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Welcome to AP Physics B Ms. Bridwell Spring 2014.

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2 Welcome to AP Physics B Ms. Bridwell Spring 2014

3 3-Ring Binder (with sections) Notes Homework Quizzes and Tests AP Exam Practice SEPARATE Lab Notebook TI-83, 84, 89 Calculator

4 Kinematics The branch of mechanics that studies the motion of a body without caring about what caused the motion.

5 Particle Has position and mass. Has NO size or volume. Located at one point in space.

6 Position Location of a particle in space. One dimension (x) Two dimensions (x,y) Three dimensions (x,y,z)

7 0123 X (m) 1-Dimensional Coordinates x = 1 m

8 Distance The total length of the path traveled by an object. Does not depend upon direction. “How far have you walked?”

9 0123 X (m) 1-Dimensional Coordinates x i = 1 m x f = -1 m Distance moved by particle is 2 meters.

10 Displacement The change in position of an object. Depends only on the initial and final positions, not on path. Includes direction. “How far are you from home?”

11 Displacement Represented by  x.  x = x 2 - x 1 where x 2 = final position x 1 = initial position

12 0123 X (m) 1-Dimensional Coordinates x i = 1 m x f = -1 m Distance moved by particle is 2 meters. Displacement of particle is -2 meters.

13 A B 50 m displacement 100 m distance Distance vs Displacement

14 Today Sphere Drop Inquiry Lab Do lab in groups of 3. Record results in table on your own paper and on group white board. Be ready to share results with class. Finish lab write-up at home if necessary.

15 Average Speed s avg = d t Where: s avg = rate (speed) d = distance t = elapsed time

16 Average Velocity v avg = ∆x ∆t Where: v avg = average velocity ∆x = displacement (x 2 -x 1 ) ∆t = change in time(t 2 -t 1 )

17 Velocity vs Speed Average speed is always positive. Average velocity can be positive or negative depending direction. Absolute value of velocity can be used for speed if the object is not changing direction.

18 Average Velocity t x V avg =  x/  t, or the slope of the line connecting A and B. A B xx tt

19 Average Velocity t x V avg =  x/  t; still determined by the slope of the line connecting A and B. A B xx tt

20 Instantaneous Velocity t x Determined by the slope of the tangent to a curve at a single point. B

21 Acceleration A change in velocity is called acceleration. Acceleration can be speeding up slowing down changing direction

22 Uniformly Accelerated Motion In Physics B, we will generally assume that acceleration is constant. With this assumption we are free to use this equation: a = ∆v ∆t

23 Units of Acceleration The SI unit for acceleration is m/s 2.

24 Sign of Acceleration Acceleration can be positive or negative. The sign indicates direction (vector).

25 General Rule If the sign of the velocity and the sign of the acceleration is the same, the object speeds up. If the sign of the velocity and the sign of the acceleration are different, the object slows down.

26 Accelerating objects… t x Note: each of these curves has many different slopes (many different velocities)!

27 Pick the constant velocity graph(s)… A t x C t v B t x D t v

28 Another accelerating object. t x The tangent touches the curve at one point. Its slope gives the instantaneous velocity at that point. Another tangent. Another instantaneous velocity!

29 Summary: Constant position graphs x t Position vs time v t Velocity vs time a t Acceleration vs time

30 Summary: Constant velocity graphs x t Position vs time v t Velocity vs time a t Acceleration vs time

31 Summary: Constant acceleration graphs x t Position vs time v t Velocity vs time a t Acceleration vs time

32 Summary v = v o + at x = x o + v o t + 1/2 at 2 v 2 = v o 2 + 2a(∆x)

33 Free Fall Occurs when an object falls unimpeded (neglecting air resistance). Gravity accelerates the object toward the earth.

34 Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8 m/s 2 downward. a = -g if up is positive. acceleration is down when ball is thrown up EVERYWHERE in the balls flight. The AP exam allows you to substitute 10 m/s 2 for 9.8 m/s 2.

35 Summary v = v o - gt x = x o + v o t - 1/2 gt 2 v 2 = v o 2 – 2g(∆x)

36 Symmetry When something is thrown upward and returns to the thrower, this is very symmetric. The object spends half its time traveling up; half traveling down. Velocity when it returns to the ground is the opposite of the velocity it was thrown upward with. Acceleration is –9.8 m/s 2 everywhere!

37 Determination of Your Reaction Time! Get in lab groups. Drop meter stick between forefinger and thumb of another person. See where the person grabs the stick. Calculate reaction time!

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