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Resources for Study and Research in Germany - Information and Scholarships - Ulrich Grothus Director, DAAD New York Herzlich Willkommen!

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Presentation on theme: "Resources for Study and Research in Germany - Information and Scholarships - Ulrich Grothus Director, DAAD New York Herzlich Willkommen!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources for Study and Research in Germany - Information and Scholarships - Ulrich Grothus Director, DAAD New York Herzlich Willkommen!

2 Who Are We? ►German national agency for international academic cooperation and exchange ►Independent association of universities ►Providing scholarships, information, counseling ►Can$ 360 million annual budget, 50,000+ scholarships awarded annually ►Regional Office for Canada and the US in New York ►Informatíon Center for Canada in Toronto

3 German Higher Education ►Research Universities: undergraduate, professional and doctoral programs ►Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen): practice-oriented Bachelor’s and Master’s programs ►How to find the best institutions in any field: “CHE Rankings”, results published in English at

4 An example for a CHE ranking

5 CHE Ranking Example (cont.)

6 DFG Research Ranking 2003

7 Recent Developments: Bologna Process ►Creation of a European Higher Education Area by 2010 ►Introduction of Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD (typically 3 + 2 + 3 years) ►Several hundred international degree programs taught in English at German universities ►New opportunities to enter Germany as a student – or for German students to start grad school in North America

8 Undergraduate Scholarships ►Funding for study abroad, internships, or senior thesis research ►Open to students in all fields ►4-10 months during the German academic year ►Around 10 awarded to Canadians annually

9 Also for Undergrads: RISE new ►“Research Internships in Science and Engineering” with German doctoral students ►6-12 weeks in summer ►Scholarships, health insurance and housing assistance are provided ►100 interns (16 Canadians) placed in 2005 – more for 2006

10 Grads/Undergrads: Summer Courses ►Summer courses at German universities in hundreds of topics ►Combine coursework with advanced language learning ►2 years minimum language requirement

11 Grad Students: Study Scholarships ►Support for one or two years of study in Germany ►Can be used to earn a master’s degree – some taught in English – at a German university ►Graduating seniors may apply

12 Grad Students: Research Grants ►1 to 10 months (with possibility of one-year extension) ►For graduate students, PhD candidates and postdocs ►Must have well-defined research project ►Overall around 20 graduate scholarships awarded to Canadians each year

13 Tips for Success ►Express why a stay in Germany is critical for the student’s academic or professional goals. ►Obtain a letter of invitation from a German professor or institution. ►Explain clearly reasons for choosing location and/or program. ►Submit quality letters of recommendations. ►Make sure application is on time and complete.

14 The issue of language ►Language requirements commensurate with actual needs (from zero in English taught programs or science research labs to very good in humanities programs) ►Proficiency in German is always advantageous – and mastering a language spoken by 100 million people is an asset

15 Organized Student Exchange - ISAP ►Exchange of small groups of students between a German and a Canadian department ►Full credit, tuition waived or reduced ►DAAD supports German students and faculty exchange ►Reciprocity, if not symmetry ►Currently 18 programs with 21 Canadian partners, most in engineering, sciences, business admin

16 For more information… ►Visit our website: (DAAD NYC) ►Other web resources: (DAAD worldwide) (programs offered by German universities)

17 Vielen Dank Your questions and comments

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