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Texas State University! By: Portland Coleman

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Presentation on theme: "Texas State University! By: Portland Coleman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas State University! By: Portland Coleman

2 Environment San Marcos,Texas

3 Three Historical Facts Authorized by the Texas Legislature in 1899, Southwest Texas State Normal School opened its doors in 1903. Legislature broadened the institution's scope and changed its name, in succession, to Normal College, Teachers College, College, Southwest Texas State University, and in 2003 to Texas State University-San Marcos. Each name reflects the university's growth from a small teacher preparation institution to a major, multipurpose university.

4 Academics Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care Bachelor of Health Care Administration Bachelor of Science in Nursing

5 Admission Requirements Minimum for lowest part of your class: ACT:29 SAT:1270 Secondary School GPA Application Fee: $60

6 College Expenses Tuition: Resident: $6,170 Non-Resident: 12,944 Room and Board: Resident:$7,140 Non-Resident: $7,140 Resident Total Cost:13,310 Non-Resident Total:20,084

7 Extracurricular Activities University Radio Station University Star Newspaper Student Business Services

8 Statement of Interest I chose this college because there is many great things it has to offer, and many opportunities.

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