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Colossians 4: 12-13. Undergird Your Posture Strong footing o A firm foundation is necessary o A strong foundation for life can only be built on Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "Colossians 4: 12-13. Undergird Your Posture Strong footing o A firm foundation is necessary o A strong foundation for life can only be built on Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colossians 4: 12-13

2 Undergird Your Posture Strong footing o A firm foundation is necessary o A strong foundation for life can only be built on Christ and Christ alone

3 Undergird Your Posture Securing a strong footing “The self-sufficient does not pray, the self-satisfied will not pray, the self-righteous cannot pray. No man is greater than his prayer life.” Leonard Ravenhill Commentator Geisler said it, “Prayer is not a spiritual luxury; it is essential for growth. Prayer is as vital to one’s spiritual health as breathing is to one’s physical health -should be continual, not casual.” (pg. 684, par. 4 Bible Knowledge Commentary)

4 Know your Perspective Observe the Struggle o Perspective is the outlook we are to have in dealing with the scope of our stance. o Pray, and pray very specifically.

5 Know your Perspective Observe the Prayer Points o All the will of God o Spiritual Maturity as opposed to babes in Christ o Full assurance, confidence and resoluteness that God is completely trustworthy

6 Affirming your Position Knowing When o What matters most in life is what Jesus thinks about us, and then what do our Christian brothers and sisters think about us.

7 Affirming your Position Knowing for Sure o “ Do you have someone that will vouch for you about the realness of your Christianity, your ministry, your Christian witness and your Christian commitment?”

8 1. Those that desire to stand tall and strong must be willing to bend low and near the ground, and those that desire for the church to stand tall and strong must be willing to do the same thing. “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” 4:2..

9 2. Spiritual maturity is that which speaks loudly that yes God is able: God can save the world, God can deliver the drug addict, God can deliver the alcoholic, God can restore the broken marriage, God can bring home the prodigal child, God can give grace for difficult and tragic circumstances, God can give clear guidance when all seems unclear, God can heal the broken hearted, the anxious and the depressed, God can forgive the deepest sin darkest sin….

10 3. Would they say of you, “Who, that person, you mean you think they are true Christians – you’ve got to be kidding.” Or would they say, “I have been impressed with their life and can vouch for them that though they are not perfect, they live what they say and are consistent in their walk with the Lord, always caring and praying for others – they represent Jesus and His church well. ”.

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