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Learning Styles.

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1 Learning Styles

2 The Seven Learning Styles
Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing. Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.

3 Visual Learners Kinesthetic Learners Auditory Learners

4 Learning Style: Visual Learners
1 5 2 6 3 4

5 Visual Learners This is how I learn best! We learn best from seeing information. We can remember information best when its written down. There are 2 types of visual learners: Visual Linguistic and Visual Spatial. Visual Linguistic: Love the written word. Visual Spatial: Learn best from diagrams, charts, demonstrations, videos and other visual material. Tips for Visual Learners were to practice visualizing or picturing words or concepts, use colour coding when learning new concepts and use charts, maps, timelines and filmstrips when learning new material.

6 Visual Learners 60–65% of the population.
Learn best by seeing information presented in pictures, charts, graphics, illustrations, or diagrams. Remember details in picture form. Are able to create strong visualizations of sizes, shapes, textures, and depth in their minds. Pay close attention to the body language and facial expressions of others. Have a keen awareness of the aesthetics of the physical environment. .

7 Visual learners Visual learners attend to information most effectively when they see something, for example, pictures, diagrams, films and videos or demonstrations. Check to see if some of the following characteristics may apply to you. Behaviours/ characteristics of visual learners: Remember what they see rather than what they hear Remember diagrams and pictures Prefer to read and write rather than listen Have trouble remembering verbal instructions Need an overall view and purpose before beginning a project Like art more than music Sometimes tune out when trying to pay attention. Study hints for visual learners: Take written notes in lectures & class Use colours to highlight important points Pay attention to diagrams, charts and pictures in text books Use mindmaps ( with colours & diagrams) to organise information for an assignment or for revision for an exam. Put summaries and mindmaps on the walls in your study area Use a wall planner.


9 Learning Style: Auditory Learners
5 1 2 3 4

10 Auditory Learners 30% of the population.
Learn best by hearing information and memorizing sounds. Have strong language skills including a well-developed vocabulary, appreciation for words, and talent for foreign languages. Are interesting and articulate conversationalists. Are musically talented:  can hear tones, rhythms, and individual notes. Are easily distracted by noises.

11 Auditory learners learn best by hearing the information
Auditory learners learn best by hearing the information. They can remember information more accurately when it has been explained orally i.e listening to a lecture, talking aloud.

12 Auditory learners Auditory learners are more interested in learning through spoken words. They prefer to learn by listening to their lecturer or teacher or other students. Characteristics of auditory learners: Can follow verbal instructions easily Like to hear someone explain and like explaining to someone else Like debating and discussing with others Tend to talk to themselves while working Enjoy reading aloud Like music more than art. Study hints for auditory learners: Start or join a study group Say things aloud to remember information Use a tape recorder. Record yourself reading texts and/or discussing issues with others Read notes aloud when studying and after you have read something summarise it out loud. Explain or  ‘re tell’ something you have learnt to someone else If possible listen to pod casts of lectures.

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14 Kinesthetic Learners 5–10% of the population.
Learn best by moving their bodies and through physical interaction. Are hands-on learners. Wiggle, tap feet, or move legs when sitting. Were often labeled “hyperactive” as children. Are good at working with tools and their hands. Play sports or do physical activity to relax. Difficulty faced by these learners include sitting still, listening to lectures for more than 4 minutes and spelling!

15 Kinaesthetic learners or active learners
Kinaesthetic learners prefer to being involved in activities. They need to apply the information and make it their own by constructing something or practising a technique or skill. Characteristics of kinaesthetic learners Often they take notes or even draw pictures or doodle whilst listening Remember best what they did Memorise by walking and seeing Like ‘hands on’ activities and group interaction Study hints for kinaesthetic learners Test your learning by applying it or transforming it to another form. For example use lecture notes or readings to draw a diagram, flow chart or even construct a model. Start or join a study group Relate facts or theories to your own experience Learn or memorise information by teaching or telling someone else When studying take frequent breaks. This is also helpful for the other learning styles.


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