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RMNCH MARKER SCORES. An aid activity to be classified as RMNCH if it contributes to achieving improved maternal, newborn and child health based on the.

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2 An aid activity to be classified as RMNCH if it contributes to achieving improved maternal, newborn and child health based on the RMNCH continuum of care concept Criteria for eligibility: a)Improved access for women & children to a comprehensive, integrated package of essential health interventions and services along the continuum of care; b)Strengthening health systems in order to improve access to and deliver integrated high-quality RMNCH specific services c)RMNCH specific workforce capacity building, ensuring skilled and motivated workers in the right place at the right time, with the necessary infrastructure, drugs, equipment and regulation

3 Validation rules Purpose codeDescription RMNCH marker score 01234 12110Health policy and administrative management  12181Medical education/training  12182Medical research  12191Medical services  12220Basic health care  12230Basic health infrastructure  12240Basic nutrition  12250Infectious disease control  12261Health education  12262Malaria control  12263Tuberculosis control  12281Health personnel development  13010Population policy and administrative managementXX  13020Reproductive health careXX  13030Family planningXX  13040STD control including HIV/AIDS  13081Personnel devt for population and reproductive healthXX  14030Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation  14031Basic drinking water supply  14032Basic sanitation  Any other codesPurpose codes not listed above in this table  XX


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