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Acute bacterial meningitis in infants and children

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1 Acute bacterial meningitis in infants and children
Student: RAD LORENA EMILIA Coordinator: Dr. Grama Alina

2 What is bacterial meningitis?
Bacterial meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges associated with the invasion of bacteria into the subarachnoid space. The inflammatory process also affects the brain parenchyma and the ventricles. MEDICAL EMERGENCY !


4 Purpose of the study Number of cases
The most common meningeal pathogens Onset of bacterial meningitis Age group affected Days of hospitalization Survival rate

5 Methods Retrospective study on 19 patients
children diagnosed with acute bacterial meningitis and acute meningoencephalities Aged < 16 years Five year period Admitted to the Paediatrics Clinic (I) of Targu-Mures

6 Results: A total of 19 patients were identified in 5 years
There were 47% female and 53% male Diagnosis Number of cases Acute bacterial meningitis 9 (47%) Acute meningoencephalities 10 (53%)

7 Year distribution of bacterial meningitis

8 The age distribution of meningitis

9 Causative organisms The five years survival rate : 78,94% ( 15/19 children) 4 deaths ( 21,05%)

10 Onset of bacterial meningitis in infants
Results: Convulsions – 74% Refusing food, vomiting – 68% Fever – 58% Bulging fontanelle: 42% Drowsy, unresponsive – 37% Unusual cry – 26% Petechiae - 10% Hypothermia – 5%

11 Signs of meningeal irritation:
Neck stiffness : 5 cases Brudzinski`s and Kernig`s signs : 1 case In children are not specific

12 Diagnosis Lumbar puncture : results found in 16 cases

13 Lumbar puncture results
CSF CASES PERCENTAGE Pandy reaction + 10 53% Low glicorahy 6 31% High proteinorahy 7 37% Pleiocytosis 14 74% The CSF WBC count, glucose and protein concentrations remained abnormal for several days after initiating appropriate antibiotic therapy. In 1 case the lumbar puncture was delayed because of increased intracranial pressure, a major contraindication.

14 How many days of hospitalization for an acute bacterial meningitis?
Average 19,47 days Maximum 66 days Minimum 1 day

15 Complications and associated diseases
Anemia 13 (68%) Seizures 8 (42%) Sepsis 7 (37%) Acute deshidratation syndrom 4 (21%) Cerebral edema 2 (10%) Hypotonic syndrom Encephalopathy Ventriculomegaly 1 (5%) Meningococcemy

16 Conclusions The factors of organism, age group and year significantly affected incidence, but the sex did not. From 4 deaths, 2 were infected with MTB Age group affected mostly: < 3 months Although it does not affect a large number of infants and children, it kills or permanently damages at least 1/5 of those affected.

17 Thank you!

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