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They want your money… A brief introduction to the world of advertising.

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Presentation on theme: "They want your money… A brief introduction to the world of advertising."— Presentation transcript:

1 They want your money… A brief introduction to the world of advertising

2 Key Words pitch campaign USP target audience motivation slogan logo image copy mascot storyboard soundtrack

3 Pitch Presenting an IDEA to the manufacturer

4 Campaign A series of adverts for the same product, often in several media TV Radio Print

5 USP Unique Selling Point = what makes the product DIFFERENT

6 Motivation The REASON for your audience to buy. ££££££££££££££

7 Target Audience Who is your product/campaign AIMED at?

8 Slogan An easy-to-remember CATCHPHRASE which is included in every advert for the product Eat football, sleep football, drink Coca Cola Just do it I’m lovin’ it Does the hard work, so you don’t have to Once you pop, you can’t stop

9 Logo A simple, instantly recognisable image or diagram in every advert for the product

10 Image Any photo, picture or graphic in a press or billboard advert, especially in the press.

11 Copy The writing in a press or billboard advert

12 Mascot A creature, person or other character always associated with a particular product.

13 Storyboard The story of a TV advert represented in cartoon form

14 Soundtrack All the sound and music which accompanies either a moving image advert, or, most crucially, one on the radio.

15 Print Adverts in newspapers, magazines, fliers and billboards. SPECIFIC KEY INGREDIENTS: Central orientation Use of space Balance of text and image Immediate impact

16 Radio Advertisements which appear on local or national commercial radio stations. SPECIFIC KEY INGREDIENTS: Brevity Tone (direct and entertaining) Sound and music Monosensual

17 Moving Image Adverts which appear on commercial, satellite and cable television, on videos and DVDs, and at the cinema. SPECIFIC KEY INGREDIENTS: Narrative Cinematic (visual) Generic Entertainment

18 So… How DO you create a successful advert? Twist/surprise Popular culture Logo and slogan Simplicity v. obscurity Strategic USP

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