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OVERVIEW  Program Objectives  Feedback Procedures  First Sergeant’s Role.

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2 OVERVIEW  Program Objectives  Feedback Procedures  First Sergeant’s Role

3 MP 1: Program Objectives  Explain duty performance requirements and responsibilities, establish expectations, and set goals  Provide periodic, constructive performance feedback to enlisted members

4 MP 1: Program Objectives  Areas to discuss during feedback  Performance  Evaluation of training provided  Expectations  Short/long term military goals  Career Development  AFSC progression plan/promotion opportunities

5 MP 2: Feedback Procedures  Formal Feedback  Completed on an annual basis as a minimum/rater determines schedule  Rater/ratee may request feedback session at any time  Rater should be lowest level supervisor

6  Self-Evaluation  Worksheet (AF Form 931 or 932) will be given to ratee on UTA prior to feedback session  Ratee is tasked to evaluate themselves prior to scheduled feedback session  Rater reviews ratee comments and provides their evaluation MP 2: Feedback Procedures

7  Maintenance for Feedback Worksheets  Rater maintains original in personnel file  Member is given a copy  Worksheet is maintained until next feedback session is held  Use of Feedback Worksheet  Chain of command reviews for decisions of AFSC upgrading and Military promotions MP 2: Feedback Procedures

8 MP 3: First Sergeant’s Role  Monitor compliance of the program for the commander  Example: Excel Spreadsheet  Speak to your Airmen about PFW’s requirements:  Newcomers briefing  Initial Interview  Commanders Call  Roll Call


10 SUMMARY Program Objective Feedback Procedures First Sergeant’s Role

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