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Cedar Ridge Estates Green View Realty LLC Is Pleased to Present: Application for Comprehensive Permit 40B Residential Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Cedar Ridge Estates Green View Realty LLC Is Pleased to Present: Application for Comprehensive Permit 40B Residential Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cedar Ridge Estates Green View Realty LLC Is Pleased to Present: Application for Comprehensive Permit 40B Residential Development

2 Hearing Agenda 1. Review of Project Program 2. Wetland Discussion 3. Drainage / Stormwater Management 4. Questions & Answers

3 Revised Future Hearing Agenda 1. Overview of Project (Tonight) 2. Drainage, Stormwater Management, Wetlands Enhancements, & Site Improvements 3. Environmental Issues – History & Proposed Solutions 4. Traffic, Public & Fire Safety 5. Utilities – Water Supply & Wastewater Disposal 6. Other Regulatory Permitting & Covenants

4 CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES Locus Plan Holliston, Massachusetts





9 Stormwater Management Deep Sump Catchbasins Vortechnic Water Quality Systems Bio-retention Systems (Raingardens)

10 Vortechnics System The industry leading system in hydrodynamic separation that utilizes a combination of vortex motion and flow controls to remove sediment, oil and debris from polluted stormwater runoff. Consistently Provides 80% TSS Removal

11 Vortechnics System

12 Bio-Detention Systems (Constructed Wetlands) Constructed wetlands are excavated basins with irregular perimeters and undulating bottom contours into which wetland vegetation is purposely placed to enhance pollutant removal from stormwater runoff. Primarily: A constructed wetland may be use to maximize pollutant removal from stormwater runoff and also help to control stormwater flows. It may be used to control stormwater flows, with increased pollutant removal capabilities. Secondary: Preservation and restoration of the natural balance between surface waters and groundwaters, increased wildlife habitats, and higher property values than if the same area was turned in to a regular stormwater basin.

13 Constructed Wetlands

14 Questions & Comments Green View Realty, LLC

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