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Meningitec Teresa Davis 2011. Meningitec  Meningococcal Serogroup C Conjugate Vaccine  1 of 3 vaccines to protect against Neisseria meningitidis group.

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Presentation on theme: "Meningitec Teresa Davis 2011. Meningitec  Meningococcal Serogroup C Conjugate Vaccine  1 of 3 vaccines to protect against Neisseria meningitidis group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meningitec Teresa Davis 2011

2 Meningitec  Meningococcal Serogroup C Conjugate Vaccine  1 of 3 vaccines to protect against Neisseria meningitidis group C  Does not proctect against A B W Y

3 Active Ingredients  Each.5 ml dose contains 10ug of Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup C oligosaccharide conjugated to 15ug Diphtheriae carrier protein.  Aluminium phosphate  Sodium chloride  H2O

4 Presentation  Prefilled syringe – without a needle .5 ml  White suspension

5 Indications  For active immunisation from 6 weeks of age to prevent Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C  Not recommended in any elderly populations

6 Contradications  Hypersensitivity of any components of the vaccine  Any significant neurological s&s or allergic or anaphylactic reaction to prior dose of Meningitec  Severe febrile illness  Does not contain eggs or nuts

7 Precautions  Coagulation disorders – only because of the IM injection  Impaired immune responsive patients – may have a reduce antibody response to active immunisation  Not recommended for pregnant or lactating mothers lactating mothers

8 Interactions  Can be administered at the same time as -Oral Polio, Hep B, Hib, DTaP and DT whole cell Pertussis, PCV7 and MMR -Oral Polio, Hep B, Hib, DTaP and DT whole cell Pertussis, PCV7 and MMR  Lower levels of Meningococcal C antibodies have been reported with co-administration of Meningitec and aP  Spacing either simultaneously or at any time before or after

9 Storage  Keep in original packaging  Refrigerate between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius  If exposed to temps above 8 degrees Celsius for 48 hrs accumulatively – must be destroyed.  DO NOT freeze

10 Administration  Shake well before use  IM injection only  Anterolateral thigh in infants and deltoid in older children, adolescents and adults  NOT the gluteal area

11 Common (Mild) Adverse Reactions  Local reaction  Headache, dizziness and light-headedness  Aching muscles  Sleepiness or unsettled sleep  Feeling unwell  Unusual high- pitched cry  Reduced eating and drinking  D’s and V’s  Stomach cramps or pain  Dyspepsia  Fever

12 Very Rare Adverse Events  Swollen glands in neck, armpits or groin  HHE – hyptonic, hyporesponsive episode  Pins and needles  Petechiae or purpura  Loss of muscle tone  Decreased sensitivity to touch.

13 Ordering Ordering

14 FAX TO: Whangarei09-438-9681 Northland District Health Board (NDHB) Meningitec Vaccine Fax Order Form Account Name: Account No: Delivery Address: Date Required: Contact Name:Contact Phone: Special Delivery Instructions: Vaccine Description Proprietary name (manufacturer) of currently supplied vaccine No of doses per pfs Minimum quantity to order PRP CODE No of doses required Meningococcal Serogroup C Conjugate Vaccine.5mlMeningitec (Pfizer)1?1112045 Please note: If ordering in large volumes, it is recommended that you order the Meningitec vaccine in multiples of 70 doses as this will be the optimum quantity per chilly bin.

15  Authorised Vaccinator  Standing Orders  Perscription

16 September 29, 2011 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORISATION OF CURRENTLY AUTHORISED VACCINATORS FOR THE MENINGOCOCCAL C VACCINATION PROGRAMME VACCINATOR’S NAME: ……………………………………………..……………..……… WORK POSTAL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………. WORK PHONE NUMBER: ………………………………………………………………… Meningococcal C Immunisation Programme approved by the Medical Officer of Health, Northland District Health Board. Please provide the following:  A copy of your current non-medical vaccinator authorisation  Please note that vaccinators intending to vaccinate in community-based settings (outreach or offsite) will also need to attach a copy of their Northland DHB Clinical Audit for Community-based Vaccinators. 1.A copy of your current practicing certificate.  Evidence of indemnity insurance □ I have read the Meningitec® data sheet OR attended a Meningococcal C programme CNE session. Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Signed: ………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……/……/11

17 Out of the Programme Dosage  For infants less than 12 months - three doses at least 1 month apart - three doses at least 1 month apart - with a booster dose at or after 12 - with a booster dose at or after 12 months months  Very pre term babies – risk of apnoea – give and monitor

18 References  Consumer and Health Professional data sheets  Immunisation Handbook 2011  Med Division Pfizer Australia

19 Measles  Monday 3 Oct  200 confirmed cases of measles in the Auckland region since 30 May  0900 hour 10 confirmed cases reported between Friday 9 am and Monday 9 am  a further 8 suspected cases under investigation

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