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Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 2 Issue.

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Presentation on theme: "Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 2 Issue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 2 Issue 1January 6, 2013 Well, 2012 is now history and we are embarking on a brand new year. What will 2013 bring to the church at Julington Creek? We pray that God will bless our work here to His honor and glory. I pray that we stay united in the faith once delivered (Jude 3), that our love deepens for one another, and that we will find others who want to serve the Lord with all their heart. As we ask God to bless our efforts, we must realize that each of us is needed to expend that effort in untiring service to the Lord and His church. But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love (Eph. 4:15-16). 2012 found us with elders serving the flock; 2013 finds us reverting to business meetings. We will do what we must to provide leadership and direction for this church; after all, it has been bought with the precious blood of Christ (Acts 20:28) and deserves only first-rate service from those privileged to be members. Last year we: Started a website. It is maintained by Travis Smith. We will add new features to it in 2013. We began a door-knocking work in our community. Let’s see that it continues in 2013. We lost several families due to work-related moves, or lack of spiritual strength in their lives. Let’s work and pray to find new families to add to our membership here. Men were brought to the Lord in the prison system; I have faith that more will come to Christ in 2013 through our continued efforts here. We experienced many serious illnesses among our members, but we have to remember to thank God for those who have been healed from beds of sickness. Let’s greet the new year with renewed enthusiasm and great faith! With God “all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26; Phil. 4:13).dlf

2 CONTACT US Julington Creek Church Of Christ 1630 State Road 13 N. St. Johns, FL 32259 Phone: 904-230-3332 Or, Denny Freeman @ 904-703-2277 Email: Website: GATHERING TIMES SUNDAY Bible Classes --------------- 9:30 AM Morning Worship --------- 10:30 AM Evening Worship ---------- 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY Bible Classes --------------- 7:00 PM We love visitors! C. V. Alexander – Confined to home. Eddie Goff – At Westminster. Darlene Jessup. Ina Putnal – Baptist South, room 801. _______________________________________________ Kathy Eikhoff - Cancer (in Denver). Sandra Evors continues to need our prayers. Karen Patterson – Her cousin in Ohio, Randy Blackaby, passed away at the age of 62. He was a gospel preacher. Prayers for the SICK WEDNESDAY NITE BIBLE CLASS: The Parables of Christ – Denny F. SUNDAY SERMONS: AM – Loving God’s Church Reading: Ephesians 5:25-27 PM – Our Enemy’s Lies (part 2) LADIES BIBLE CLASS: Thursday mornings at 10:30 at Ina Putnal’s. PowerPoint slides are available for viewing/download on church website. SUNDAY AM CLASS: Romans 9. Teacher: Steve McCain. CHILDREN’S CLASSES: Posted in the hallway. BIBLE CLASSES: QUOTEABLES Remember to pray for Bible studies that are being conducted in community homes and in the prisons. Also, Jim Pontal requested special prayer for those who serve in our nation’s military. I don't know why some people change churches; what difference does it make which one you stay home from? MEN’S MEETING: We would like to try to get the men together on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 on the 20 th of this month to discuss our work.

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