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Cold War: Superpowers Face Off Macdonald World History.

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1 Cold War: Superpowers Face Off Macdonald World History

2 Allies Become Enemies US & Soviets fought together in WWII against Axis US & Soviets fought together in WWII against Axis Even before war, though, had issues: Even before war, though, had issues: –US upset that Stalin signed non-aggression pact w/ Germany –Soviets blamed Allies for not invading Europe earlier

3 Allies Become Enemies Towards end of WWII, US, Britain and Soviet Union met in Yalta: Towards end of WWII, US, Britain and Soviet Union met in Yalta: 1. Agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation after they won 2. Germany would have to pay Soviet Union for loss of life and property during war 3. Stalin would help Allies in Pacific against Japan 4. Stalin would allow free elections in Eastern Europe

4 Allies Become Nations 1948 US and Soviets put aside differences & joined 48 other nations in forming United Nations 1948 US and Soviets put aside differences & joined 48 other nations in forming United Nations Int’l organization to protect members against aggression Int’l organization to protect members against aggression Replaced League of Nations Replaced League of Nations

5 Soviet vs. US Goals USSoviets * Spread democracy * Spread communism * Get raw materials to build economy * Rebuild economy using equipment from Eastern Europe * Rebuild Europe for stability * Control Eastern Europe for protection * Reunite Germany * Keep Germany divided

6 Eastern Europe’s Iron Curtain Soviets wanted to protect against attack, so occupied strip of countries along border Soviets wanted to protect against attack, so occupied strip of countries along border Considered a wall of protection Considered a wall of protection After he occupied countries, Stalin put Communist gov’ts in 7 of those countries After he occupied countries, Stalin put Communist gov’ts in 7 of those countries Stalin declared that communism and capitalism couldn’t exist together Stalin declared that communism and capitalism couldn’t exist together Churchill said that “Iron Curtain” had split Europe into communist east and democratic west Churchill said that “Iron Curtain” had split Europe into communist east and democratic west

7 Soviet Buffer Countries

8 United States Tries to Contain Soviets Pres. Truman believed that communism would cause domino effect – if one country fell to communism, then all others surrounding it would too Pres. Truman believed that communism would cause domino effect – if one country fell to communism, then all others surrounding it would too Believed communism would threaten the security of the world, so US adopted policy of containment to stop expansion of communism Believed communism would threaten the security of the world, so US adopted policy of containment to stop expansion of communism Tried to contain communism to where it already was and prevent it from spreading Tried to contain communism to where it already was and prevent it from spreading

9 United States Tries to Contain Soviets Containment put into practice through Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine Containment put into practice through Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine – gave money to help rebuild countries that rejected communism – gave $400 billion to Turkey & Greece Truman Doctrine – gave money to help rebuild countries that rejected communism – gave $400 billion to Turkey & Greece Marshall Plan – gave food, machines, materials to Western Europe to show the world democracy was “better” Marshall Plan – gave food, machines, materials to Western Europe to show the world democracy was “better” Both stunning successes Both stunning successes

10 United States Tries to Contain Soviets - Germany divided into zones of occupation w/ each Allied country occupying one section - Also divided Berlin into four zones controlled by Allies

11 Berlin Airlift 1948 France, Britain and US withdrew from Germany as well as Berlin and allowed their sections to form one nation – West Germany 1948 France, Britain and US withdrew from Germany as well as Berlin and allowed their sections to form one nation – West Germany Soviets held on to East Germany Soviets held on to East Germany Soviets responded to the creation of West Germany by cutting off all rail, highway and water traffic into west Berlin Soviets responded to the creation of West Germany by cutting off all rail, highway and water traffic into west Berlin Hoped to starve Berlin, so the Allies would give it up to the Soviets Hoped to starve Berlin, so the Allies would give it up to the Soviets Responded with around the clock flights into West Berlin to drop in needed supplies (Berlin Airlift) Responded with around the clock flights into West Berlin to drop in needed supplies (Berlin Airlift) After 11 months, Soviets lifted blockade After 11 months, Soviets lifted blockade

12 Cold War Divides the World Conflicts marked beginning of Cold War - struggle between Soviets and US over political differences w/o actually going to war Conflicts marked beginning of Cold War - struggle between Soviets and US over political differences w/o actually going to war Both used spying, propaganda, secret operations Both used spying, propaganda, secret operations

13 Cold War Divides the World Events in Berlin caused Western Europe to fear Soviet aggression and the “communist threat” Events in Berlin caused Western Europe to fear Soviet aggression and the “communist threat” To protect themselves, 10 western European nations, the US and Canada formed a defensive military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO – would all protect each other if attacked by Soviets To protect themselves, 10 western European nations, the US and Canada formed a defensive military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO – would all protect each other if attacked by Soviets

14 Cold War Divides the World Soviets saw NATO as a threat, so formed its own alliance called Warsaw Pact that included Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bultaria and Albania Soviets saw NATO as a threat, so formed its own alliance called Warsaw Pact that included Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bultaria and Albania

15 Cold War Divides the World Warsaw Pact nations built a wall separating East and West Berlin that symbolized that the world was divided into two groups Warsaw Pact nations built a wall separating East and West Berlin that symbolized that the world was divided into two groups First world was the US & its allies, second was the Soviets & its allies First world was the US & its allies, second was the Soviets & its allies Countries that didn’t align with either were referred to as non-aligned nations (later known as Third World nations) Countries that didn’t align with either were referred to as non-aligned nations (later known as Third World nations)

16 Cold World Divides the World Scary b/c both had nuclear weapons (H- bomb) that would assure destruction of the other – MAD (mutual assured destruction) Scary b/c both had nuclear weapons (H- bomb) that would assure destruction of the other – MAD (mutual assured destruction) Led to arms race where both tried to amass the most weapons Led to arms race where both tried to amass the most weapons

17 Cold War Divides the World 1953, US adopted a new policy towards the Soviets called brinkmanship 1953, US adopted a new policy towards the Soviets called brinkmanship Promised that the US would be willing to go to the brink or edge of war at all times – required a reliable source of nuclear weapons and planes to deliver them Promised that the US would be willing to go to the brink or edge of war at all times – required a reliable source of nuclear weapons and planes to deliver them US strengthened air force & began stockpiling weapons US strengthened air force & began stockpiling weapons In response, Soviets did as well In response, Soviets did as well

18 Cold War Divides the World Cold War also affected science and education programs Cold War also affected science and education programs 1957 Soviets announced developed an intercontinental ballistic missile or ICBM 1957 Soviets announced developed an intercontinental ballistic missile or ICBM Later Soviets announced that they used this to push Sputnik – the first unmanned satellite above the earth’s atmosphere Later Soviets announced that they used this to push Sputnik – the first unmanned satellite above the earth’s atmosphere America felt they had fallen behind, so poured lots of money into science education in schools America felt they had fallen behind, so poured lots of money into science education in schools 1958 US launched its own satellite 1958 US launched its own satellite

19 Cold War Divides World US proposed that Soviets & US be able to fly over each other’s territory for security US proposed that Soviets & US be able to fly over each other’s territory for security Soviets said no Soviets said no So US CIA started sending secret high altitude flights over Soviets called U-2s So US CIA started sending secret high altitude flights over Soviets called U-2s Soviets shot one down and captured its pilot Soviets shot one down and captured its pilot US started preparing even more vigorously for war US started preparing even more vigorously for war

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