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CH 27 Vocab Flashcards WORLD WAR II Directions for Flashcards 1.After reading the definition, click on the box in the bottom right hand corner to go.

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2 CH 27 Vocab Flashcards WORLD WAR II

3 Directions for Flashcards 1.After reading the definition, click on the box in the bottom right hand corner to go to the next slide. 2. You will see the definition again. Click on the box to bring up the term. 3. Double click on the box to then go the next definition.

4 Lightening war Click for Term

5 Blitzkrieg Lightening war Click for Term

6 Practice of giving in to aggression in order to avoid the war Click for Term

7 Appeasement Practice of giving in to aggression in order to avoid the war Click for Term

8 Pilots who loaded old planes with bombs and then deliberately crashed them into Allied ships Click for Term

9 Kamikaze Pilots who loaded old planes with bombs and then deliberately crashed them into Allied ships Click for Term

10 An electronic device for tracking objects at a distance Click for Term

11 Radar An electronic device for tracking objects at a distance Click for Term

12 A fictional (female) character Click for Term

13 Rosie the Riveter A fictional (female) character Click for Term

14 A single party controls the government and every aspect of people’s lives. Click for Term

15 Totalitarian A single party controls the government and every aspect of people’s lives. Click for Term

16 Prison camps for civilians who are considered enemies of the state Click for Term

17 Concentration camps Prison camps for civilians who are considered enemies of the state Click for Term

18 A person or group on whom to blame their problems Click for Term

19 Scapegoat A person or group on whom to blame their problems Click for Term

20 A warlike act by one country against another without just cause Click for Term

21 Aggression A warlike act by one country against another without just cause A warlike act by one country against another without just cause Click for Term

22 A person who has complete control over a country Click for Term

23 Dictator A person who has complete control over a country Click for Term

24 National Socialist Workers Party, Adolph Hitler’s followers Click for Term

25 Nazi National Socialist Workers Party, Adolph Hitler’s followers Click for Term

26 Secret attempts at destruction of a nation’s production facilities Click for Term

27 Sabotage Secret attempts at destruction of a nation’s production facilities Click for Term

28 Acts that banned arms sales or loans to countries at war (late 1930’s) Click for Term

29 Neutrality Acts Acts that banned arms sales or loans to countries at war (late 1930’s) Click for Term

30 Government owned farms in the Soviet Union Click for Term

31 Collective farms Government owned farms in the Soviet Union Click for Term

32 US could sell arms to allies but allies had to pay cash for all the goods and carry the arms to their own ships Click for Term

33 Cash and Carry Laws US could sell arms to allies but allies had to pay cash for all the goods and carry the arms to their own ships Click for Term

34 1941 – FDR could sell or lend war materials to any country fighting for democracy Click for Term

35 Lend Lease Act 1941 – FDR could sell or lend war materials to any country fighting for democracy Click for Term

36 FDR and Churchill’s goals for the post war world Click for Term

37 Atlantic Charter FDR and Churchill’s goals for the post war world Click for Term

38 Limitations on the amounts of certain goods that people could buy Click for Term

39 Rationing Limitations on the amounts of certain goods that people could buy Click for Term

40 Code name for D-Day, the invasion of German controlled France (executed June 6, 1944) Click for Term

41 Operation Overlord Code name for D-Day, the invasion of German controlled France (executed June 6, 1944) Click for Term

42 A strategy of capturing some Japanese-held islands and going around others Click for Term

43 Island hopping A strategy of capturing some Japanese-held islands and going around others Click for Term

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