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What’s New in Stormwater Requirements for Development Projects? Jill Bicknell, P.E. EOA, Inc. New Development Workshop May 22, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s New in Stormwater Requirements for Development Projects? Jill Bicknell, P.E. EOA, Inc. New Development Workshop May 22, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New in Stormwater Requirements for Development Projects? Jill Bicknell, P.E. EOA, Inc. New Development Workshop May 22, 2013

2 Outline of Presentation  C.3 Requirements Effective in FY 12-13  New Program Guidance and Tools  C.3 Requirements for FY 13-14 (Regional Submittals)  C.3 Issues for the Next Permit  Questions and Answers

3 The Year in Review  New Requirements Took Effect on December 1, 2012: Special Land Use and Road Requirements for Public Projects Low Impact Development (LID) Requirements for Public Projects Site Design Requirements for Small Projects and Single Family Home Projects  Discussions on the next Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) began!

4 Special Land Use Requirements  “Special land use categories”: Retail gasoline outlets Auto service facilities Restaurants Uncovered parking lots - stand alone or part of another use (includes top level of parking structure unless plumbed to sanitary sewer)  Projects in these categories that create and/or replace 5,000 sq. ft. or more of impervious surface must implement site design, source control, and treatment measures

5 Road and Trail Requirements  C.3 requirements apply to road and trail projects that create and/or replace 10,000 sq. ft. or more of contiguous impervious surface  New roads  Sidewalks and bike lanes built as part of new roads  Widening of existing roads with traffic lane(s)  Trails >10 ft wide or < 50 ft from creek bank

6 Road and Trail Projects NOT Regulated  Roadway reconstruction;  Road widening that does not add a travel lane;  Sidewalks and bike lanes along existing roads;  Impervious trails 50’ from creek;  Sidewalks, bike lanes and trails that drain to vegetated areas or made of permeable paving;  Routine maintenance and repair;  Pavement resurfacing within existing footprint.

7 LID Treatment Requirements  “LID treatment” is : Rainwater harvesting/reuse, Infiltration, Evapotranspiration, Or, if these are infeasible, biotreatment.  Feasibility analysis (using standard forms) is required for public and private projects

8 Effective Dates What if the project is already “in the pipeline”?  Projects in the review process are exempt from requirements for LID treatment, 5,000 sq.ft. threshold, and road/trail project applicability if: Public Projects – — If funding committed and construction scheduled to begin by December 1, 2012 Private Projects – — Deemed complete before 12/1/09 and project applicant is “diligently pursuing the project” — Deemed complete after 12/1/09 and project applicant receives final discretionary approval before 12/1/11

9 Site Design Requirements for Small and Single Family Home Projects  Provision C.3.i: Small projects > 2,500 sq. ft. and 2,500 sq. ft. must include one of six site design measures:  Direct roof runoff into cisterns or rain barrels;  Direct roof runoff onto vegetated areas;  Direct sidewalk & patio runoff onto vegetated areas;  Direct driveway & parking lot runoff onto vegetated areas;  Construct sidewalks & patios with permeable surfaces;  Construct bike lanes, driveways & parking lots with permeable surfaces

10  Brochures prepared by the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association: Landscape Designs for Stormwater Management Rain Gardens Rain Barrels and Cisterns Pervious Paving  Brochures available at: (click on “Municipalities”, “New Development”, “Flyers”) Site Design Guidance Brochures

11  Flyer: “New Stormwater Control Requirements for Projects that Create and/or Replace 2,500 to 10,000 Sq. Ft. of Impervious Surface”  C.3.i Stormwater Checklist for Small Projects  C.3 Regulated Projects Checklist  Flow Chart of C.3 / C.6 Stormwater Review Process  Hydraulic Sizing Method Worksheets  C.3 Stormwater Technical Guidance – major update in progress, to be completed end of June  Appendix L: Site Design Requirements for Small Projects – available online now Additional Program Guidance

12  No new requirements for development projects or individual agencies  BASMAA Regional Submittals  Green Streets Pilot Project Summary Report (due 9/15/13)  Status Report on Application of Feasibility/Infeasibility Criteria (due 12/1/13) C.3 Requirements for FY 13-14

13 Green Streets Report  Per C.3.b, Permittees required to: Construct 10 pilot green street/parking lot projects within Bay region by end of permit term Conduct monitoring or modeling to show water quality benefits achieved Report on any projects in their jurisdictions in annual reports Collectively submit a summary of all projects completed by January 1, 2013 as part of FY 12-13 Annual Report

14 Green Streets Report  Ten projects will be substantially completed by 12/1/14 and seven other projects are being funded/designed  SMCWPPP Projects: Donnelly Ave, BurlingameBransten Rd, San Carlos

15 Green Streets Report  Schedule for Completion: Draft report to BASMAA Development Committee – late May 2013 DC reps share with local programs – June/July Revised draft to BASMAA DC - August Final draft to SMCWPPP for approval – August Final report to BASMAA for approval and submittal to Water Board – late August Due date – 9/15/13

16 Feasibility Status Report  Low impact development (LID) treatment defined as rainwater harvesting/use, infiltration, or evapotranspiration, or if those are infeasible, biotreatment  BASMAA Feasibility Criteria Report submitted to Water Board on 12/1/2010  Beginning 12/1/2011 (12/1/2012 for public projects) – 100% LID treatment required

17 Feasibility Status Report  Permittees must submit Status Report to Water Board by 12/1/13 containing: Most common feasibility criteria used Barriers/constraints to harvesting/use and infiltration, and strategies to address Proposed changes to feasibility criteria Guidance to Permittees for use

18 Feasibility Status Report  Progress to date: BASMAA developing report via in-kind contributions from SMCWPPP, SCVURPPP and CCCWP and consultant help Data collection completed for FY 11-12 approved projects; FY 12-13 data to be collected in Fall 2013 Additional modeling studies being conducted on infiltration capacity of bioretention systems in various soil types Report sections being drafted

19 Feasibility Status Report  Schedule for Completion: Draft report to BASMAA Development Committee – late June DC reps share with local programs – July/Aug Revised draft to BASMAA DC - September Final draft to SMCWPPP for approval – October/November Final report to BASMAA for approval and submittal to Water Board – late November Due date – December 1, 2013

20 C.3 Topics for MRP Reissuance- Water Board Issues  Regulated project threshold – drop to 5,000 sf of impervious surface  Road reconstruction/green street requirements – changes?  Special Projects – change to criteria? (based on review of reports)  Pervious paving – better define design and maintenance requirements

21 C.3 Topics for MRP Reissuance- Water Board Issues, cont.  Bioretention – add details regarding design, soils, plant health/irrigation  Hydromodification management criteria consistent criteria throughout region  BMP installation inspections Conduct during construction, integrate into building/occupancy approvals Take enforcement action if improper installation

22 Questions? Jill Bicknell, P.E. 408-720-8811 x1

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