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1 USS CORONADO (LCS-4) CDR John Kochendorfer Commanding Officer Blue Crew.

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Presentation on theme: "1 USS CORONADO (LCS-4) CDR John Kochendorfer Commanding Officer Blue Crew."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 USS CORONADO (LCS-4) CDR John Kochendorfer Commanding Officer Blue Crew

2 2  1600 ton displacement  306’ length  37’ beam  4 MPDE’s = 12k SHP  21 knots  8 Officers  201 Enlisted Keel Laid: 30 APR 43 Launched: 15 JUL 43 Commissioned: 29 OCT 43 Decomm’d: 13 JUN 46 Recomm’d: 18 FEB 55 Decomm’d II: 17 OCT 69

3 3 CORONADO is an LCS… Most radical ship concept in modern history. 3rd ship to bear the name “CORONADO” LCS = Littoral Combat Ship Innovative use of Technology - Minimum Manning - Hybrid Sailors fulfill multiple roles - Training and Qualification ashore - Multi-Crewing allows ship to stay deployed longer Operational Flexibility - Interchangeable Mission Packages - High Speed, Highly Agile, Shallow Draft - “3-2-1” Concept Keel Laid: 17 DEC 2009 Launched: 14 JAN 2012 Commissioned: 5 APR 2014?

4 4 Two Classes of Littoral Combat Ship Two Classes of Littoral Combat Ship

5 5 Anticipated LCS Operations Counter Drug Ops GWOT Establish Regional Partnerships Enhance Hemispheric Stability and Security Counter Drug Ops GWOT Establish Regional Partnerships Enhance Hemispheric Stability and Security Gulf of Guinea - Sub-Saharan Navy Cooperation HOA - Counter Terrorism - Counter Piracy Persian Gulf - Counter Terrorism - Regional Engagement - Oil Platform Protection Gulf of Guinea - Sub-Saharan Navy Cooperation HOA - Counter Terrorism - Counter Piracy Persian Gulf - Counter Terrorism - Regional Engagement - Oil Platform Protection Other Missions Maritime Security Ops Mobility/Logistics SPECOPS NEO HA/DR Other Missions Maritime Security Ops Mobility/Logistics SPECOPS NEO HA/DR Southern Philippines - Counter Terrorism Establish Regional Partnerships Enhance Hemispheric Stability and Security Southern Philippines - Counter Terrorism Establish Regional Partnerships Enhance Hemispheric Stability and Security

6 6 What LCS is not... 1-for-1replacement for FFG, MCM, PC Meant to go head-to-head against adversary capital ships

7 7 CORONADO Specifications Sprint Speed (full load): 40+ kts Cruise Range (full load): 4300 NM @ 20 kts Sprint Range (full load): 1942 NM @ 46 kts Hangar for 2 MH-60 & 3 VTUAV Retractable Azi Thruster 4 x Diesel Generators Modular Mission Capacity: 210 MT Core Crew: 40 Accommodations: 78 (plus 22 surge) Aviation: 2 MH-60, 3 VTUAV A/C Launch/Recover: Sea State 5 W/C Launch/Recover: Sea State 4 Propulsion: Gas Turbine/Diesel/Waterjet Hull Design: Aluminum Trimaran Length Overall: 416.7 ft Beam: 99.7 ft Draft: 14.8 ft Displacement: 2,675 MT Fred Olsen Express

8 8 LCS Sizing Comparison to DDG 51 General Dynamics LCS Trimaran LOA 419’ General Dynamics LCS Trimaran LOA 419’ DDG 51 Monohull LOA 510’ DDG 51 Monohull LOA 510’ LCS – Less Than 1/3 Displacement of DDG 51

9 9 Primary Ship Laydown

10 10 Aviation Capability Comparison 12.5 m 11.0 m 4.2 m 4.6 m 8.5 m CGFFGDDG GD LCS LPD FFG DDG LCS CG Flight Deck is the size of 2.5 NBA-sized basketball Courts.

11 11 Flight Deck

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17 17 Mission Packages 1.Provide LCS its punch and extends the battlespace 2.Designed for MIW, SUW, USW 3.Cutting edge technologies 4.Mission Package = Mission Module + Aviation Det 5.Unmanned vehicles designed into every Mission Package 6.Mission Packages can swap out in <48 hours just about anywhere in the world

18 18 Revolutionizing the Surface Navy The crew of USS CORONADO is forging the future of the surface fleet. “We are not different……but we are.” LCS breaks the mold in nearly every aspect. Manning & Crewing Training & Certifying

19 19 Minimum manning – 40 core crew, 12-15 mission package, 23-man composite (Helo, VTUAV) AVDET – Crews are operators, not maintainers – most other duties done ashore – Highly-trained hybrid Sailors perform multiple functions – Stringent detailing requirements support multi-crewing & training – Unplanned losses must be quickly filled 1.Multi-crewing – Currently Blue/Gold (2 crews per ships) – Ultimately 3:2:1 (3 crews per 2 ships to keep 1 deployed) – Increased hull usage (On station time up 33%) – 4 month crew rotations to mitigate fatigue – Off-hull core & MP crews located at LCSRON – Train to Qualify – Train to Certify Manning, Crewing, Training

20 20 Bridge / Pilot House Revolutionizing ship driving…

21 21 The “Face of” USS CORONADO  10 Officers  16 CPOs  11 E-6  5 E-5  6 Females

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23 23 Questions?

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