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Presentation on theme: "FILLING OF FORMS IN MUZIMA – BY ROBAI KISIA. WHAT IS A FORM DEFINATION OF A FORM DEFINATION OF A FORM A Form is a window or screen that contains A Form."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS A FORM DEFINATION OF A FORM DEFINATION OF A FORM A Form is a window or screen that contains A Form is a window or screen that contains numerous fields, or spaces to enter data. Each field holds a field label so that users who views the forms gets an idea of its contents. Example Of Forms

3 Registration Form Basic Registration Form that is used to Register New Clients.

4 Lark Linkage Form Form that is used to Link patients to various Health centre's.

5 Papsmear Form v 0.01 This form is used capture data of Cervical Cancer Clients.

6 Dispensary Form This form is filled for Diabetic / Hypertensive Patients.

7 Teleconsultation Forms,  Teleconsultation is a technology that allows patients or clinicians to communicate with remote clinicians through a video conference link. These conversations include sharing diagnostic and other data such as health records.

8 Advantages of Teleconsultation Forms 1.Facilitating rapid consultation. 2.Overcoming challenges of distance. 3.Reducing unnecessary travel. 4.Accessing managed clinical networks. 5.Delivering education and training for staff and the citizen

9 Teleconsultation Form is employed; 1. Eliminate time and distance. 2. Making specialists more widely available and accessible. 3. Increasing collaboration and Learning. 4. Reducing health inequalities 5. Teleconsulting to multiple users in common location.

10 Devices Used By mUzima Projects 1.Google-Nexus 7 Tab Android For Good Android For Good 2.CDM-(Chronic Disease Management) Huawei Y210 Smart Phones and Ideos Tabs 3.LARK-(Linkage and Retention to Hypertension Care in Kenya) Huawei Y210 Smart Phones. 4.OncologySamsung Gal 2 Tab

11 TYPES OF FORMS USED IN mUzima 1. Basic Registration Form 2.Oncology -Breast Cancer, Dysplasia, Histopathlogy, Pap Smear, Via forms 3.LARK -Consent, Costing, BA Tools Form 4.CDM -CDM Chew, Dispensary, Chw forms 5.TELECONSULATATION FORM

12 SCOPE OF FILLING A FORMS 1. Basic Registration Form This is filled by either Research Assistant, Nurses or CHW’s when a new Client visits the facility for the first time. the first time. 2.Oncology This is filled by Nurses and assisted by Research Assistants. 3. CDM Forms Dispensary form is filled by Clinicians and Chw is filled by Community Health Workers. 4. Lark Forms Consent and Costing forms is filled by Research Assistant while BA tools is filled by CHW’s.

13 FILLING OF FORMS Filling of forms is either done to a new or existing clients; (a) New Client This is done by filling basic registration form. Search the client to make sure he does not exist in Search the client to make sure he does not exist in the database. the database. (b) Existing Client This is done during return visit of the client. You search client from list of clients and select appropriate form for filling.

14 Existing Client 1 Tap Client on mUzima Dashboard 2. A list of Clients will Appear, chose a client you want to fill a form

15 4. Choose the form you want e.g. CDM Hypertensi on Return Visit Form 3. On Client Summary tap on forms

16 New Client Register New Client button 1.On Client on dashboard tap registration button 2.You will asked if patient exists tap no

17 3.You will taken to registration form

18 FILLING OF A FORM Factors to be considered when filling a form; (i) Use the correct identifier to search existing patient i.e. AMRS Medical Record No, Old Ampath Medical Record number e.t.c. (ii)When registering new client make sure you capture accurate identifier e.g. Amrs has ten digits if you miss one digit the form will not be submitted e.g. 904004374-6 (iii)Choose correct form for filling. (iv)Capture all information required. (v)You can either fill a form when you are online or offline.

19 (vi)Don’t clear data when you have unsynced forms in your device because this will lead to loss of important data. (vii)When registering new patient search for the patient make sure the client does not exist in the system to avoid double registration.

20 Process of Clearing Data 2. Tap Applications 1. Go to “Settings”

21 3. Tap Manage Applications 4. mUzima Icon will appear

22 5.Tap on mUzima then “ Clear Data “ will appear 6. Delete Icon will appear choose “ok” to delete and “ Cancel” not to delete

23 GROUP WORK FILLING OF FORMS (a) Basic registration form (b) Oncology Forms (c )CDM Forms (d) Lark Forms * Team to fill the above forms, and how to feel a form as Incomplete (draft) and Complete. * Team to fill the above forms, and how to feel a form as Incomplete (draft) and Complete.

24 SAVING A FORM AS COMPLETE OR INCOMPLETE (a)COMPLETE FORM A form is saved as complete when the user is satisfied he/she has answered all the information and the form is ready for submission. (b)INCOMPLETE FORM ( DRAFT) A form is saved as incomplete when all the Information has not been captured or when the user is working offline. The user has to finish capturering all the information before saving the form from incomplete to complete so as to submit the form, or when he/ she changes from offline to online Mode.

25 Complete and Incomplete Buttons For Uncompleted form Tap “ Draft “ Button For Completed Form Tap the “ Save” Button Draft Button Save Button

26 Save Buttons on top and below registration form Both sets of Save Button do the same function. Clicking on “DRAFT” at the top or “SAVE AS DRAFT” at the bottom will save the form for later editing, while clicking on “SAVE” or “SAVE AS COMPLETE” will submit the form for processing.

27 Saving a Form as Complete or Draft Saving a Complete Form Saving a Draft Form

28 Forms Stored under Complete / Incomplete Form Data When you press the “Save” Button the form will stored under Complete Data Form When you press the “Draft “ button the form will be saved under Incomplete Form Data

29 Appearance of Complete / Incomplete Form Data Dashboard Both Complete and Complete form Data shows 1.Name of the Client 2. Identifier. 3. Type of form Filled. 4.Date and Time when the form was filled

30 UPLOADING OF FORMS  A Form is uploaded when its saved as complete. After filling a form the user saves it as complete.  Before uploading forms make sure you are online otherwise the form will not be synced.  There are two ways of uploading forms;

31 (i) Using Upload Button After completing a form, save it as complete then press “Upload Button” Forms will be synced to the server. The form will disappear form the device once its synced. Upload Button

32 (ii) Using Real Time Sync On mUzima settings enable real time synchronization of completed forms. This will enable automatic synchronization of forms.

33 Upload of Form Data Toast indicating form has been uploaded successfully to the server Form upload has failed due to connecti on error

34 Exception Error “Exception has been thrown while uploading data" This indicates the form has not been synced to the server due to connectivity issues.

35 EDITING OF FORMS  A Form can only be edited when its saved as incomplete ( draft)  Once a form has been saved as complete the user cannot edit the form.  Forms can only be edited from the server, which is only done by System Admin, in future it will be done by Data Managers.

36 STORAGE OF FORMS Forms are stored in the server in a folder called HTML. HOW TO VIEW UPLOADED FORMS You are only able to view uploaded forms when they are synced back to the device.

37 Opening a Complete Form  You can open a complete form but you are not able to edit it

38 COMMON ERRORS WHEN FILLING A FORM (I.) Double entries whereby two patients can be created with the same identifier. (ii)Wrong from filled to a client. (iii)Wrong Return to Clinic (RTC) dates (iv)Login Error- When you login you get an error “Authenticating has failed” (v)While uploading form data sometimes we get error message “ Exception has been thrown while uploading data” (vi)When saving a complete form, it refuses forcing you to save as draft which ends up losing data in few fields If you don’t fill “Mandatory Fields” form will not be submitted. (vii)When you put wrong parameters during filling of a form it will flag the form hence it cannot be submitted. (viii)You cannot upload data when the Wi –fi or Data Bundles is off.

39 Examples of Errors This is due to connectivity When you login using wrong password When you don’t fill all the “ Mandatory Fields marked with asterisks.

40 +*/.,b THANKS TEAM


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