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Financial Statements Aim: To construct a Profit & Loss Account Objectives: Use appropriate business terminology / concepts Know the importance of P & L.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Statements Aim: To construct a Profit & Loss Account Objectives: Use appropriate business terminology / concepts Know the importance of P & L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Statements Aim: To construct a Profit & Loss Account Objectives: Use appropriate business terminology / concepts Know the importance of P & L Understand what goes in to a P & L

2 Why produce a P&L? It is a legal requirement. Tax is paid on the profit. It summarises all the year’s transactions – as recorded in documents such as invoices. It shows the financial ‘health’ of the business. It is studied by managers, shareholders, banks, financiers and other relevant groups of people.

3 Profit & Loss Accounts ££ Sales 87,428 Less purchases 34,697 Gross profit 52,731 Less expenses: Wages paid14,625 Rent & utilities6,520 postage & priniting1,720 Advertising3,450 Insurance210 Motor expenses1,836 Net profit 24,370 Anon Limited Profit & Loss account for the year ended 30 September 20x7

4 Cost of goods sold Purchases = 54,000 Closing inventory = 12,680 Cost of goods sold = ? Purchases = 548,598 Closing inventory = 142,680 Cost of goods sold = ?

5 Gross profit Purchases = 852,630 Closing inventory = 410,000 Cost of goods sold = ? Sales revenue = 30 X 15000 Cost of goods sold = ? Gross profit = ? Gross profit = £7,370 442,630

6 Cost of goods sold Each TV costs £1,000. The shop bought 12 TVs. Their total purchases was therefore £12,000 At the end of the month there were 3 TVs left. Therefore they sold 9 TVs Therefore the cost of the goods sold was £9,000. Purchases = £12,000 Closing inventory = £3,000 Cost of goods sold = £9,000

7 £1,000 £1,500 Total TV sales (Sales revenue) = 9 TVs at £1,500 each Costs of goods sold = 9 TVs at £1,000 each Gross profit = (sales revenue – cost of goods sold)

8 The accounting method... At the end of each period (month) the accounts should be closed- off ready to start a fresh the next month. Sales a/cDrCrPurchase a/cDrCr Closing inventory a/c DrCr 2012 Sept30 Trading 13,500 2012 Sept30 Trading 3,000 2012 Sept30 Trading 12,000 We are going to ‘link’ all these accounts with the ‘trading account’

9 The accounting method... At the end of each period (month) the accounts should be closed- off ready to start a fresh the next month. Sales a/cDrCrPurchase a/cDrCr Closing inventory a/c DrCr 2012 Sept30 Trading 13,500 2012 Sept30 Trading 3,000 2012 Sept30 Trading 12,000 These balances will appear on the trading account. thus these 3 accounts are now closed.

10 GROSS PROFIT Gross profit Trading a/c CrDr 2012 - Sept30 Purchases 12,000 2012 - Sept30 Sales 13,500 30 Closing inventory 3,000 16,500 Sept 30 Gross profit 4,500 16,500

11 NET PROFIT or LOSS Profit & Loss Trading a/c CrDr 2012 - Sept30 Rent 1,000 2012 - Sept30 Gross Profit 4,500 4,500 Sept 30 Lighting 800 4,500 Sept 30 Wages2,000 Sept 30 Net profit/loss 700

12 NET PROFIT or LOSS The expense accounts will now be closed-off. Rent a/cDrCrLighting a/cDrCr Wages a/c DrCr 2012 Sept30 P&L a/c 2,000 2012 Sept30 P&L a/c 800 We are going to ‘link’ all these accounts with the ‘trading account’ 2012 Sept30 P&L a/c 1,000

13 The P&L Statement£ Sales13,500 Less cost of goods sold:  Purchases12,000  Closing inventory(3,000) = 9,000 (COGS) Gross profit4,500 Less expenses:  Rent1,000  Lighting800  Wages2,000 Net profit 700

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