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King Arthur Antonio Grassia, Jon Mann, Malik Thomas, and Ryan Marazzo.

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Presentation on theme: "King Arthur Antonio Grassia, Jon Mann, Malik Thomas, and Ryan Marazzo."— Presentation transcript:

1 King Arthur Antonio Grassia, Jon Mann, Malik Thomas, and Ryan Marazzo

2 Names For Arthur  Artorius Dux Bellorum  Lord of Battles

3 Physical and Personality Traits  Bold  Fearless  A leader  Strong  Wore a golden torque around the neck  He had lightweight silver body armor

4 Actions From Arthur  Engaged in war  Lead his people to twelve victories

5 Allies and/or Rivals  Allies: The Votadini and The Romans  Rivals: Anyone who entered the Godiddin

6 Roles Arthur Fufill  Military Leader  Used Antonie Wall and Hadrian Wall as boundries to lure his enemies in and destroy them

7 Where Does Arthur Live?  The Gododdin

8 Who Does Arthur compare to?  Arthur compares to Marcus Luttrell because they both showed tremendous leadership and courage in battle.

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