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Western Culinary & Meals Pattern

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1 Western Culinary & Meals Pattern
Chap. 5, p Chap. 7, p.221

2 Culinary p.191 Cuisine=Cooking Words
It is connected with or used in the kitchen or cooking. 烹飪的、廚房的 Cuisine=Cooking The art of preparing dishes (cooking) and the place (kitchen) in which they are prepared. 烹調法、料理風格

3 Banquet p.201 Catering Words
A sumptuous meal given to a large number of guests on festal or ceremonial occasions. 正式華麗的酒宴、盛宴 Catering To provide and serve food and drinks for payment at a public or private party rather than in a restaurant. 代辦酒宴

4 Words Regale (v, n)盛宴 Regalement (n) 盛宴款待

5 Gourmet p.191 Glutton Words
A person who knows al lot about food and drink and is good at choosing combinations of dishes, good wines, etc. 美食家 (foodie, 1982) Glutton A person who eats too much. 貪食者

6 History of the culinary arts p.191
B.C. = before Christ 西曆紀元前 A.D. = Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) 西曆紀元後;西元 History of the culinary arts p.191

7 History of the Culinary Arts p.191-192 Table 5-1
Antiquity Middle Ages Renaissance Baroque and Rococo Industrial Revolution Modern 800 B.C. to A.D. 400 5th -- 15th centuries 16th -- 17th centuries 17th -- 18th centuries Late 18th -- 19th centuries 20th -- 21th century

8 History of the Culinary Arts p.191
Antiquity 800 B.C. to A.D. 400 Ancient Greece Hippocrates Healthy diet Ancient Romans

9 He was an early promoter of a health diet. p.191
Humor is Hippocrates ! He was an early promoter of a health diet. p.191

10 History of the Culinary Arts p.191
Middle Ages 5th -- 15th centuries Dark Ages Monks & nuns 13th Italians explored the Orient The first real western cuisine

11 History of the Culinary Arts p.191
Renaissance 16th -- 17th centuries From Italy Catherine de Médicis To France court French cuisine spread all over Europe

12 History of the Culinary Arts p.191
Baroque and Rococo 17th -- 18th centuries Classical French cuisine zenith -- Louis XV Cookbooks & recipes – “literary gourmets”

13 History of the Culinary Arts p.191
Industrial Revolution Modern Late 18th -- 19th centuries 20th -- 21th century Science & technology Travel & tourism Life-styles change Chef owns restaurant

14 Culinary Trends p.221 Table 7-1,7-2
Home cooking Italian court cuisine French court cuisine Classical French cuisine Nouvelle cuisine Modern cooking Whole food Spa cuisine

15 Whole food cuisine - food is simple & nature spa cuisine – Solus por Aqua (spa: watering place)
Nouvelle Cuisine – classical cooking + perfection in taste & presentation + fruit & veg but no cream

16 Daily meals p.197 Coffee Break Brunch (snack) Lunch Tea Time
Breakfast Coffee Break Brunch (snack) Lunch Tea Time Supper (Dinner)

17 Words Breakfast? Table (n) Start eating
When we sleep, we cannot eat but fast. Therefore, when we have our first meal after the long sleep, it is like breaking the fast. Table (n) Pleasures of the table Table talk Table manners Lay the table Wait on table Turn the table

18 Types of meal p.197 1. Breakfast (petit déjeuner) vs.
Continental breakfast vs. American/English breakfast

19 Types of Meal p.198 2. Lunch (déjeuner/repas de midi)
luncheon 3. Dinner (dîner/repas du soir) supper = limited menu Menu Du Jour = the menu of the day (Bon Jour ! 日安) (Bon Soir ! 晚安)

20 Lunch (déjeuner/repas de midi)
(n)午餐 In our school, lunch is from twelve to one p.m. every day. (v)吃午餐 They lunched in a Chinese restaurant with a reasonable price. (v)為誰備午餐 She lunched her family at that tea room yesterday.

21 Classical meal p.198 1 The Breakfast Buffet Brunch (bruncheon)
= breakfast + lunch = late breakfast = early lunch

22 Classical Meal 2 A la Carte Menu Table d’Hote Menu = the host’s table
= from the card Table d’Hote Menu = the host’s table a set menu with fixed prices

23 3. French Cuisine Menu p.194-195 Cold appetizer 冷前菜 Soup 湯
Hors d’œuvre froid Potage Hors d’œuvre chaud Poisson Grosse pièce Entrée chaud Entrée froid Sorbet Cold appetizer 冷前菜 Soup 湯 Warm appetizer 熱前菜 Fish 魚 Main course 大塊菜 Warm entrée 熱中間菜 Cold entrée 冷中間菜 Sherbet 冰砂

24 3. French Cuisine Menu RÔti avec salade Roast with salad 爐烤菜+沙拉
Légumes Entremets Savoury Dessert Roast with salad 爐烤菜+沙拉 Vegetable 蔬菜 Sweets 甜點 Savory 鹹點心 Dessert 餐後點心

25 Beverages (eye openers)
Cocktail, soft drink, beer, mineral water Wine (white or red) Champagne Spirits, liqueurs tea, coffee Before meal During meal After meal

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