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Working with Jobcentre Plus and Contractors Derek Harvey External relations Manager Internal00 Month 2000 01.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Jobcentre Plus and Contractors Derek Harvey External relations Manager Internal00 Month 2000 01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Jobcentre Plus and Contractors Derek Harvey External relations Manager Internal00 Month 2000 01

2 Partnerships WHY LAs and JCP have collective and mutual aims to: - Enhance the into and in work offer to unemployed people - increase efficiency and reduce duplication - Reduce worklessness and child poverty - improve performance against mutual national targets

3 Partnerships Drivers -LAA/MAA National Indicators - Duties: To cooperate and have regard to LAA/MAA Childrens Trust White papers/Green papers/Reports - Local Economic Assessments/Work and Skills Plans - Labour Market/Economy

4 Partnerships Enablers - Local Employment Partnerships (LEPs) - JCP new provision (Flexible New Deal, ESF, Support Contract) - JCP new offers (Day One, Six Months, Young Persons Guarantee) - Flexibilities (full time work focused training) - Partnership Funding : (SFA, WNF, RRS, Section 106, LDA, etc) - Flexible JCP IT platform ie Lap Tops - Localism - Right to bid

5 JCP Offer Access to - Jobsearch advice and guidance (both at JCs and via out stationed advisers supported by IT) - Local Employment Partnerships (access to job vacancies) - Into work incentives ie Adviser Discretionary Fund, childcare costs, travel costs, - In work incentives ie Return to Work Credit, In Work Credit, Emergency Discretionary Fund, up front childcare costs, etc

6 JCP Offer - cont - Provision currently ESF, New Deals, Employment Zones, Pathways to Work, Support Contract, Flexible New Deal (from Oct 2010) - Six month and day one offers ie Volunteering, Self Employment, work experience, Work Trials, Internships, Jobsearch seminars (Professional and general), Work Focused Training and support whilst training (in some cases can be non JCP/LSC training and benefit can be protected to allow up to 8 weeks full time Mitie/LB Newham/Bovis) - Future Jobs Fund

7 MODELS: Local Brokerages – Newham Workplace Multi organisation partnership operating under a SLA, all partners work under Workplace banner - Newhams Olympic brokerage, signed up to LEP - Provides access to: jobs, in work and out of work incentives, training, housing/debt advice, Mayors Project, etc - JCP provides job search advice, access to JCP incentives and provision, access to vacancies via LMS and a Job point and management of front line services - Customers can access LBN section 106 training and participating organisations support ie housing advice, college training, etc - overseen by steering group comprising key partners, answerable to LAA worklessness thematic group/partnership.

8 MODELS: LA/Olympic Brokerages Skillsmatch (Tower Hamlets) - Tower Hamlets Olympic brokerage, signed up to LEP - Provides access to training, job vacancies, incentives and services provided under WNF, etc. - hub to satellite services operating in community/Local area partnerships - JCP provides jobsearch advice, access to incentives, provision and vacancies via LMS On- site (Hackney) - Hackneys Olympic brokerage, signed up to LEP - Delivered by provider under contract to LBH - Provides access to training, job vacancies, incentives and provider services. -JCP provides job brokerage, access to construction training and CSCS testing, registrations, JCP provision and incentives and access to vacancies via LMS.

9 MODELS: Adviser outstationing Advisers based in community and partner locations can offer: - Jobsearch advice and guidance, - Access to JCP provision, - Access to LSC provision - Access to non contracted partner provision, - Job vacancies, - Knowledge of and access to Incentives and other financial support, - Better off calculations Supported by own IT providing lap tops with LMS and can pay for broadband installation Current locations: -13 Children Centres (and rising) - Newham College (exploring access to others ie Hackney) - provider and non-contracted provider premises (MIND)

10 LB Hackney providers (Talent and RSLs) refer JCP customers they have encountered within neighbourhoods to JCP for: - ADF and other incentives and vice versa where their flexible fund can support our/non JCP customers - also refer IB/ESA customers to Pathways provider for bespoke support. -Tower Hamlets PCT/NHS refer IB/ESA customers nearing job readiness etc to Pathways - MODELS: access to JCP provision

11 - JCP advisers refer JSA customers with mild to moderate mental health issues to Improved Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) - JCP advisers refer drug/alcohol abusers to LA commissioned support (in partnership with Drug and Alcohol Teams), plus JCPs Progress to Work provision is open to partner referrals. - Integrated Employment and Skills (IES) allows for nextsteps advisers to be based on JCP locations to undertake Skills Health Assessments and to refer customers support at nextsteps sites. MODELS: JCP referring to partner provision

12 The economy and the expanding Welfare to Work agenda (mental health, carers, drug/alcohol abusers and YP/NEET) as well as future resourcing positions is providing greater impetus for partnership working to maximise efficiency and impact. We are committed to and want to work with partners to: - Introduce and adapt partnership working to meet mutually beneficial situations/requirements. - enhance customer offer augmenting the national core services with local support/provision - ensure people know of and how to access our services and products - Meet our, and helping partners achieve their, worklessness targets Summary

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