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B ACK TO S CHOOL Ms. Thompson Kindergarten Sunflower Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "B ACK TO S CHOOL Ms. Thompson Kindergarten Sunflower Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 B ACK TO S CHOOL Ms. Thompson Kindergarten Sunflower Elementary

2 M ISSION S TATEMENT The Sunflower Community expects learning through dedication, cooperation and teamwork. We want the foundation we lay to benefit students for life.


4 N UTS AND BOLTS Arrival and Dismissal Times Absence Procedures Communication Snacks Beach Time Birthdays Specials Schedule Early Dismissal Days Fall Conferences Volunteers

5 D AILY ROUTINE MORNINGAFTERNOON Morning WorkEnrichment Activities Calendar, Poem, StoryBeach Time Language ArtsSnack BreakK-PALS MathStations Social Studies/Science Centers Lunch Recess

6 S PECIALS Music PE Art Library

7 Language Arts Letter recognition Writing letters Beginning/ending sounds Using sounds to read/write words Literature Vocabulary Comprehension strategies Sequencing Rhyming Oral language development Math Shapes Number recognition Counting Number patterns Writing numbers Calendar Size relationships Measurement Sorting/Classifying Joining/separating sets Graphing Curriculum

8 Science Making observations Five senses Classification Animals Plants Measurement Seasons Weather Scientific process Social Studies Self School Family Community Celebrations Famous Americans Getting along with others Customs of different cultures

9 Health Safety Good habits Nutrition Cleanliness Dental Health Computer/iPad Care Terminology Logging in Appropriate use Math and reading skills Keyboarding Study Skills Listening Following directions Taking care of supplies Completing tasks Proper use of materials Responsibility

10 H OMEWORK Comes home on Monday Return on Friday Great Communication Tool Builds Responsibility

11 G RADING /E VALUATION Assignments Informal Observations Individual Assessments Progress Reports Report Cards Report cards are posted on Skyward four times during the year. Grades assigned: S (Satisfactory) N (Needs Improvement) I (Improving)

12 Expectations for ALL Sunflower students include the “ABC’s of the Sunflower Way.” A: Active Learning B: Being Safe C: Caring Positive Behavior = Praise Praise = Cyclone Clicks Cyclone Clicks = Privileges & Rewards SCHOOL-WIDE BEHAVIOR PLAN

13 Discipline Classroom Expectations: 1. Follow directions the first time they are given. 2. Respect other people and their property. Logical/Natural Consequences If there is a consistent or severe problem, I will contact you so that we can work together to establish a behavior plan that will best suit your child.

14 Student Arrivals/Dismissals Children will be able to walk in on their own. Please pull forward as far as possible when picking up a child at the curb. Please cross in the crosswalk. SAFETY School-Wide Plan Signing in/out in office

15 PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES OCTOBER 22 nd and 23 RD, 2015 SIGN UP TODAY! Sign-up Sheet NOT MANDATORY There are many ways to be involved in your child’s education Permission Slips Parent Volunteers Past Trips: Paul Mesner Puppets Children’s Museum Public Library Deana Rose Pumpkin Patch Kaleidoscope VolunteersField Trips

16 R EADING I NCENTIVE P ROGRAM Gumball Sheets Begins in October Prizes!!! "Children are made readers on the laps of their parents." — Emilie Buchwald

17 S TANDARDIZED T ESTING DIBELS: The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Learning Skills --individually administered --measure of pre-reading and early reading skills --timed to assess fluency Portions of the test are administered at 3 separate times during the year: Fall (August-September) Winter (December-January) Spring (April-May)

18 M ORE S TANDARDIZED T ESTING DIBELS Math --individually administered --measure of basic number sense --timed to assess fluency Portions of the test are administered at 3 separate times during the year: Fall (August-September) Winter (December-January) Spring (April-May)

19 Contact Information: Rebecca Thompson913-993-5400 (Sunflower) rebeccathompson@smsd.orgrebeccathompson@smsd.org913-993-5412 (voice mail) 913-993-5448 (attendance) Web Backpack Parents & Students Teacher Pages Sunflower Rebecca Thompson

20 "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go.“ — Dr. Seuss

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