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The Tower Hamlets College experience… Staff development for e-learning: key to success Staff development for e-learning: key to success Philip Elliott.

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Presentation on theme: "The Tower Hamlets College experience… Staff development for e-learning: key to success Staff development for e-learning: key to success Philip Elliott."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tower Hamlets College experience… Staff development for e-learning: key to success Staff development for e-learning: key to success Philip Elliott Philip Elliott

2 Computer says no?

3 The evidence: ‘ILT has a positive impact on many aspects of education.. In particular.. On teaching and learning’ (The developing impact of ILT - NLN) ‘Creates a sense of engagement.. By personalising the experience.. And by improving communication’ (Impact of e- learning - Harris.R, Hall.J et al - 2005) Increasingly.. ‘computer says YES’…

4 ILT @ THC 1996 -2006 ILT @ THC 1996 -2006 The way we were… 1996 FE: Green shoots.. THC: Ratio of computers to staff – 1:8 Ratio of computers to students – 1:30 Inspection 1996: No grade 1 provision 2 outstanding x-college grades How we live now… 2007 FE: Transformation THC: Ratio of computers to staff – 1:1 Ratio of computers to students – 1:2.6 Inspection 2005: Grade 1 provision in 80% of curriculum Outstanding cross-college grades in all areas

5 What we use… Discussion Boards Issues in English Commercial software VLE, Intranet and shared network Existing websites Internet Outlook Powerpoint Excel Word MS Office Mind Genius Kar2ouche Interactive Whiteboards ACTIVote VLE quizzes In house tools QUIA Hot Potatoes Quiz Tools Students’ work Tense Buster Chat Texting & mobile learning Web design software

6 Added value..? % of grade 1 lessons (Ofsted) which use ILT = 76%

7 Major projects: Action Research – ‘supported experiments’ in each programme area. Action Researchers are currently halfway through a year-long pilot carrying out T&L focussed projects with a strong emphasis on improving achievement TALWILT (Teaching and Learning with ILT) is our bespoke ILT qualification and to date 105 staff have completed the training Lesson observation. A key target in the ILT strategy is that all observation reports have use of ILT as a strength

8 Action research projects which develop ILT skills and resources: Aspirations Self-assessment and self-evaluation in the teaching and learning process with adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities Self-assessment and self-evaluation in the teaching and learning process with adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities Bethnal Green ESOL Realising potential in skills for life Realising potential in skills for lifeBusiness Developing analytical skills Developing analytical skillsComputing Learning Logs Learning Logs

9 And more… English & Humanities Questioning Styles Questioning StylesMaths Investigating the best methods for actively engaging learners to improve their understanding of mathematical concepts for further education Investigating the best methods for actively engaging learners to improve their understanding of mathematical concepts for further education Vocational Options Vocational Options Motivational development of learners using formative feedback A collection of the various methods we use to formatively assess our students: a ‘tool kit’ of ideas Motivational development of learners using formative feedback A collection of the various methods we use to formatively assess our students: a ‘tool kit’ of ideas

10 What our stakeholders say… ‘Teachers often make good use of information learning technologies (ILT), including use of interactive whiteboards. In ESOL, and literacy and numeracy, their use is particularly effective. In mathematics, there is exceptionally good use of IT’ (Ofsted report on THC - 2005) ‘More enjoyable… these lessons are the best’ (student – THC)

11 The vision for THC and ILT… The priorities (Harnessing Technology, Transforming Learning and Children’s Services - DfES 2005) transforming teaching… enabling learners of all ages to meet their highest expectations connecting with hard to reach groups in new ways opening up education to partnerships with other organisations moving to a new level of efficiency and effectiveness in our delivery

12 The learner of the future… The learner of the future… Every effective teacher… sets out as far as possible to meet the needs of all their students. In doing so, they can transform the life chances of learners (Further Education. Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances) Every effective teacher… sets out as far as possible to meet the needs of all their students. In doing so, they can transform the life chances of learners (Further Education. Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances)

13 Thanks for listening… If you have any questions, fire away.. or call/email: Philip 0207 536 5785/5784

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