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Laser slotting of silicon for inkjet printer heads Chin-Ting Lin Institute of Mechanical Engineering Date ﹕ 2011/05/30 Paper Survey Tuan Anh Maia, Delphine.

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Presentation on theme: "Laser slotting of silicon for inkjet printer heads Chin-Ting Lin Institute of Mechanical Engineering Date ﹕ 2011/05/30 Paper Survey Tuan Anh Maia, Delphine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laser slotting of silicon for inkjet printer heads Chin-Ting Lin Institute of Mechanical Engineering Date ﹕ 2011/05/30 Paper Survey Tuan Anh Maia, Delphine Perrottet*a, Max Wikia and Bernold Richerzhagena aSynova SA, Ch. de la Dent-d’Oche, CH-1024 Ecublens, Switzerland

2 2 Outlin e  Introduction  Conventional manufacturing procsses  Water-jet-guided laser  Damage-free laser slotting  Conclusion

3 Introduction Figure 1: Basic principle of a inkjet-printer head. Thermal Bubble Jet Technology

4 Conventional Manufacturing Procsses  Sandblasting Narrow slots below 150 microns.  Etching Slow and expensive Require masks.

5 Water-jet-guided Laser Figure 2: Basic principle of the water-jet-guided laser technology

6 Damage-free Laser Slotting Figure 3: Slot end (broken after cutting) Nd:YAG laser Wavelength 532 nm Cutting speed: 1.2 mm/s Nozzle:100um 675um

7 Figure 5: Chip backside, free of chipping Damage-free Laser Slotting Nd:YAG laser Wavelength 532 nm Cutting speed: 1.2 mm/s Nozzle:30um

8 Damage-free Laser Slotting Figure 4: Race track Nd:YAG laser Wavelength 532 nm Cutting speed: 1.2 mm/s Nozzle:30um

9 Figure 6: Slot exit side Damage-free Laser Slotting Nd:YAG laser Wavelength 532 nm Cutting speed: 5 mm/s Nozzle:30um

10 Conclusion The water-jet-guided laser technology has proved its capabilities of matching the requirements of silicon slotting for inkjet-printer heads. After a short phase of parameter optimization, the required quality and speed were not only reached but also surpassed. The produced slots are free of any length or depth limitations and the quality remains constant over time.

11 Thanks For Your Attention!!!

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