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26/05/20081Work, organizational and personnel psychology Predicting multidimensional entrepreneurial success from personality Vantilborgh Tim, Joly Jeroen,

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Presentation on theme: "26/05/20081Work, organizational and personnel psychology Predicting multidimensional entrepreneurial success from personality Vantilborgh Tim, Joly Jeroen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 26/05/20081Work, organizational and personnel psychology Predicting multidimensional entrepreneurial success from personality Vantilborgh Tim, Joly Jeroen, Pepermans Roland Leuven, 26 mei 2008

2 Pag. Entrepreneurship “The entrepreneur uses his personality and nothing but his personality” (Schumpeter, 1911, p417) 26/05/20082 Work, organizational and personnel psychology

3 Pag. 26/05/20083 Entrepreneurship: An Introduction ﮦ Entrepreneurs : drive behind economic growth ﮦ Increased research in entrepreneurship ﮦ Firm level : entrepreneurial orientation (EO) as a strategy ﮦ Individual level : personality traits & entrepreneurship ﮦ Need for a predictive instrument (individual level) What differentiates “successful” from “unsuccessful” entrepreneurs ? ﮦ Psychological aspect of entrepreneurship, based on traits Work, organizational and personnel psychology

4 Pag. Definitions ﮦ Who/what is an entrepreneur ? ﮦ Founder / owner societal “improver” ﮦ Operationally: venture number (VAT, TAV, BTW) ﮦ What is success ? ﮦ Objective factors: financial turnover & employment ranking within sector ﮦ Subjective factors (self-reported): satisfaction with several aspects ﮦ Entrepreneurship is more than just EO ﮦ EO at individual level ﮦ Number of traits associated with entrepreneurship (differentiating) 26/05/20084 Work, organizational and personnel psychology

5 Pag. Questionnaire 26/05/20085 Risk Taking Proactiveness Innovation Autonomy Competitive Agressiveness Entrepreneurial Orientation Achievement Orientation Self-Efficacy Locus of Control Tolerance for Ambiguïty Other known traits (literature) Successful entrepreneur ship ? Work, organizational and personnel psychology

6 Pag. Method 26/05/20086 Item generation based on literature + interviews entrepreneurs (N= 9) Pilot Study of the questionnaire (N=202) Main Study: validation + refinement of the questionnaire Work, organizational and personnel psychology

7 Pag. Item pool + Pilot Testing ﮦ Literature & Interviews ﮦ 9 existing questionnaires (99 items) ﮦ Expert judges (assessing item pool quality) ﮦ Interview entrepreneurs (N=9) ﮦ Pilot testing ﮦ Random sample (N=202) ﮦ Reliability & Item analysis ﮦ Alpha score, uni-dimensionality, distribution of items ﮦ Exploratory FA 52 Items 26/05/20087 Work, organizational and personnel psychology

8 Pag. Main Study ﮦ Samples ﮦ Entrepreneurs sample (N=218) ﮦ Control sample (N=600) ﮦ Measures ﮦ Independent variables: 9 personality factors + subfactors ﮦ Dependent variables ﮦ Objective success ﮦ Relative financial turnover rank within sector ﮦ Relative employment rank within sector ﮦ Subjective success (alpha=.82) ﮦ Satisfaction with finances, venture evolution, own evolution, contribution to society, work/family balance 26/05/20088 Work, organizational and personnel psychology

9 Pag. Results ﮦ Retesting measurement models: ﮦ Subdimensions found: ﮦ Risk-aversion & Risk-seeking ﮦ Social & Instrumental Self-Efficacy (SE) ﮦ Internal & External Locus of Control ﮦ All other measurement models proved stable 26/05/20089 Work, organizational and personnel psychology

10 Pag. Results (2) ﮦ Known-group validity: ﮦ Sign. differences found for 8 dimensions between entrepreneurs and non- entrepreneurs (p<.001) ﮦ No sign. difference for Competitive Aggressiveness and subdimension work- ethics (Need for Achievement) ﮦ Predictive Validity: ﮦ Internal Locus of Control, Self Efficacy & Competitive Aggressiveness together explain a significant amount of variance in subjective success (R²=.178) ﮦ Internal Locus of Control, Innovation, Risk-seeking squared & Risk-aversion together explain a significant amount of variance in turnover scores (R²=.125) ﮦ Internal Locus of Control, Innovation & Risk-seeking squared together explain a significant amount of variance in employment scores (R²=.090) 26/05/200810 Work, organizational and personnel psychology

11 Pag. Conclusion ﮦ All 9 dimensions of our questionnaire play a role in entrepreneurship: ﮦ Either by differentiating between entrepreneurs and non- entrepreneurs ﮦ Or by predicting objective and/or subjective success ﮦ Internal Locus of Control plays a major role in predicting objective as well as subjective success ﮦ Risk-seeking seems to have a curvilinear relation with objective success ﮦ Better prediction of subjective success then objective success 26/05/200811 Work, organizational and personnel psychology

12 Pag. Future Research ﮦ We are currently working on a smaller version of the questionnaire (24 items) able to predict almost as much variance as the full version 26/05/200812 Work, organizational and personnel psychology

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