by people  Tests (or trials): a combination of treatments with subjects and/or objects

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