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PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services.

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1 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-1 Chapter 6 Time Management

2 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-2 Project Time Management Who is responsible for project delays? What Tools and techniques do you use To estimate activity durations? To Manage Time? How to handle changes?

3 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-3 Time Management Processes Which Process Group do each of these activities belong in? 1. Define Activities See WBS section under Scope Management 2. Sequence Activities 3. Estimate Activity Resources 4. Estimate Activity Duration 5. Develop Schedule 6. Control Schedule

4 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-4 Sequence Activities Process of identifying and documenting relationships among project activities. Sequenced using logical relationships Connected to a predecessor and successor  Except the first and last activities May be necessary to include lead or lag times  To support a realistic/achievable schedule

5 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-5 Precedence Diagram Method PDM method used in Critical Path Methodology (CPM) for constructing a project schedule network diagram. Also called Activity-On-Node Begin A BE C DEnd SS+5

6 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-6 PDM Dependencies PDM includes four types of dependencies or logical relationships Finish-to-start (FS)  Initiation of the successor (S) depends upon the completion of predecessor (P) Finish-to-finish (FF)  Completion of S depends upon completion of P Start-to-start (SS)  Initiation of S depends upon initiation of P Start-to-finish (SF)  Completion of S depends upon initiation of P (rarely used) PS P S P S P S

7 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-7 Dependency Determination Mandatory dependencies –Contractually required or inherent in the nature of work (Hard Logic) Discretionary dependencies –Preferred logic or soft logic based on best practices External dependencies –Usually outside the team’s control

8 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-8 Applying Leads and Lags A lead allows an acceleration of the successor activity. Shown as a finish-to-start dependency A lag directs a delay in the successor activity. Shown as a start-to-start relationship. PS FS+5 P S SS+5

9 Quick Quiz “Define Activities” and “Sequence Activities” belong to which process group? A.Initiation B.Planning C.Monitoring and Controlling D.Closing PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-9

10 Quick Quiz The reason we build a network diagram during the Time Management Process is to A.Identify activities B.Help estimate time and resource C.Identify relationships between activities D.Verify WBS PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-10

11 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-11 Estimate Activity Resources Process of estimating type and quantities of resources Material Equipment People Closely linked to Estimate Cost Process Needs experience and industry knowledge for accurate estimates. Historic documents a key asset in this process

12 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-12 Estimating Activity Duration One-Point Estimate Estimator submits one estimate per activity Requires specialized knowledge and experience Analogous Estimating (Top-down) Expert judgment and historical information Less costly and time consuming but less accurate Parametric Estimating Regression analysis (scatter diagram) Learning curve

13 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-13 Estimate Activity Duration (Cont…) Heuristics - Rule of thumb Design work is always 15% of total project length Three-Point Estimates Pert Analysis uses three estimates to define an approximate range for an activity duration  Most likely t m, Optimistic t o, Pessimistic t p  t E = (t o +4t m +t p ) \ 6  Standard Deviation = (t p -t 0 ) \ 6  Activity Variance = [(t p -t 0 ) \ 6] 2

14 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-14 Reserve Analysis Discussed in Risk management chapter Contingency reserves  After risk planning  Also called time reserve or buffers Management reserves  Unforeseen risk

15 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-15 Develop Schedule Schedule Network Diagram DependenciesEstimates

16 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-16 Develop Schedule Questions

17 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-17 Drawing Network Diagrams Dig Foundations Float = 3 Days ES = Day 3EF = Day 8 LF = Day 11LS = Day 6 Duration = 5 days Source: Rita Example Exercises Page 200

18 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-18 Critical Path Example Start A B C D E End 3 6 44 5 03 0 4 0 5 39 48 9 9 F = LS – ES or LF - EF 9 4 330 551 How much float does a critical path have? Calculate paths and their durations.

19 Exam Tip Network diagrams are repeated between questions in the exam PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-19

20 Trick Question PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-20 A B C 6 20 ES = ?

21 Trick Question 2 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-21 F G D 10 2 LF = ?

22 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-22 Critical Path Method Critical Path – the longest path in the network diagram and the shortest time to complete the project, using the logical network Outcome : Forward pass calculations identify the early start (ES) and early finish (EF) dates Backward pass calculations identify the late start (LS) and late finish (LF) dates Can a critical path change? Can there be more than one critical paths? What is the impact of more than one critical paths?

23 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-23 Critical Path Method Benefits As the critical path is identified, additional risks may be identified, based on their position in the network Shows explicit relationship Co-ordinates “big picture” Lays out flow of work Encourages careful task analysis Facilitates fact based problem solving

24 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-24 Critical Path Considerations Near Critical Path  Has duration very close to Critical Path  Needs to be closely monitored  Can become Critical Path in certain circumstances  Why watch near critical paths? Float (Slack)  Total float – delay does not impact project/milestone  Free float – delay does not impact successor  Project float – delay does not impact external date

25 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-25 Schedule Compression Fast Tracking  Activities running in series are split to run parallel  Impacts? Crashing  Taking resources from non-critical path or from outside

26 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-26 Control Schedule “Process of monitoring the status of the project to update project progress and manage changes to the schedule baseline”  Performance reviews  Variance Analysis  Project management software  Resource leveling  What-if scenario analysis  Adjust leads and lags  Schedule compression

27 END OF CHAPTER QUIZ PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-27

28 Question 1 Activity A can start right away and takes 1 day B can start after A finishes and takes 2 days C can start after A finishes and takes 4 days D can start after B & C and takes 5 days E can start after D and takes 6 days F can start after C and takes 3 days G can start after E & F and takes 4 days Project finishes after G is completed What is the duration of the Critical Path? A.12 B.30 C.20 D.19 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-28

29 Question 2 It takes the least amount of time to use which estimation technique? A.One-Point B.Three-Point C.Parametric D.Peer review PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-29

30 Question 3 During execution phase an unforseen risk is encountered, what should the project manager do? A.Fast Track B.Crash resources from a non critical path activity C.Use Management Reserve D.Use Contingency Reserve PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-30

31 Question 4 Activity A can start right away and takes 1 day B can start after A finishes and takes 2 days C can start after A finishes and takes 4 days D can start after B & C and takes 5 days E can start after D and takes 6 days F can start after C and takes 3 days G can start after E & F and takes 4 days Project finishes after G is completed What is the duration of the Float of Activity E? A.8 B.0 C.1 D.2 PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-31

32 Question 5 During estimating an activity three estimates were given Optimistic = 2 days Most likely = 5 days Pessimistic = 8 days The calculated estimate for this activity is A.4 days B.6 days C.5 days D.9 days PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 and PMBOK are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc Inov8Solutions Inc – Quality Educational Services For Professionals 6-32

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