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Sustainable Procurement An Introduction to the Sustainable Procurement Agenda for Londons Elected Members.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Procurement An Introduction to the Sustainable Procurement Agenda for Londons Elected Members."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Procurement An Introduction to the Sustainable Procurement Agenda for Londons Elected Members

2 Three Important Concepts Sustainability Sustainable Development Sustainable Procurement

3 Means buying goods and services in a way that achieves whole life value for money minimises damage to the environment provides benefits to local society improves the local economy

4 The 3 spheres of Sustainable Procurement

5 The Scale of the Issue in London Councils in London spend over £10bn buying in goods and services 1 in 6 of Londoners of working age have a disability Over 200,000 are unemployed people in the Capital 25% of London businesses are BME owned Many are small to medium enterprises (SME) London produces 44 million tonnes of CO 2 each year Londoners generate 1.5 tonnes of waste every year

6 Sustainable Procurement can… Deliver cashable Efficiency Savings Achieve Community & Social objectives Improve the Local Economy Help to meet Climate Change targets Assist in reducing Waste & Increasing recycling Improve the Councils public image

7 Best Practice Case Studies The Islington Business Enterprise Team LB Camden Temporary Staff Contract London Fire Brigade Furniture Disposal

8 Key Questions… Can Sustainable Procurement deliver VFM? What about the EU Procurement Regulations?

9 Targets & Drivers UK Sustainable Development Strategy Procuring the Future The Local Government Sustainable Procurement Strategy LAA & CAA targets CSR 07 EU Landfill & Climate Change targets

10 Councils can lead on Sustainable Procurement by… Awareness raising & capacity building Nominating champions Awarding contracts on the basis of whole life costs & benefits Collaborating with others Using quick wins Linking it to key work objectives through the performance management system

11 Your role as an elected member Sustainable procurement is a strategic priority Link to the Sustainable Community Strategy Ensure that major procurements address sustainability VFM Reviews & a role for Scrutiny Promote your successes & Talk to the Community

12 Key Messages Elected members have a crucial role in delivering Sustainable Procurement Sustainable is more than just green and it does not equal expensive Ownership & Commitment are Key Sustainable Procurement is increasingly important in meeting Government goals and targets Help make sustainable procurement standard and not just an afterthought

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