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Revolutionary War part 2 Mr.. Langford’s class. Overview 4 Declaration of Independence 4 Turning point of the war 4 Help arrives 4 The last stand 4 What’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Revolutionary War part 2 Mr.. Langford’s class. Overview 4 Declaration of Independence 4 Turning point of the war 4 Help arrives 4 The last stand 4 What’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolutionary War part 2 Mr.. Langford’s class

2 Overview 4 Declaration of Independence 4 Turning point of the war 4 Help arrives 4 The last stand 4 What’s next?

3 Declaration of Independence 4 When was is ratified? 4 Who wrote? 4 What does it say? 4 Who would receive the document?

4 The response 4 King George receives the declaration 4 What is his reaction? 4 King George hires mercenaries 4 Hessians 4 Sends them where?

5 Battle for New York City 4 King George sends Hessians to Gen.. Howe 4 Howe moves to take New York 4 Many ships in harbor--looked a like forest 4 Over 8,000 Hessians move in 4 New York City falls

6 New Jersey Victories 4 Christmas of 1776 4 Washington crosses Delaware 4 Catches Hessians off guard 4 Over 1,000 dead or captured 4 Patriots gain supplies 4 March towards Princeton 4 Take Princeton

7 Battle of Princeton

8 Significance? 4 Take much needed supplies 4 Prove that the Hessians could be beat 4 Gain more support for the war effort 4 Men began to re-enlist 4 New recruits

9 Battle in the Mohawk Valley 4 Gen.. Arnold had an alliance with N.A. 4 Had N.A. go ahead and warn Brits of a large army advancing 4 Brits leave quickly--leave everything 4 Bonus for Patriots to gain more supplies 4 Mohawk N.A. side with loyalist and help fight against Patriots 4 Why?

10 Saratoga 4 Burgoyne needed more troops and supplies 4 Forced to make a critical decision 4 Tried to raid Bennington--failed 4 Gates and Arnold attack for several days 4 Burgoyne is surrounded and forced to surrender--6,000 troops 4 North is now secure

11 Why was it a turning point? 4 North is secure 4 France decides to join the fight 4 Gives valuable weapons and money 4 Spain joins and defeats British in the Mississippi Valley and Florida 4 South becomes secure

12 Valley Forge 4 Winter of 1777-1778 4 Horrible winter and thousands deserted 4 Several leaders emerged to help 4 Lafayette 4 Baron de Kalb 4 Baron von Steuben

13 Valley Forge

14 Baron Von Steuben 4 Trained soldiers 4 Knew European techniques 4 Taught troops to successfully use bayonets 4 Within one month troops were able to execute all drills 4 In Philly, troops engaged Brits and proved they could fight the best (Euro style)

15 War on the Frontier 4 George Rogers Clark 4 Took troops down Ohio to Kaskaskia 4 Took the fort with resistance 4 Moved to Vincennes and took the fort 4 Lost fort in the winter 4 Reclaimed the fort and most the Ohio river valley area as well as OH, IN, IL

16 War on the High Seas 4 John Paul Jones 4 Navy consisted of “Privateers” 4 British controlled the seas b/c of blockade 4 Hit and run tactics 4 Serpais v Bonhomme Richard --British ship against Jones--”I have not yet begun to fight”

17 Battle in the South 4 Many loyalist helped the British 4 Slaves served as guides b/c of promised freedom--many were resold in West Indies 4 British capture Savannah--all of GA falls 4 1780 Charleston falls--nearly all of patriot forces are captured

18 Swamp Fox 4 Francis Marion 4 Led a small group men to help patriots 4 Knew the swamps of the area and used these swamps to his advantage 4 Guerilla Warfare

19 Swamp Fox

20 Nathanael Greene 4 A former Quaker--expelled from the religion 4 Sent to aid the southern fight 4 Won the help of Cherokee 4 Used his hit and run tactics to avoid large battles 4 Won the south

21 Battle of Yorktown 4 Yorktown along the Chesapeake 4 British opposition to the war grew 4 Most of the in Virginia 4 Base camp for British 4 Gen. Cormwallis

22 Yorktown 4 Washington in New York 4 Rochambeau in Rhode Island 4 French fleet in the West Indies 4 Washington/ Rochambeau march towards Yorktown 4 French Fleet sails for Chesapeake

23 Yorktown 4 Washington and Rochambeau surround the British from the west allowing only one way out--by sea 4 French Fleet arrive and push back British fleet 4 Cornwallis forced to surrender 4 8,000 troops surrender

24 Patriots Win 4 Why did they win? 4 What were some crucial points? 4 Who deserves the credit? 4 What also played an important role for independence?

25 Treaty of Paris 1783 4 The United States was independent 4 Boundaries est..--what were they? 4 Fishing rights 4 Each side would repay debts owed 4 British would return slaves 4 Congress would recommend that property taken from loyalist be returned

26 The New U.S.

27 Summary 4 Declaration of Independence 4 New hope 4 Turning point of the war 4 Yorktown 4 Treaty of Paris

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