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HAPPY FRIDAY Bellwork: Compare and Contrast Carbohydrates vs Lipids CarbohydratesLipids.

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Presentation on theme: "HAPPY FRIDAY Bellwork: Compare and Contrast Carbohydrates vs Lipids CarbohydratesLipids."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAPPY FRIDAY Bellwork: Compare and Contrast Carbohydrates vs Lipids CarbohydratesLipids

2 REMINDERS I.A.N. Check TODAY – Leave it in the drawer by 7 th Period. Notecards DUE TODAY – have them out. Buff Binder Check on Wednesday Next week is the last week of the 1 st -Six Weeks. Make-Up Assignment

3 Project Re-do 3D Cell Model - Highest Possible Grade 70 Make a Cell–Using household items make a three-dimensional model of a plant or animal cell that meets the criteria listed below. (Sample items: cereal, balloons, gummi worms, mints, fruit slices, dried fruit, matches, gum balls, peanuts, rope licorice, jelly beans, sesame seeds, other candies, toothpicks. Craft packages also may work: clay, beads, pipecleaners..etc) Choose what type of cell you will build, a typical PLANT or ANIMAL cell. Include this label somewhere on your model. Include 10 organelles listed from your textbook/notes. Create a KEY or label in some way each part on your model and its function.

4 The Cell: 3D Model Rubric

5 Essential Question: What are the differences between a carbohydrate and a lipid?

6 H


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