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Published byMarion Booth Modified over 9 years ago
Identity, Faith. Learning and Interfaith Relations in Canada Presentation for Interfaith and Belonging Canadian Race Relations Foundation JACK JEDWAB ASSOCIATION FOR CANADIAN STUDIES October 16, 2012
Methodology Conducted by the firm Leger Marketing for the Association for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, was done via web panel with 1522 respondents between March 17 and March 19, 2012. Across the country an equivalent phone survey would have a margin of error of 2.9 points 19 times out of 20)
Attachment to religion lowest across identities-increases amongst 65 plus TotalA man A woman18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 +FrenchEnglishOther Total Weight 1522735787179247297307226267332877297 Tot Numb 1522813709115206313392223273428954132 Canada84%83%86%79%80%82%88%87%89%54%95%89% Prov88%87%88%83%85% 87%90%94%91%88%82% My Lang Group 78%75%81%62%78%77%82%80%85%84%80%65% My Ethnic Comm unity 51%50%53%40%49%58%55%47%54%57%50%47% My Religio us Group 38%34%41%29%32%40%34%37%52%26%39%45%
Importance of religion and belief in God is lowest amongst youth AgreeTotalA manA woman18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 + Religion is an important part of my life 42%37%46%30%38%43%38%42%56% God exists67%64%71%56%63%71%66%65%79% Good Deeds are rewarded 76%71%81%77%72%76%77% 79% Bad Deeds are punished 63%58%67%72%65%61%60%63%58% A higher power governs the world 58%54%62%52%55%60%54%55%69% There is life after death 63%58%68%60%61%64%61%62%70%
Francophones least likely to believe that a high power governs AgreeTotalFrenchEnglishOther Maritim esQCONMB/SKABBC Religion is an important part of my life 42%33%44%43%47%33%45%54%43%37% God exists 67%64%68%69%70%62%70%79%67%62% Good Deeds are rewarded 76%77% 75%82%78%76%82%75%70% Bad Deeds are punished 63%54%64%68%70%56%66%65%60% A higher power governs the world 58%45%60%67%62%46%62%73%66%52% There is life after death 63%62%65%57%60% 65%69%67%59%
Canadians can practice freely but rights of women may be affected AGRE ETotalA man A woman18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 +FrenchEnglishOther People can practise their religion freely in Canada 91%93%90%91%94%91% 90%84%94% Religion inevitabl y poses a threat to women's rights 45%44%45%49%44%40%42%49%45%55%43%35% Religion brings people together more than it divides them 47%44%49%42%43%47%44%43%58%40%48%51% I want to learn more about religions other than my own 49%48%49%46%56%51%42%48% 40%55%41%
Yes to Religious Pluralism, But… AGRE ETotalA man A woman18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 +FrenchEnglishOther There is room for a variety of religions in Canada 82%84%81%84%83%80%83%84%79%74%82%91% We have to take steps to protect our Canadia n religious tradition s from outside influence s 51%48%54%41%53%46%45%53%69%65%51%38%
Francophones least likely to believe that religion can resolve personal problems Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following: / Religion can help address personal problems FrenchEnglishOther Strongly agree9.7%21.8%29.6% Somewhat agree41.4%43.7%34.7% Somewhat disagree26.0%20.4%24.6% Strongly disagree23.0%14.1%11.1%
It is leaders and not religious people that lack trust Total TrustTotalA man A woman18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 + People that are religious 67%63%70%66% 64%66%67%72% People that are not religious/ Atheists 73%71%75%79%72%77%71%68%73% Clergy/R eligious Leaders 48%46%51%39%47%43%47%50%62%
Those who believe that God exists are most likely to trust religious leaders God exists Clergy/Religious Leaders Strongly agreeSomewhat agree Somewhat disagreeStrongly disagree Trusted a lot18.4%5.5%4.0%5.0% Somewhat trusted45.3%44.1%31.6%17.4% Trusted a little25.9%35.3%42.7%33.1% Not trusted at all10.4%15.0%21.7%44.6%
Those who consider religion as important in their lives are far more inclined to affirm God’s existence (see table below) and far more likely to agree that good deeds will be rewarded Religion is an important part of my life God exists Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree Strongly agree95.7%56.4%22.2%6.9% Somewhat agree3.3%41.2%52.0%18.3% Somewhat disagree.7%2.1%23.6%30.2% Strongly disagree.3% 2.2%44.6% Religion is an important part of my life Good deeds are rewarded Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree Strongly agree58.0%26.9%17.6%12.9% Somewhat agree36.4%56.3%59.6%48.0% Somewhat disagree4.9%13.8%17.6%21.5% Strongly disagree.7%3.1%5.1%17.7%
Young Canadians least likely to trust religious leaders Total TrustTotalA man A woman18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 + People that are religious 67%63%70%66% 64%66%67%72% People that are not religious/ Atheists 73%71%75%79%72%77%71%68%73% Clergy/ Religious Leaders 48%46%51%39%47%43%47%50%62%
Those who want to learn more about other religions more likely to agree that religion unifies I want to learn more about religions other than my own Religion brings people together more than it divides them Strongly agreeSomewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree27.1%39.1%20.0%13.8% Somewhat agree11.4%45.7%28.9%14.0% Somewhat disagree8.8%34.4%34.9%21.9% Strongly disagree10.3%22.5%18.3%48.9%
Those who want to learn more about other religions more positive about Muslims I want to learn more about religions other than my own Do you have a very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative or very negative opinion of the following: / Muslims Strongly agreeSomewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Very positive30.1%39.9%9.2%20.8% Somewhat positive14.4%45.2%24.8%15.6% Somewhat negative8.8%32.0%31.7%27.4% Very negative5.7%17.4%34.8%42.2%
Those who want to learn more about other religions more positive about Jews I want to learn more about religions other than my own Do you have a very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative or very negative opinion of the following: / Jews Strongly agreeSomewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Very positive21.7%43.4%18.1%16.8% Somewhat positive12.0%36.6%28.5%22.9% Somewhat negative9.7%28.6%31.8%30.0% Very negative4.2%15.5%25.4%54.9%
Those who want to learn more about other religions more positive about MC Policy I want to learn more about religions other than my own Do you have a very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative or very negative opinion of the following: / Canadian Multicultural Policy Strongly agreeSomewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Very positive30.6%34.1%20.5%14.8% Somewhat positive10.7%40.9%29.3%19.2% Somewhat negative9.2%34.5%25.6%30.7% Very negative6.3%22.7%29.5%41.5%
Those who want to learn more about other religions more trusting of Muslims I want to learn more about religions other than my own The following can be trusted a lot, somewhat trusted, trusted a little or not trusted at all: / Muslims Strongly agreeSomewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Trusted a lot41.8%34.2%6.8%17.1% Somewhat trusted14.6%44.0%24.3%17.1% Trusted a little7.1%35.6%34.5%22.8% Not trusted at all3.7%21.5%28.9%46.0%
Those who want to learn more about other religions more trusting of Jews I want to learn more about religions other than my own The following can be trusted a lot, somewhat trusted, trusted a little or not trusted at all: / Jews Strongly agreeSomewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Trusted a lot29.8%38.3%13.6%18.3% Somewhat trusted11.4%41.0%27.3%20.3% Trusted a little6.8%27.7%37.8%27.7% Not trusted at all5.0%20.1%20.9%54.0%
Those supporting interfaith dialogue more likely to agree that religion unifies Government should provide funds to support dialogue to resolve problems between religious communities Religion brings people together more than it divides them Strongly agreeSomewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree19.6%29.5%30.4%20.5% Somewhat agree5.2%30.4%43.0%21.5% Somewhat disagree4.9%21.4%41.5%32.2% Strongly disagree1.7%18.9%18.3%61.1%
Muslims less trusted than other groups Total TrustTotal 18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 + Protestant71%53%69% 74%73%83% Catholics70%63%67%66%68%73%83% Jews69%64%69%65%71%69%77% Aboriginals64%66% 64%66%59%60% Immigrants63%73%63%62% 57%62% Muslims48%56%50%51%49%45%39%
As observed below, some 43% of Canadians strongly agree that they have heard negative comments about Muslims over the past year compared with 31% in the case of Aboriginals and 25% in the case of Jews. I have heard negative comments about…in the past year Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Muslims43.5%38.8%11.1%6.5%100.0% Aboriginals31.2%37.6%20.7%10.4%100.0% Jews24.7%34.4%26.4%14.5%100.0%
People least likely to agree that discrimination towards black people not their fault If there is discrimination against … it is mainly their fault Total 18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 + Muslims42%28%41%38%39% 62% Jews26%20%30%25%26%24%28% Black People19%24%20%17% 16%20%
Most Canadians possess negative view of relations between Muslims and non-Muslims Relations Between Muslims and Non-Muslims TotalMaritimesQCONMB/SKABBC TOTAL positive 38%57%26%42% 35% Very positive8%12%4%11%9%10%6% Somewhat positive 30%45%22%31%33%32%29% TOTAL negative 51%30%66%47% 49%50% Somewhat negative 33%23%38%32%27%30%41% Very negative18%7%28%15%20%19%9% I prefer not answering 11%13%7%11% 9%15%
Young people more optimistic around relations between Muslims and non-Muslims Relations Between Muslims and Non-Muslims 18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 +FrenchEnglishOther TOTAL positive 56%35%34%43%38%29%25%44%38% Very positive24%4%7% 5%8%5%9%10% Somewhat positive 32%31%27%35%34%22%20%35%28% TOTAL negative 31%51%54%47%53%64%66%46%52% Somewhat negative 20%37%41%30% 38% 31%34% Very negative11%14% 17%24%26%28%14%17% I prefer not answering 13%14%12%11%8%7%9%11%10%
Those who were the most likely to have heard negative comments about Muslims were the most likely to hold negative opinions about them. But those with moderate exposure to such comments held negative views to the same degree as those who heard very little negative remarks about Muslims. Do you have a very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative or very negative opinion of the following: / Muslims I have heard negative comments about Muslims in the past year Somewhat negativeVery negativeTotal Negative Strongly agree33.2%22.6%55.8% Somewhat agree29.6%7.3%36.9% Somewhat disagree17.3%12.5%29.8% Strongly disagree18.4%17.3%35.7%
I have heard negative comments about Muslims in the past year Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Age43.5%38.8%11.1%6.5%100.0% 18-24 years of age48.9%38.3%6.1%6.7%100.0% 25-34 years of age45.3%38.1%12.6%4.0%100.0% 35-44 years of age37.2%38.3%18.5%6.0%100.0% 45-54 years of age38.6%41.5%9.2%10.8%100.0% 55-64 years of age44.9%33.0%15.4%6.6%100.0% 65-74 years of age46.3%45.8%4.9%3.0%100.0% N egative comments about Muslims have been heard to roughly equal degrees across the age spectrum
When comparing the provinces, it is British Columbians that are least likely to report that they heard negative comments about Muslims with residents of Saskatchewan most likely to have heard them. I have heard negative comments about Muslims in the past year Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Alberta46.2%41.0%10.3%2.6%100.0% British Columbia34.0%46.8%15.8%3.4%100.0% Manitoba40.0%34.5%7.3%18.2%100.0% New Brunswick41.7%33.3%11.1%13.9%100.0% Nova Scotia44.4%20.0%15.6%20.0%100.0% Ontario43.0%39.2%11.6%6.1%100.0% Quebec48.8%37.7%7.4%6.1%100.0% Saskatchewan55.3%34.0%4.3%6.4%100.0%
Quebecers most negative about relations between Jews and non-Jews Relations Between Jews and Non-Jews TotalMaritimesQCONMB/SKABBC TOTAL positive 59%67%38%67%61%63%64% Very positive 15%23%6%19%14%18%13% Somewhat positive 44%43%32%49%47%45%51% TOTAL negative 30%20%52%23%26%31%21% Somewhat negative 23%18%36%18%20%22%20% Very negative 7%2%16%5%6%9%1% I prefer not answering 10%13%9%10%13%6%15%
Young Canadians somewhat less likely to be positive about relations between Jews and non-Jews Relations Between Jews and Non-Jews 18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465 +French Englis hOther TOTAL positive 69%50%55%57%59%68%39%67%62% Very positive 23%13%12%14%11%19%8%17% Somewhat positive 46%37%43%44%48%49%31%50%45% TOTAL negative 19%36%31% 34%28%51%23%27% Somewhat negative 9%30%25%23%24%22%35%19%21% Very negative 10%6% 7%10%6%16%5%7% I prefer not answering 11%14% 12%7%4%10% 11%
In the case of Jews, those who were more exposed to negative comments were more likely to hold negative opinions about the group Do you have a very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative or very negative opinion of the following: / Jews I have heard negative comments about Jews in the past year Somewhat negativeVery negativeTotal Negative Strongly agree16.5%8.5%25.0% Somewhat agree18.9%3.1%22% Somewhat disagree10.4%2.5%12.9% Strongly disagree5.9% 11.8%
In the case of Jews, it is the youngest cohort that is somewhat more exposed to negative remarks. I have heard negative comments about Jews in the past year Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Age24.7%34.4%26.4%14.5%100.0% 18-24 years of age34.8%30.9%18.0%16.3%100.0% 25-34 years of age25.1%33.2%31.6%10.1%100.0% 35-44 years of age25.9%29.3%30.0%14.8%100.0% 45-54 years of age24.1%32.9%24.4%18.6%100.0% 55-64 years of age23.5%31.4%31.9%13.3%100.0% 65-74 years of age13.9%51.5%19.8%14.9%100.0%
Manitobans were least likely to hear negative remarks about Jews which was most common in Quebec I have heard negative comments about Jews in the past year Strongly agree Somewha t agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Total Alberta23.7%39.7%25.6%10.9%100.0% British Columbia15.3%28.6%39.4%16.7%100.0% Manitoba11.1%25.9%37.0%25.9%100.0% New Brunswick22.2%30.6%22.2%25.0%100.0% Nova Scotia28.3%21.7%17.4%32.6%100.0% Ontario26.1%33.2%26.6%14.1%100.0% Quebec30.1%40.6%18.2%11.0%100.0% Saskatchewan21.7%41.3%28.3%8.7%100.0%
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