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April 24, 2014 Propaganda techniques H omework: I -Ready - due by May 1st - at least 4 tests, passed with an 80% composite proficiency! Objective: I can.

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Presentation on theme: "April 24, 2014 Propaganda techniques H omework: I -Ready - due by May 1st - at least 4 tests, passed with an 80% composite proficiency! Objective: I can."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 24, 2014 Propaganda techniques H omework: I -Ready - due by May 1st - at least 4 tests, passed with an 80% composite proficiency! Objective: I can identify and evaluate propaganda techniques in text and advertisements. Warm Up (in your composition book) Copy your objective into your comp book. In the blue section of your Lit book, copy down the definition for PROPAGANDA.

2 elements of commercials images, words and slogans propoganda a simple, carefully worded phrase intended to give a positive impression of the product. sounds dialogue narration music

3 propaganda any form of communication that is so distorted that it conveys false or misleading information to advance a specific belief or cause. Propaganda attempts to convince an audience without considering other viewpoints

4 Propaganda techniques in advertising

5 propaganda techniques bandwagon appeal stereotype name-calling snob appeal endorsement

6 bandwagon appeal takes advantage of people's desire to be part of a group or be popular. Everyone else is doing it. Why aren't you?

7 stereotype presents a narrow, fixed idea about all the members of a certain group. No politician can be trusted.

8 name-calling the use of loaded words to create negative feelings about a person, group or thing. Only a tree-hugger would try to protect that park from developers.

9 snob appeal sends a message that something is valuable because only "special" people appreciate it. Our jeans are designed for people who insist on quality.

10 endorsement a recommendation made by someone who is well-known, but not necessarily an authority. Celebrities use their fame to persuade you to believe in a cause, candidate or product.

11 So now turn to pg. 360 in your IR book Brain Breeze you will read this on your own then take the quiz on pg. 367. Write the answers in CAPITAL LETTERS on a separate sheet of paper.

12 Homework: I-Ready - due by May 1st - at least 4 tests, passed with an 80% composite proficiency!

13 storyboard a device that presents images and brief descriptions of a product.

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