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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Earth Science Magnetism Habitats Heat Adaptations of Living Things.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Earth Science Magnetism Habitats Heat Adaptations of Living Things."— Presentation transcript:



3 With Host... Your

4 100 200 300 400 500 Earth Science Magnetism Habitats Heat Adaptations of Living Things

5 Layer of soil in which plants grow best A 100

6 What is topsoil? A 100

7 Water passes easily through this type of soil A 200

8 What is sand? A 200

9 A 300 When an ancient shellfish died, its remains were buried in the mud. Over time mud filled in all the spaces around the shell. The shell then broke down, and the mud hardened. This type of fossil formed.

10 A 300 What is mold?

11 The slow breaking apart or wearing away of rock into smaller pieces. A 400

12 What is weathering? A 400

13 Angie pour water on a mound of sand. She is modeling _______________. A 500

14 What is erosion? A 500

15 A magnet will do this to a metal paper clip. B 100

16 What is attract? B 100

17 This rock is naturally magnetic. B 200 granite, loadstone, limestone, sandstone

18 What is lodestone? B 200

19 This magnet keeps its magnetism for a long period of time. B 300

20 What is a permanent magnet? B 300

21 Sally places the north pole of a bar magnet near the unmarked pole of another magnet. The magnets repel each other. She can conclude that the unmarked pole is ______________. B 400

22 What is the unmarked pole is the north pole? B 400

23 A piece of loadstone can be used as a compass needle because ___________. B 500

24 What is the same end of loadstone will always point north? B 500

25 You will find more bear in this Georgia habitat. C 100

26 What are the mountains? C 100

27 This habitat covers most of the north central part of the state. C 200

28 What is the piedmont? C 200

29 A sandy strip of land offshore that protects the mainland. C 300

30 What is a barrier island? C 300


32 The habitat where you will MOST LIKELY find sea oats. C 400

33 What is the coast? C 400

34 A wetland in which mostly trees and other woody plants grow. C 500

35 What is a swamp? C 500

36 This material heats up the MOST when the sun goes down. D 100 white flag, black rock, mirror

37 What is black rock? D 100

38 On a sunny day, the warming of an animal by the sun is an example of __________. D 200

39 What is radiation? D 200

40 Oven mitts are an example of this. Heat can not pass through them easily. D 300

41 What is an insulator? D 300

42 The movement of heat within a solid or from one solid to another. D 400

43 What is conduction? D 400

44 The sun warms air near the ground. The air expands and rises. Cooler air moves in and takes its place. This process repeats and air moves in a circular path. D 500

45 What is convection? D 500

46 This would make the BEST model for the beak of a bird that eats seeds from the ground. E 100 toothpicks, tweezers, a strainer

47 What are tweezers? E 100

48 A body part or behavior that helps a living thing survive in its environment. E 200

49 What is an adaptation? E 200

50 A moth has a wing pattern that looks like an owl’s eye. The purpose of this adaptation is to ___________. E 300

51 What is scare away predators? E 300

52 E 400 This feature of a rose helps it grow without being eaten by large animals.

53 What are thorns? E 400

54 E 500 An animal has webbed feet. Its eyes, ears, and nose are on top of its head. You can infer that this animal lives in a(n) environment.

55 What is aquatic (water)? E 500

56 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Soil Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

57 Put these in order from largest to smallest grain. Click on screen to continue clay, sand, silt

58 What is sand, silt, and clay? Click on screen to continue

59 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

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