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MOUG & WorldCat Local Opportunities and Enhancement Recommendations for Music, 2008-2013 Rebecca Belford University at Buffalo MOUG.

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Presentation on theme: "MOUG & WorldCat Local Opportunities and Enhancement Recommendations for Music, 2008-2013 Rebecca Belford University at Buffalo MOUG."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOUG & WorldCat Local Opportunities and Enhancement Recommendations for Music, 2008-2013 Rebecca Belford University at Buffalo MOUG annual conference February 27, 2013, San Jose, California

2 OCLC MOUG EPIC launched1990 1991Review of EPIC FirstSearch launched1998“Final Report of the FirstSearch WorldCat Review Task Force” 2001“Evaluation of WorldCat Functionality in the New FirstSearch Interface” (M. Jenkins) Open WorldCat2004“WorldCat Enhancement Recommendations for Music” (T. Rudnick et. al., Reference Services Committee) …Revisions 2007“WorldCat Enhancement Recommendations” (Newsletter) WorldCat Local2008WorldCat Local discussion 2010WorldCat Local Enhancement Recommendations for Music (draft) (Reference Services Committee) …Updates/revisions New FirstSearch Advisory Group 2012WorldCat Local Enhancement Recommendations for Music (Newsletter) New FirstSearch beta testing2013MOUG 2013 2

3 3, accessed Feb. 18, 2013

4 FirstSearch, 1999 4, accessed Feb. 20, 2013

5 April 2008 February 2013 5

6 Search Results WorldCat Local (U. Delaware) 6

7 WorldCat Local Recommendations, 2010-2012, accessed Feb. 5, 2013 7

8 Themes Small focus, big impact Music matters FRBR user tasks Linking 8

9 Successes and progress 9

10 Display production, performer, and place/date notes [508, 511, 518$a] Before, ca. March 2010 Current, as of February 2013 10 Current:,, accessed Feb. 10, 2013

11 Production, performer, place/date notes [508, 511, 518$a],, accessed Feb. 5, 2013 11

12 Place/date note [518 $3 $o $d $p],, accessed Feb. 5, 2013 OCLC Connexion Client, record #823603021, date stamp 20130108100805.7 12

13 Restore cataloger-supplied contents notes when AllMusic contents are included Before, circa October 2010 Current, February 2013 AllMusic metadata no longer in use 13 Current:,, accessed Feb. 10, 2013

14 Display and link subject uniform titles (600, 630) Displayed and fully linked, titles bound to name …with some room for improvement 14,, accessed Feb. 11, 2013,, accessed Feb. 11, 2013

15 Recommendation: Include corporate name main entries in author facet 15 1102 Beatles (Musical group) AU@ $b eng $c AU@ 1102 Beatles (groupe) FRBML ǂb fre ǂc FRBML 1001 Beatles, The. NLGGC ǂe fobidrtb ǂb dut ǂc NLGGC 1102 Beatles (musikkgruppe) ǂ0 (NO- TrBIB)x02013512 SE4M6 ǂe katreg ǂb nob ǂc SE4M6 1000 The Beatles. AU@ ǂb eng ǂc AU@ 1102 The Beatles. NLGGC ǂe fobidrtb ǂb dut ǂc NLGGC 1001 The beatles, ǂe Musique. ZWZ ǂe ncafnor ǂb fre ǂc ZWZ 1102 Beatles (groupe : The)) FRMCM ǂb fre ǂc FRMCM 1102 Beatles (Grupo musical) BNM ǂe rdc ǂb spa ǂc BNM …with some room for improvement

16 Opportunities for improvement 16

17 Link Genre/Form Headings 17

18 FirstSearch enhancement requests, 2006 18

19 Display responsibility near title 19,, accessed Feb. 14, 2013 Current responsibility

20 Current FirstSearch title/responsibility 20 FirstSearch WorldCat, accession no. 260605591, accessed Feb. 14, 2013

21 Links on names link to correct entities WCL Product Team: large-scale undertaking to utilize VIAF to improve authority-related issues John Adams linkau:Adams, John, 21

22,, accessed Feb. 5, 2013 FirstSearch WorldCat, accession no. 16803012, accessed Feb. 5, 2013 22 Display all elements of field 240 (uniform/preferred title) FirstSearch

23 FirstSearch enhancement requests, 2006 23

24 Names in search results 24, accessed Feb. 13, 2013

25 Display analytic/added entry uniform titles (with authors) [with linking functionality] Before, ca. April 2009 Search term “Wachet auf” Current, as of February 2013 Search term “Wachet auf” 25 Current:,, accessed Feb. 14, 2013

26 26 Display analytic/added entry uniform titles (with authors) [with linking functionality] FirstSearch WorldCat, accession no. 30340365, accessed Feb. 14, 2013, accessed Feb. 15, 2013 Alternative Bound link Bound name-title link [100+240]

27 Editions and formats 27

28 Multiple icons Content/carrier mix 008/047 codes (form of composition) 28

29 Format facet changes, 2010-2013 circa March 2010 February 2013 29

30 “Editions and formats” All editions, limit by format option “Just this edition’’/ “any edition” toggle 30,, accessed Feb. 14, 2013

31 Personal top two Display conference names main entries (40742982) added entries(806025897) subjects (82537799) Display title/name-title added entries 31

32 WorldCat Local/ requests so far Format/content neutral Search on linked names lead to correct entity Allow users to see distinguishing features of common names Display [and link] conference names in headings Clarify editions and formats *Include corporate name main entries in author facet Display responsibility near title Include author added entries in author facet Link genre headings *Display and link title subject headings General functionality/navigation *Nested parenthetical search capability Next/Previous record navigation Enable multiple formats in advanced search Option to highlight search terms *Do not replace record information with third-party metadata Notable for music Fully display [and link] uniform titles and author-title pairs Display titles near authors (name-title added entries) Display musical presentation statement Notable for recordings/AV *Display production, performer, and place/date notes Display new MARC subfields in place/date note Explore options for use of content, media, and carrier fields (3xx-34x), and work and expression 3xx fields, particularly medium Explore offering more granular formats in facet, such as 78 rpm discs * = Visible in Local as of Feb. 2013 32

33 Credits MOUG References Services Committee members MOUG Board OCLC: Vince Wortman, Kem Lang, Matt Goldner, Mindy Pozenel, Cheryl Snowdon, WorldCat Local Product Team All involved with previous MOUG WorldCat recommendations, MLA automation requirements, previous WorldCat Local reviews and presentations MOUG, MLA, OLAC listserv readers for comments and suggestions MOUG members... and with apologies for unintentional omissions 33

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