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Chapters 8.3 & 9.2 Test: Friday December 5, 2008

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1 Chapters 8.3 & 9.2 Test: Friday December 5, 2008
Unit 6 Nomenclature Chapters 8.3 & 9.2 Test: Friday December 5, 2008

2 Nomenclature Naming system for chemical formulas
Names are specific to different groups of compounds (ex: ionic compounds are named differently from covalent compounds) Makes communication more efficient (ex: it is much each to read 10,000 as “ten thousand” than “one zero zero zero zero”) Let’s look at some household items that have chemical names…

3 Common Chemical Names Sodium chloride (NaCl)
is table salt used in food Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is baking soda used in food, cleaning products, and antacids Potassium nitrate (KNO3) is saltpeter used in fertilizer, gunpowder, and food preservatives Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is lye used in soaps and drain cleaner

4 Common Chemical Names Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is epsom salt used medically as a soak for aches & pains Potassium bromide (KBr) is used to prevent epilepsy (seizures) in dogs Nitrous oxide (N2O) is laughing gas used as an anesthetic and to boost auto engine power Acetic acid (CH3COOH) is vinegar used in food and photography development

5 Common Chemical Names Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is one the components of our gastric (stomach) juices Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is found in rocks (limestone and marble), shells, chalk; primary cause of hard water Sodium fluoride (NaF) is an ingredient in toothpaste used for cavity prevention Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used as a bleaching agent, emetic (induces vomiting), and an antiseptic (clean cuts and scrapes)

6 Groups We Will Name: Binary Salts Ternary Salts
Salts with Multiple Oxidation Numbers Binary Acids Ternary Acids Hydrates Covalent Molecules

7 Binary Salts Contains 2 elements: metal & nonmetal Naming:
Name the metal Drop the end of nonmetal and add “ide” Example: MgCl2 = magnesium chloride

8 Binary Salts Practice Name: Write formulas: NaCl CaF2 K2O
Lithium nitride Aluminum iodide

9 Ternary Salts Contains 3 elements: metals and polyatomic ions Naming:
Name the metal Name the polyatomic ion Example: Na2SO4 = sodium sulfate

10 Ternary Salts Practice
Name: K3PO3 CaCO3 Al(NO3)3 Write Formulas: Barium hydroxide Cesium chromate

11 Salts with Multiple Oxidation Numbers
Includes binary and ternary salts Naming: Name the metal Put the roman numeral giving the oxidation # of the metal in parentheses Name the nonmetal, changing the ending to “ide” or name the polyatomic ion Example: FeCl2 = Iron (II) chloride FeCl3 = Iron (III) chloride

12 Salts with Multiple Oxidation Numbers Practice
Name: Cu(NO2)2 PbSO4 Write Formulas: Cobalt (III) hydroxide Nickel (II) iodide Chromium (II) phosphate

13 Binary Acids Contains 2 elements: H & a nonmetal Naming:
Begin with prefix “hydro” Drop nonmetal ending and add “ic” Add the word acid Example: HCl = hydrochloric acid

14 Binary Acids Practice Name: Write formulas: HF H2S Hydroiodic acid
Hydrobromic acid

15 Ternary Acids Contains 3 elements: H & a polyatomic ion Naming:
Look at the polyatomic ions name If the name ends in “ate”, change to “ic” If the name ends in “ite”, change to “ous” Add the word acid Example: H2CO3 carbonic acid

16 Ternary Acids Practice
Name: H2SO4 HNO2 HClO3 Write Formulas: Phosphorous acid Oxalic acid Nitrous acid

17 Covalent Molecules Contains 2 nonmetals Naming:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mono- di- tri- tetra- penta- hexa- hepta- octa- non- deca- Contains 2 nonmetals Naming: Name the 1st element with prefix to indicate the # of atoms (only if more than one, never start with mono) Name the 2nd element use prefix to indicate the number of atoms present Drop the ending of the elements name and use “ide” ending Example: CO2 = carbon dioxide

18 Covalent Molecules Practice
Name: N2O5 N2O CS2 SF6 Write Formula: Carbon monoxide Dinitrogen trioxide Oxygen dicloride

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