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The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular.

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Presentation on theme: "The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of lines: 1 Template release: May 2006 For the latest, go to Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Slide Body Text Style 18pt Arial Regular Black Bullet Style 14pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of bullet indents: 4 Copyright Style 6pt Arial Regular Black Page Number Style 6pt Arial Regular Black 1 © 2005, Itron Inc. OpenWay TM by Itron Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) © 2005, Itron Inc.

2 The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of lines: 1 Template release: May 2006 For the latest, go to Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Slide Body Text Style 18pt Arial Regular Black Bullet Style 14pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of bullet indents: 4 Copyright Style 6pt Arial Regular Black Page Number Style 6pt Arial Regular Black 2 What is AMI ?  AMI is the use of Smart Meters with advanced two-way communication technologies that enables utilities to meet their business needs regarding meter data collection & customer service, empower ALL their customers to actively and frequently participate in demand response and energy conservation and help move towards a smart grid.

3 The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of lines: 1 Template release: May 2006 For the latest, go to Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Slide Body Text Style 18pt Arial Regular Black Bullet Style 14pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of bullet indents: 4 Copyright Style 6pt Arial Regular Black Page Number Style 6pt Arial Regular Black 3 What is OpenWay?  OpenWay deploys standards-based open architecture to build a network of smart OpenWay CENTRON meters, OpenWay Gas Modules, and ZigBee-based demand response devices with advanced two-way communication technologies, that enables utilities to: >Meet the business & operational needs for meter data collection, service connect & disconnect & advanced billing >Empower all customers to actively and frequently participate in demand response and energy conservation >Help move toward a smart grid

4 The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of lines: 1 Template release: May 2006 For the latest, go to Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Slide Body Text Style 18pt Arial Regular Black Bullet Style 14pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of bullet indents: 4 Copyright Style 6pt Arial Regular Black Page Number Style 6pt Arial Regular Black 4 Advanced Metering by Itron © 2008, Itron Inc.

5 The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of lines: 1 Template release: May 2006 For the latest, go to Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Slide Body Text Style 18pt Arial Regular Black Bullet Style 14pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of bullet indents: 4 Copyright Style 6pt Arial Regular Black Page Number Style 6pt Arial Regular Black 5 Advanced Metering by Itron The OpenWay Advantage  Full two-way communication to each meter  Multiple-channel interval data collection  Integrated mass market demand response  A built-in communication pathway to the home  Extensive “Smart Grid” feature/functionality Complete Communications Flexibility  Uses ANSI C12.22 protocol for networked meter communications  Independent of particular network communications technology  Supports multiple transport technologies–RF, BPL, and any IP-based communications network © 2008, Itron Inc.

6 The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of lines: 1 Template release: May 2006 For the latest, go to Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Slide Body Text Style 18pt Arial Regular Black Bullet Style 14pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of bullet indents: 4 Copyright Style 6pt Arial Regular Black Page Number Style 6pt Arial Regular Black 6 Itron’s Commitment to the AMI Market  Extensive R&D and manufacturing capabilities- unparalleled in the industry  Unparalleled product feature set that is cost optimal – yet future proof  Ability to deliver and deploy the solution successfully

7 The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of lines: 1 Template release: May 2006 For the latest, go to Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Slide Body Text Style 18pt Arial Regular Black Bullet Style 14pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of bullet indents: 4 Copyright Style 6pt Arial Regular Black Page Number Style 6pt Arial Regular Black 7 OpenWay – A Vision of the Future  Detailed engagement on Intelligent Grid >Distribution Automation is not Intelligent Grid >IP addressability does not make an intelligent Grid  Market leadership by successful field deployments  Engagement in customer business processes and practices  Continued engagement at the regulatory front

8 The Itron logo is integrated into the background and can not be modified, moved, added to, or altered in any way. Slide Heading Style 24pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of lines: 1 Template release: May 2006 For the latest, go to Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Slide Body Text Style 18pt Arial Regular Black Bullet Style 14pt Arial Regular Red - R192 | G0 | B0 Maximum number of bullet indents: 4 Copyright Style 6pt Arial Regular Black Page Number Style 6pt Arial Regular Black 8 Thank You!

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