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European Strategy Session of Council The European Strategy – report to the RECFA meeting in Brussels Will cover the following selected topics:  ECFA and.

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Presentation on theme: "European Strategy Session of Council The European Strategy – report to the RECFA meeting in Brussels Will cover the following selected topics:  ECFA and."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Strategy Session of Council The European Strategy – report to the RECFA meeting in Brussels Will cover the following selected topics:  ECFA and the European Strategy  EU projects, application results 2009, calls in 2010  Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics 2011-12 6/3/101

2 European Strategy Session of Council ECFA roles wrt to the Strategy Role of ECFA wrt strategy – this was also discussed in the RECFA meetings in Moscow in October and at CERN in December. Some roles already discussed in Council document in 2007 and are well established :  ECFA has a key role related in incubation of ideas – ECFA studies and workshops  Various review committees (example SuperB in 2008)  Community/personnel reviews (as the one just carried out)  Country visits – and report directly to the Strategy Session of Council about them.  ECFA members to be involved in the Strategy Upgrade Preparation Group when we get to that phase New initiatives:  10:35 Status Report from the Working Group for coordination of detector R&D for LC and other projects (Y. Karyotakis)  11:05 Status Report on establishing possible way to help coordination of neutrino activities (K. Long)  Use P-ECFA/R-ECFA meetings to review specific areas – example from November 2009 being the neutrino area and flavour physics, hopefully to be continued in Frascati (I have a special wish to make a link to nuclear physics plans being developed ?)  In general we also use RECFA meetings to discuss/inform about EU projects, complementary to discussions to ESGARD and in Council.  All these developments, summary of discussion can be/should be reported to the European Strategy Sessions of Council (including Open Council Sessions)  … other ideas are welcome …. 6/3/102

3 European Strategy Session of Council The European Strategy - ECFA 6/3/103 Strategy PointECFA General issuesCouncil will update the StrategyECFA part of the Preparation Group during the Update process Scientific IssuesLHC completion and SLHC R&D Accelerator R&D Linear Collider Neutrino Physics Links to Astroparticle Physics Flavour Physics Links to Nuclear Physics Theory Thematic reviews (as in PECFA meetings) Specific reviews (example SuperB in 2008) Country visits looks at activities in these scientific fields New ideas addressed by ECFA studies ECFA chair now invited to ApPEC Steering Committee meetings Detector R&D as discussed earlier today Neutrino reviews as discussed earlier today As mentioned, could PECFA also address the area of Nuclear Physics (their Long Term Plan 2010) ? Organisational issuesStrategy follow up and set up strategy secretariat Engagement with other regions (Council Enlargement Group) EU relationship Non member states relationship to Strategy ECFA chair member of the strategy secretariat The ECFA chair reports directly and through the Secretariat to the Council about the ECFA activities EU projects are discussed in the ECFA meetings (to collect input and to inform) ECFA chair also member of fact finding committee for new applicants to CERN Complementary IssuesCommunication Network Technology Network and Transfer Partly reviewed in Country Visits, also spin offs

4 European Strategy Session of Council FP7 projects in 2009-10  Two key projects submitted in December 2009  AIDA (Integrating Activity addressing the topic: Infrastructures for Detector R&D) 4 years, EU support requested 10 MEURO  TIARA (invited preparatory phase project from the European Strategy: Infrastructures for Accelerator R&D) 3 years, EU support requested 6 MEURO  Information from Laurent Serin, Roy Aleksan and WEB sites  New calls expected in July 2010 – with submission Dec 2010  Most relevant for us: Design Studies (bottom up, not targeted) and Integrating Activities (topical but likely less suited for us than last time).  Some additional ideas concerning support for globalization activities for ongoing prep. phase projects not yet confirmed 6/3/104

5 European Strategy Session of Council Feedback  The AIDA proposal (Integrating Activity) obtain a rank of 14.5/15 so above the needed threshold of 10/15. This is a very high score.  The TIARA proposal (Preparatory Phase Project) obtained a rank of 11.5. The criticism focused on the last four WPs (see last slides) and management costs  We believe that some of the points made in the proposal were missed or misunderstood concerning these WPs focusing on some specific R&D infrastructures  Both are among the 57 projects which passed the evaluation threshold of 10 (79 applications); 42 are expected to receive funds  We believe both will pass, AIDA due its to high score, TIARA due to adequate score and being a Preparatory Phase project (11 such projects invited to apply)  We now need to wait for the second phase, namely the formal decision of the commission, to be followed (hopefully) by negotiations phases with funding close to the application sum 6/3/105

6 European Strategy Session of Council 6/3/106

7 European Strategy Session of Council 26/11/09Steinar STAPNES 7

8 European Strategy Session of Council AIDA looks at the priorities for key future projects 6/3/108

9 European Strategy Session of Council 6/3/109 WEB page at: Timescale 3 years

10 European Strategy Session of Council 6/3/10 10 The details of these WPs were shown in the RECFA meeting at CERN in November - see spare slides

11 European Strategy Session of Council The European Strategy Update  The update should not happen more often than every 5 years. Usually 2011 was assumed, but it is too early to have LHC results (and in as planned today in the middle of the long 2010-11 run)  Given the status and plans for LHC data-taking in 2010-2011, followed by a long shut-down in 2012 and preparation work in several major areas (e.g. sLHC, Linear Colliders, Neutrinos, Astroparticle Physics, Accelerator and Detector R&D), the Strategy Secretariat believes that the next Strategy Update should be concluded by the middle of 2012.  If the provisional timescale for the conclusion of the Strategy Update by the middle of 2012 is confirmed the Strategy Secretariat would prepare the proposed remit and composition of the European Strategy Group, together with those of the Preparatory Group, for approval by the European Strategy Session of Council in March 2011.  The exact timescale will need to be confirmed in the second half of 2010 in the light of the progress of the LHC and any other relevant new information at that time.  The composition of the extended Strategy Group including Preparation Group that need to be set up to prepare the Strategy Update is described in the Council documents from 2007-2008 (Secretariat, members from SPC, ECFA, Director’s Meeting and Member State Representation).  In addition to these actors, the remits and detailed compositions of the forthcoming Strategy Group and Preparatory Group, will also need to accommodate the involvement of the European Commission, ApPEC, NuPECC, FALC, Observers, Associate Members and non-Member States ….. 6/3/1011

12 European Strategy Session of Council Agenda next Strategy Meeting 6/3/1012 Will also mention 2009 FP7 outcome, and briefly the Scientific Enlargement work, likely to be transferred to the European Session and Strategy Upgrade process

13 European Strategy Session of Council Scientific and Geographical Enlargement 13 Scientific Enlargement  Main implementation elements suggested during the work of the Enlargement Working Group:  A specific programme for identifying, coordinating and centralising CERN support to/participation in experiments not hosted by CERN within the scientific fields covered by the European Strategy for Particle Physic, including non-accelerator physics projects  CERN could be available to provide the necessary legal framework for implementation of large European infrastructures for future non-accelerator projects  The discussions/concerns in Council focused on maintaining the CERN priorities (LHC and a next machine), possibly too much funding and activities channelling through CERN, the timing of this paper, and the need to address these concerns over a longer timescale and a wider European scope than the CERN scientific programme alone (European Strategy Session of Council)  The suggestion now is that further development of the potential scientific enlargement of the CERN programme:  should be continued in the framework of the European Strategy Sessions of Council within the context and according to the time-scale of the forthcoming update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, taking into account the various considerations expressed by Council  with a remit extended to include discussion of the roles of other key partners in the implementation of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (for example National Laboratories and the European Commission)

14 European Strategy Session of Council Summary  ECFA taking on additional roles very relevant for the Strategy follow up - and more ideas welcome  Good news for the 2009 EU projects from our community (so far), new calls in 2010 – probably harder to exploit than last year (not suitable topics at the same level)  Timescale for the next Strategy Update being proposed 6/3/1014

15 European Strategy Session of Council TIARA WP structure The main elements of the TIARA FP7 proposal currently being discussed are outlined below. Changes may be made to the proposal as it matures.  WP1: Management of the consortium (includes dissemination and outreach)  WP2: Governance of TIARA Objective: Development of governance models that would allow as many fields as possible to be involved.  WP3: Accelerator R&D infrastructures in Europe Objective: Indentifying, integrating and optimizing the European infrastructures for accelerator R&D.  WP4: Joint R&D programming Objective: Defining a Joint R&D programme in the field of accelerator science.  WP5: Education and training for accelerator sciences Objective: Developing education and training for accelerator research in Europe.  WP6: Involving Industry Objective: Investigating how industry can be involved in the programs, projects and actions carried out by TIARA. 6/3/1015

16 European Strategy Session of Council Specific WPs  SVET: The CLIC damping ring aims at delivering an e+/e− beam with ultra-low vertical normalized emittance of 5 nm for achieving the required collider luminosity. This corresponds to a geometrical emittance of less than 1 pm at 2.86 GeV. The SuperB e+e− factory aims at comparable vertical emittances of down to 4 pm at 7 GeV. The main objective of SVET is to upgrade the Swiss Light Source (SLS) at PSI to enable R&D on ultra-low emittances.  ICTF: The principal objective of this work package is to deliver detailed design reports of the RF power infrastructure upgrades that the Ionisation Cooling Test Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory requires for it to become the world’s laboratory for ionization cooling R&D. 6/3/1016

17 European Strategy Session of Council Specific WPs  HGA: An upgrade of the existing S-band Linac of the SPARC Test Facility at LNF-Frascati with high gradient C-band accelerating structures is proposed, in order to reach 250 MeV at the end of the structure. The upgrade will be done with state-of-the art technology, setting up a facility unique in Europe made of S-band and C-band Linacs (a new “hybrid” configuration, never implemented up to now). This work will be carried out at the INFN Frascati National Laboratories in collaboration with the PSI-Zurich and Rome University “La Sapienza”.  TIHPAC: Before launching the construction of EURISOL, the next generation of facility for producing very intense radioactive ion beams (RIB), two major technical issues need to be addressed; namely the development of high power target and low beta superconducting accelerating structures. The objective of this Work Package is to coordinate the design of the corresponding test infrastructures: an irradiation test facility for the high power target developments and a cryogenic test cryostat for testing fully equipped low beta superconducting cavities (SC). 6/3/1017

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