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Published byFrederick Miles Modified over 9 years ago
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA Once –First Day of Term Terminations –Brower Compatibility –Modifying a terminated cert Debts Top Ten Compliance Survey Discrepancies – Term dates – CH 33 Net Tuition & Fees Out of State Study abroad Reductions TA vs VA – F grades Why T&F ≠ payment Hybrid & Remedial/Deficiency Miscellaneous issues Who to Contact & Resources NCD Schools Training Topics
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The overpayment/Refund procedures state that if a student never shows up for a term at all or withdraws on the first day of the term no payments are due & the debt is on the school First Day of Term Terminations in VA Once are not being properly processed by the LTS if the SCO chooses “withdrew during drop/add” 1 day prorated T&F and housing payments are being generated The debt is being placed on the student So for terminations on or before the 1 st day of the term: – Do NOT use “withdrew during drop/add” – Choose “Preregistered but never attended” or – Choose “Withdraw before beginning of term” NOTE: If your browser is not compatible you will get errors not be able to submit First Day of Term Terminations ~ CH33
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA ONCE COMPATIBILITY ISSUES VA Once is only tested to work with Internet Explorer (IE) 9 or below IE 10 or 11 OR other browsers such as Firefox, Chrome etc will cause errors Some common error messages: – “Preregistered but reduced prior to the first day of the term” or “preregistered but withdrew prior to the first day of the term” Error message = “Effective date must be between begin & end date” but VA Once will not allow you to change the LDA/EFF date – You are unable to add remarks – You are unable to add standard terms or the terms do not show up in your drop down – VA Once requiring T&F for less than ½ time training but the student is not < 1/2 time Always turn off pop up blockers If you cannot go back to IE 9 or below you can: – Use the compatibility mode 3
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA ONCE COMPATIBILITY MODE For more info regarding compatibility mode: If working in IE 10 or 11 it you must use the compatibility mode. You can find the compatibility mode on your address bar near the search field: Click on the icon that looks like a torn sheet of paper & it will appear to come together, turn blue or disappear. You are now in compatibility mode 4
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA ONCE COMPATIBILITY MODE If you don’t see the compatibility icon click on Tools or the icon that looks like a gear or cog Then click on Compatibility View Settings. You will get a pop up box 5
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA ONCE COMPATIBILITY MODE Add “” to the list of websites or check the box for “Display all websites in compatibility view” If software is updated etc the websites may be removed so periodically check your settings to ensure is still listed The online SCO self-paced training has the same system requirements 6
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Modifying Terminated Certifications VA ONCE will not allow a school to report adjustments or corrections to a term that has been terminated VA Central Office has ruled that schools should: – Recertify the term using the new VBA standard remark that has been added: “Correcting previously terminated enrollment. Notice of Change in Student Status(s) to follow” – Submit any adjustments that need to be made the same day VA feels this will eliminate the possibility of duplicate CH33 payments Future programming changes are being discussed that will allow changes to a terminated certification. 7
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 8 Modifying Terminated Certifications
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION DEBTS ~ WHO DO THEY BELONG TO STUDENT DEBT A student reduces his/her course load at any time (ie before the term or during the term) A student begins a term/session (ie attends more than just the 1 st day) and then completely withdraws from the term/session SCHOOL DEBT The student does not show up for the term/session at all OR shows up for only the 1 st day & then completely withdraws from the term/session Mini sessions are treated separately by VA EX: 1/10/14 – 3/12/14 & 3/13/14 – 5/10/14 - Student enrolled in 3 credits each session - Student never shows up for 1/10/14 session - Student completes 3/13/14 session - School debt because it’s a “no show” for the 1/10/14 session even though they completed the term T&F are changed but hours are not School is double paid/mispaid/paid for the wrong student 9 For VA purposes “reduction” means a student drops one or more hours but continues training in one or more hours “Withdrawal” means the student stops attending all hours certified
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 9 – Degree audit report is not reviewed to determine if course should be certified - Can only certify courses w/in program unless “Rounding Out” in final term 8 – Successfully passed course is repeated – Can only be recertified if higher grade is required for program or – If “Rounding Out” in final term 7 – The start or the end of the term doesn’t match the course schedule 6 – The # of credits or clock hours certified is incorrect –Make sure credits/clock hours are placed in correct box in VA Once –Do not add different types of hours together –Be sure to certify remedial/deficiency properly for CH35 as they get additional months of entitlement for high school and/or rem/deficiency 10 – Incorrect program submitted on the certification - Also make sure correctly certified as NCD or IHL - And correct course/objective codes are used Top Ten List of Discrepancies Found on Compliance Surveys
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 5 – Probation and academic suspensions are not reported 4 – The Yellow Ribbon amount was incorrectly reported 3 – Tuition and Fees are under or over reported 2 – Withdrawals are not reported, or they are reported with incorrect T&F or LDA 1 – THE WALK AWAY F GRADE ***** BIG CHANGE for SOME***** TOP FIVE LETS TALK ABOUT NUMBERS 7, 3 and 1 IN MORE DETAIL
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION #7 The start or the end of the term doesn’t match the course schedule Begin date: Report the official begin date of the term or the date all similarly circumstanced students are required to report in advance of the start of the term (if 14 days or less prior to the beginning of classes). Exceptions: – If there are published nonstandard terms/sessions, report the begin date of the nonstandard term or session – If a class starts one week or more after the official term begin date you should report the actual begin date of the class. End Date: Report the official ending date of the term. Exceptions: – If there are published nonstandard terms/sessions, report the end date of the nonstandard term or session – If a class ends one week or more after the official term end date you should report the actual end date of the class – If your school has a published final exam period report the last date of scheduled exams as the end date (This does not hold true for state exams) – If a student is required to attend graduation report the graduation date as the end date
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION #3 T&F are Under or Over Reported When & What T&F are Required: Full charged T&F – Ch30, CH35 & CH1607 students training at less than ½ time Will be paid in one lump sum for the entire term – CH30 or CH1607 active duty students You cannot certify any courses for which military Tuition Assistance was received NET T&F -- All CH33 students T&F and not required for any other students but it will not affect anything If you report T&F for them. 16
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION CH 33 NET TUITION & FEEs = The actual net cost of T&F after deducting: 1. All Federal Funds (such as ROTC, MYCAA, HPSP, GETA) 2. State and Federal tuition assistance (TA) and 3. All school tuition discounts & scholarships, grants, aid or other assistance from any source that must be used solely for toward T&F NOTE: Title IV Financial Aid (e.g. federal student loans, Pell grants etc.) are not deducted NC Legislative Tuition Grant (NCLTG) If the student is a NC resident for tuition purposes you don’t deduct it If the NCLTG was received due to “military waiver” you do deduct it Contact your ELR if you have any questions about what to deduct CH33 NET T&F
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION What CH33 Fees Can be Certified? Mandatory charges (other than tuition, room, & board) applied by the school that all students in the program must pay Such as: Student Service Fee, Technology fee, lab fee, Freshman/Orientation fees, What CH 33 fees CAN NEVER be Certified? Pre-Admission/Application Fees, fees for food/lodging, any penalty fees (including overload fees, late registration, add/drop fees) What CH 33 fees CAN SOMETIMES be Certified? If a student can & does opt out of a fee it is not certifiable -Health insurance premiums: if the student doesn’t opt out or fee is waived by school -Graduation fees: if mandatory for all graduating students -Books: if every student is charged & students cannot purchase the books elsewhere -Parking/Transportation fee: if mandatory & charged to every student -Kit/supplies fee: if required & cannot purchase elsewhere -Sales Tax: If applied to all students attending the school CH33 Mandatory Fees
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION CH33 Out of State Tuition: If a school waives the out of state charges for veterans, the school may deduct that from the out of state charges. Example: Total Tuition=$8000, Out of state charge=$5000 If the school waives the $5000 out of state charge for veterans, the school will certify $3000 in-state T&F to VA. NOTE: This does not change previous advisories regarding other waivers, scholarships, or other reductions that do not differentiate between In-state and out of state portions of charges. Those still must be deducted from the total net charges certified to VA. Contact your ELR if you have any questions about what to deduct CH33 Out of State T&F
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA cannot pay any fees specific to studying abroad unless the student is required to study abroad to graduate If your school assesses T&F for your school plus additional fees or a comprehensive fee for studying abroad & your school pays the host school: VA will not pay for any fees specifically due to participation in the study abroad program unless study abroad is mandatory for the specific degree -For schools that charge a comprehensive fee that includes the home school’s tuition, they would have to break out the fees and report the only the tuition if the study abroad is not mandatory. VA will pay your in-state tuition or up to the maximum allowed if a private school NOTE: Room and board charges cannot be included in tuition costs & must be broken out VA will pay books and supplies stipend VA will pay the monthly housing allowance to the student, if student is otherwise eligible VA will not pay airfare VA will not pay amenities fees or host school fees CH33 T&F ~ Study Abroad
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Remember !! When reporting a reduction w/ T&F, VA needs the tuition and fees for the reduced number of credits You must report the T&F the student would have been charged had they initially started the term with the reduced number of credits. VA is not concerned with what the student actually owes the school. So in the example above, the T&F for a student starting the term with 4 credits should have been reported on the adjustment. T&F on a CH33 Reduction
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Military Tuition Assistance (TA) and VA CH33: We handle veterans and active duty exactly the same – SCO certifies all credits enrolled & deducts the TA received – Advise students NOT to send a TA form to VA – Include the course names/numbers in remarks in case a student sends a TA form CH30: – VETERANS: Certify as you would any other CH30 student – ACTIVE DUTY: Do not certify any course for which TA was received Student submits a copy of TA form to VA for payment under TATU/TOP UP Certify any courses for which TA was NOT received Only certify T&F applicable to NON TA courses Include names/numbers of course(s) certified in remarks 22
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Military Tuition Assistance (TA) and VA CH1607 – VETERANS: Certify as you would any other CH30 student – ACTIVE DUTY: Do not certify any course for which TA was received Certify any courses for which TA was NOT received Only certify T&F applicable to NON TA courses Include course names/numbers in remarks Student is not entitled to TATU/TOP UP CH1606: – NON ACTIVE DUTY: Certify as you would any other CH1606 student EXCEPTION: If enrolled at < ½ time do not certify student to VA – ACTIVE DUTY: Do not certify to VA - CH1606 benefits are suspended while on active duty 23
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION #1 The Walk Away F Grade NON ACCREDITED Schools OR Accredited schools who have a published attendance policy will continue to follow the previously given guidelines below: If a student stops attending for any reason you must terminate the cert effective LDA – If a student officially withdraws, report the LDA not the date the student filled out the withdrawal paperwork – **If your school assigns a WF (or similar) grade at the end of a term because the student stopped attending but did not officially withdraw, you must determine and report the student’s last date of attendance to VA** If your school does not keep attendance you can use several other methods to determine the last date of attendance: grading reports last date on which examination was completed last date on which other papers were submitted to instructor last date of log in and submission or work for an online class If all other resources have been exhausted, a REASONABLE statement from the student as to the last day of his or her attendance *CANNOT BE THE SOLE MEANS*
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The Walk Away F Grade VA Central 0ffice has revised reporting requirements for changes in attendance for ACCREDITED SCHOOLS WITH NO PUBLISHED ATTENDANCE POLICY ONLY: – VA does not consider you to have a “published” attendance policy if your policy is to let each individual instructor determine his/her own attendance policy – You do not need to report the last date of attendance for punitive F grades – Even if a student receives all punitive F grades for a term you do not need to report LDA – Your school’s standards of progress should catch students who are failing routinely – It will be even more important to enforce your Standards of Progress – Exception: If your school assigns a NonPunitive grade you must determine and report the student’s last date of attendance to VA
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Why T&F Certified VA Payment A student’s T&F payment to the school can be affected by several things: Private school when full cap has been paid but students reduces or withdraws – If additional T&F become payable they will go toward student debt or be paid to student Eligibility % – Only entitled to 100% of benefits payable – Yearly cap at private schools ($20,235.03 effective 8/1/14) Rate of Pursuit (CR/FT = ROP) Remaining Entitlement If student is reaching 36 months VA will extend all payments If student is reaching 48 months VA will prorate all payments If TOE student VA will prorate all payments Election date – No payment is made for training that occurred prior to the election date – Student should NOT use “todays” date 28
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Leave of Absence (LOA) NON CH 33 If a student takes a Leave of absence you have to report the LOA to VA. For a NON CH33 you will: Terminate the cert effective the last date attended in the “LDA/EFF” box in VA Once – Use “Withdrawal or Interruption (NonCollege Degree Programs) – You do not need to add a remark about the LOA Enter the date through which they accrued credit in the “LD Accrued” box in VA Once This is the date where they will pick up once they return to training If they will pick up right where they left off you will enter the same date as in the “LDA/EFF” date box If your school is organized on Mods etc., you will enter the begin date of the mod from which the student will have to repeat Do a brand new cert when the student returns Enter the date they returned to class in the “Begin” date box Enter the date they will complete training in the “End” date box (extended if applicable) 30
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Hybrid & Remedial Deficiency HYBRID Classes (ie part online/distance ed and part in class) – There is no such thing as hybrid for VA payment purposes – If it meets the definition of a resident class its certified as resident. If it does not meet the definition, its certified as distance – The Definition of a Resident Class: The class must have regularly scheduled class sessions at least once ever two weeks The total number of hours of classroom instruction must be equal to or greater than the number of credits awarded Example: 3 credits over a 16 week term must meet at least 48 total hours Example: 3 credits over a 5 week mini term must meet at least 15 total hours Remedial/Deficiency courses – Cannot be certified if they are online/distance – VA has ruled that rem/def courses do meet the resident requirement: If they are in a classroom setting with an instructor present to assist and answer questions Students are working on the same course independently on computers 31
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION MISC Issues & Reminders NEW: VA is now requiring that you certify a student within 30 days of the start of the term EXCEPTIONS: – If the student is a non CH33 who is on active duty or training at < ½ time Cannot be certified prior to the first day of the term Full charged T&F are required – You do not have required documentation to certify the student by the 30 th day of the term – The student comes and asks to be certified more than 30 days into a term NOTE: you should document in the file why you did not certify by the 30 th day in such cases NEW: PL113-146 Section 701 expanded the FRY Scholarship to surviving spouses EFFECTIVE: For terms beginning on or after 1/1/15 – Spouses become eligible effective the date of death – Spouses have 15 years from the date of death to use the benefit – Spouses are eligible for 36 months of full time benefits at the 100% level Does not affect any eligible child’s benefit amount – Spouses lose eligibility if they remarry – Spouses are certified under their own SSN in VA Once (VA File # and SSN fields)
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION MISC Issues & Reminders CH33 TOE VS Ch35 dependents in VA Once – CH33 TOE students : Both VA File Number and SSN fields are students SSN – CH35 dependents: The SSN field is the student’s SSN The VA File number field is the veteran’s VA File number (may be the SSN or a VA assigned 8 digit #) Each dependent is assigned a “Payee Number” (Spouse = W/10, children A/41, B/42 etc) The SAA does all approvals since 10/1/13 ~ Please do not send me notification forms/catalogs A DD214, COE and/or copy of the 1990 application are NOT required by VA for certification! OFFICIAL transcripts & a prior credit evaluation ARE required – VA generally allows 2 terms of certification while student is attempts to obtain official copies – Subject to your school’s published policy and SAA approval If claims examiners calls or email you for information please answer them in a timely manner ~ they usually cannot complete the case without the requested info~
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION MISC Issues & Reminders Parent/Secondary school situation: The only time enrollment in two schools is allowed – The Parent SCO must send the secondary school a Parent School Letter – The Secondary school cannot certify until they receive the letter & can only certify the courses listed – Remember to properly set up as “guest” student on BIO Screen in VA Once Please let me know when email addresses change Please submit a current version of the 8794 to me anytime an SCO is added or removed – If adding new SCO, you must still list any existing SCOs, not just the new person – Include email addresses for each SCO or I cannot send VA Once log in info – If you are adding someone just so they can call VA annotate that on the form – If you just want someone to be able to view or view & add in VA Once you add that person as a “user” under your Admin Section – Courtesy copy of 8794 to SAA
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION MISC Issues & Reminders VA generally allows a student to be certified for 2 terms while on probation – subject to the school’s policy & SAA approval criteria A student terminated for Unsatisfactory Progress cannot be recertified until he/she is once again meeting the progress standards as published by that school – VA does not have its own standard progress standard, we defer to the school’s policy – If the school’s standard is deemed not stringent enough, SAA establishes a separate policy for VA students that the school must follow – Schools may or may not connect their VA standards to their Financial Aid standards You can always retroactively certify a student – VA will determine what is or isn’t payable Only CH33 (& Voc. Rehab – Ch31) pay the school directly – all other chapters pay student & the student is responsible for paying you 35
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION For status inquiries & student specific questions Students or SCOs Ask a question in GI Bill website (Right Now Web for SCOs) See page 13 of SCO Handbook for instructions For general questions/status inquiries: National Call Centers: 888-442-4551 – Students 855-225-1159 - SCO dedicated phone line ** DO NOT SHARE THIS # WITH STUDENTS** For inquiries regarding a debt: Debt Management Center: 800-827-0648 – Students – SCOs only Who To Contact & GI Bill Website Resources For Voc. Rehab (CH31) Inquiries or Questions Your school’s Voc. Rehab Counselor or 336-251-0811
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION GI Bill Website **View** SCO Handbook On-line SCO training Power points –VA Once –Chapters Transcripts of web-in-airs Yellow Ribbon info Treasury Off set Info ARTS & SMARTS transcripts Pamphlets WAVE & E-Benefits Certification, complicated student specific questions or VA Once – ME Please give me the student’s name AND last 4 of their SSN (no full SSN in emails) even if you don’t think I will need it ** Please do not share my contact info with students** Who To Contact & GI Bill Website Resources Compliance Issues Hazel Burke: or SAA: Your program specialist or 919-733-7535 Keep in mind they are often out of the office Approval Issues SAA: Your program specialist or 919-733-7535
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Weekly Clock Hour Attendance CERTIFICATION Report the student’s scheduled hours of attendance – Ensure that you are not certifying a length, based on the scheduled clock hours per week, that exceeds the program length as approved by the SAA – The total clock hours certified will be checked on compliance surveys If the student misses classes you will NOT report the change to VA Follow your school’s published attendance & progress policies, as approved by the SAA, and listed in your approval letter You generally cannot extend the students certified period to VA if the student does not finish on time TERMINATION If the student is not meeting attendance and/or progress standards you will terminate the student’s certification Progress standards may be based on: – Minimum grades, – grade point average, – minimum attendance – Requirements or a combination You will process a Pro Rata Refund based on the students completed hours vs total required hours for the program If the student takes a Leave of Absence you will report it to VA – Different procedures for CH33 than non33 – An extension may be due if student does not finish on time 40
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION PRO RATA REFUND Nonaccredited schools must refund T&F on a pro rata basis when VA students withdraw or do not enroll after paying for courses, in whole or part The pro rata refund must, at a minimum, meet the following criteria: – School catalogs must have description of the refund policy. A simple statement that refunds are made on a pro rata basis is not sufficient. – The description must be clear enough for students to determine the amount of their refund – VA regulations allow a 10% deviation in the refund from an exact pro rata figure – VA regulations allow schools to retain up to $10.00 of any registration fee Schools must make refunds promptly, i.e., within 40 days Schools cannot not require VA students to request the refunds If a school’s policy is more favorable to the student the school will use their policy Schools may apply the pro rata refund policy to VA students only. 43
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION How to Calculate a Pro Rata Refund Calculate the number of clock hours the student completed Divide the completed clock hours by the total approved clock hours The resulting percentage is the amount the school can keep Ex: A program is approved for 1500 total clock hours & costs $10,000 The student completed 1000 total clock hours 1000/1500 =.6666 or 67% $10,000 x 67% = $6700 The school keeps $6700 The school refunds $3300 to the student Any debt with VA is the student’s responsibility 44
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Leave of Absence (LOA) CH 33 Reenter the scheduled clock hours in the “clock” box Leave the T&F as initially certified Choose “other” from the drop down box for adjustment reason Enter the following remark: Student on LOA from xx/xx/xx to xx/xx/xx. Also add: Ending date extended to xx/xx/xx (if applicable) 49
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION MISC Reminders The cost of books & supplies/kits: – Should be included on a CH33 cert if they are mandatory for all students – ONLY If they books/supplies/kits cannot be purchased from any outside source You must add the VA Course Code when entering approved programs into VA Once – VA Once will populate the “Objective code” with the same number – The list of codes is found on the “Quick Reference User Guide” Power Point – If there is not an exact match use “Not Elsewhere Classified” code Certify the clock hours per week not the total for the program CH35 NCD students must verify their enrollment each month to release payment If you have started certifying a student on paper submit any changes on paper All new students should be certified in VA Once 52
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