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1 Translation invariant and positive homogeneous risk measures and portfolio management Zinoviy Landsman Department of Statistics, University of Haifa,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Translation invariant and positive homogeneous risk measures and portfolio management Zinoviy Landsman Department of Statistics, University of Haifa,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Translation invariant and positive homogeneous risk measures and portfolio management Zinoviy Landsman Department of Statistics, University of Haifa, E-mail: IME 2007

2 2 -It is wide-spread opinion the use of any positive homogeneous and translation invariant risk measure reduces to the same portfolio management as mean-variance risk measure does, which is equivalent to Markowitz portfolio -We show that generally speaking it is not true, because these measures reduce to a different optimization problem.

3 3 -We provide the explicit closed form solution of this problem -The results will be demonstrated with the data of stocks from NASDAQ/Computer.

4 4 Translation invariant and positive homogeneous risk measures

5 5 Examples Tail VaR, Tail conditional expectation (TCE), Conditional VaR (CVaR) BASEL II VaR Expected Short Fall

6 6 Panjer (2002 ( Landsman and Valdez (2003, 2005( H¨urlimann (2001)

7 7 Distorted risk measures Coherent risk measures STD-premium Denneberg (1994) and Wang (1996) Artzner, Delbean, Eber, and Heath (1999)

8 8 Furman and L (2006)

9 9 Portfolio management

10 10 Translation invariant and positive homogeneous risk measure reduces to minimization of linear plus root of quadratic functional Any translation invariant and positive homogeneous risk measure

11 11 Classical mean - variance optimization subject to Exact solution (see Boyle (1998)) linear + quadratic functional

12 12 Minimization of linear plus root of quadratic functional We found the explicit closed form solution for minimization problem under system of equality constraints (Landsman(2007))

13 13 The special case for only one constraint m=1

14 14 Define matrix Lemma Theorem 1. Landsman (2007). If

15 15 the minimization problem has the finite exact solution. Value-at-Risk and Expected Short Fall 3

16 16 Theorem 2 If VaR-optimal portfolio solution is finite, the (ES, TSDP )-optimal portfolio solutions are automatically finite Consider a portfolio of 10 stocks from NASDAQ/Computers

17 17

18 18 The loss on the portfolio From Theorem 1: Lower bound for solution

19 19 VaR optimal portfolio finite ES optimal portfolio finite

20 20

21 21 Including risk less asset

22 22 Elliptical family density generator

23 23 Property guarantees

24 24 Multivariate Generalized t-distribution (GST)

25 25 Figure 1. Lower boundary of VaR and ES q- probability level for GST.

26 26 4. Closeness between VaR and ES optimal portfolios Figure 2. VaR and ES optimal portfolios for Norm.

27 27 Distance between portfolios Denote

28 28 Theorem 3

29 29

30 30 Figure 3. Distance and it's approximation; GST with power parameter p=1.6

31 31 Figure 4. Changing distance with increasing of power parameter p of GST

32 32 Conclusion -Problem of minimization of translation invariant and positive homogeneous risk measures has exact close form solution -This solution can be easy realized and used for analyzing the influence of parameters of underlying distribution on the portfolio selecting

33 33 -The solution is different with that of mean-variance except the case when the portfolio’s expected mean is certain

34 34 References Boyle, P.P, Cox, S.H,...[et. al]. Financial Economics: With Applications to Investments, Insurance and Pensions, Actuarial Foundation, Schaumburg (1998) Landsman, Z. (2007). Minimization of the root of a quadratic functional under an affine equality constraint. Journal of Computational and Applied Math. To appear Landsman, Z. (2007). Minimization of the root of a quadratic functional under a system equality constraint with application in portfolio management, EURANDOM, report 2007-012

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