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OCEN 201 Introduction to Ocean & Coastal Engineering Ocean Environment &Waves Jun Zhang

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1 OCEN 201 Introduction to Ocean & Coastal Engineering Ocean Environment &Waves Jun Zhang

2 General Information 71% of the Earth surface is covered by Oceans Major Oceans 1. Pacific Ocean (46%) 2. Atlantic Ocean (23%) 3. Indian Ocean (20%) 4. Remaining Oceans (11%) Average Ocean Depth is 3800 m Maximum Depth is 11,524 m

3 Ocean Floor Reading assignment pp17-19 P18

4 Physical Properties of Ocean Water Reading assignment pp19-20 Primary sea water elements 1.Chlorine (55%) 2.Sodium (30.6) 3.Sulfate (7.7%) 4.Sodium (30.6) 5.Magnesium (3.7%) 6.Potassium (1.1%) Salinity: amount (grams) of dissolved solid materials (salts) in grams contained in a kilogram seawater (ppt). e.g. Sea Water 35 ppt

5 Ocean Currents Reading assignment pp19-25 Geostrophic Current (pressure gradients & Coriolis force) Ekman Current (Surface wind friction force & Coriolis force)

6 Tides Reading assignment pp23-25 1.Diurnal tide (once in a tidal day) 2.Semi-diurnal tide (twice in a tidal day) 3.Mixed tide (tidal day 24.84 hr) Tidal day: rotation of the Earth with respect to the Moon, ~24.84 hr

7 Fields Related to Ocean Wave Ocean Engineering: Ship, water borne transport, offshore structures (fixed and floating platforms). Navy: Military activity, amphibious operation, WW II Allies landing. Coastal Engineering: Harbor and ports, dredging, coastal structures, beach erosion, sediment transport.

8 Oceanography: Ocean environment, atmosphere, fishing, oil spilling, mixing, pollutant transport. Environmental Eng.: Capping contaminated dredged material. Diffusion and dispersion of toxic material in ocean and costal water.

9 Regular and Irregular Waves Ocean waves are almost always irregular and often directional (short-crested). Irregular waves can be viewed as the superposition of a number of regular waves. Regular waves have the same frequency, wavelength and amplitude (height).

10 T Time t

11 Regular Waves

12 Ocean (Irregular) Waves Definitions of Zero-Upcrossing & Downcrossing

13 Wave Pattern Combining Four Regular Waves FFT & IFFT – (Inverse) Fast Fourier Transform. Irregular wave Regular Waves (Frequency Domain Analysis)

14 Pierson-Moskowitz Spectrum JONSWAP Spectrum

15 Ocean Wave Spectra: P-M & JONSWAP Types

16 Actual Versus Design Seas


18 Wave Pressure and Kinematics Linear Wave Theory: Simple, good approximation for 70-80 % engineering applications. Nonlinear Wave Theory: Complicated, necessary for about 20-30 % engineering applications. Both results are based on the assumption of non-viscous flow. Examples, see animations.

19 ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW Picture showing wind, wave, current, and seafloor for semisubmersible FPS

20 Linear Wave Theory ----- Dispersion Relation

21 Using the Dispersion Relation to Find T or L

22 Use of Dispersion Relation

23 Definition of Deep, Intermediate and Shallow Water Waves

24 Linear Wave Theory ----- Phase velocity (celerity) Linear Wave Theory ----- Group (energy) velocity Wave energy propagates at C g

25 Linear Regular (Periodic) Wave ----- Elevation & Potential

26 Linear Regular (Periodic) Wave Energy Density: Average energy per wavelength and per unit width.

27 Nonlinear Wave Theory Stokes Expansion Hybrid Wave Model Boussinesq Equation (shallow water) Finite amplitude wave theory

28 Web-site for animations om/index.html and Course OCEN 675 oom/index.html

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