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Modification Process Simplification Mike Hayes Exelon Nuclear.

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Presentation on theme: "Modification Process Simplification Mike Hayes Exelon Nuclear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modification Process Simplification Mike Hayes Exelon Nuclear

2 2 Objective A Discussion about removing redundant and/or unnecessary activities to streamline the modification process while maintaining the quality and usefulness of the modification package. This presentation will provide an overview of the topic and prompt discussion for the morning breakout session.

3 Basis for Configuration Change Processes Design Control (QA) Configuration Management Regulatory Compliance Risk Assessment and Mitigation Discipline Technical Capabilities Codes and Standards 3

4 Compare Practices to Identify Differences Discuss current approach with each site providing details Discuss how tools (e.g. PassPort, PIMS, FCMS) are used effectively Discuss how forms and templates are used effectively Discuss how interfaces between disciplines and departments are performed effectively 4

5 Major Modification Activities Scope Definition Funding Authorization Design Interfacing Discipline / Department Review Design Review Modification Package Approval Construction / Implementation Testing Operations Acceptance Closeout Incorporation 5

6 Brainstorm areas ripe for simplification Things we do that we can just stop doing Things we do that can be done more efficiently Best practices we should adopt Mistakes we can learn from 6

7 Specific Areas of Interest Partial Operations Acceptance of modifications. Parent-child modifications Revising mod package and issuing new for remainder As-builting portions of the mod at a time Updating documents independent of a CM process Drawings Calculations 7

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