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Children’s Ministry Core Skills Training 16 th January 2008.

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1 Children’s Ministry Core Skills Training 16 th January 2008

2 Child Development Aim To reflect on and extend understanding of how children develop, and to apply this understanding to interaction with children, Learning outcomes To understand how children develop physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, morally and spiritually. To appreciate the range of learning styles and approaches that there can be within a group. To reflect on personal experience of life and faith, and the effects of this experience on our ways of working with children. To consider work with children in the light of some theories of human development.

3 Starter: Then and Now When you were seven: 1.What was your favourite food? 2.What was your favourite toy or game? 3.What was your favourite story? 4.What was your favourite TV or radio programme? 5.Did you know any Christians? 6.What did you know about Christianity and Christian faith? 7.Did you feel part of a church? Why/why not? Now they are seven: 1.What foods are popular with seven-year-olds today? 2.What toys and games do they play with? 3.What sorts of stories do they like? 4.What TV programmes are the most popular with this age group? 5.Do the children in your group know any Christians other than you? 6.What do they know about Christianity and Christian faith? 7.Do they feel part of your church? Why/why not?

4 Starter: Different Approaches The task is to make a paper cup using only an A4 sheet of paper.

5 Core: How Children Grow & Develop Questions: Do the charts help you to understand better how children develop? Why/why not? To what extent are they relevant to children with special needs? What insights has this exercise given into understanding the children you work with?

6 Core: Motivation & Needs Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

7 Core: Motivation & Needs Significant needs in the development of Children The need for love and security The need for new experiences The need for praise and recognition The need for responsibility Mia Keller Pringle (child psychologist)

8 Core: Focus On Faith Faith is…. How does your view of faith affect the way you work with children? How does your experience of faith affect the way you work with children?

9 Core: Focus On Faith Westerhoff’s faith development theory Experienced faith Affiliative faith Searching faith Owned faith or mature faith How do these ideas relate to your own experience of your growth of faith and the faith development of others? What are the implications for your work with children?

10 Core: Focus On Faith A World Prayer: Hallowed be thy name Is there anything in the poem that surprises you? If we are born naturally religious, why are there not more people of all ages in the churches?

11 Core: Focus On Faith David Hay, a British academic, in his book, Children and God, says that all children are interested in four fundamental questions: Who am I? Where have I come from? Where am I going? What am I meant to do?

12 Do you agree that your role is to ‘accompany children on their journey of faith’? Why! why not? How do you encourage children to ask fundamental questions? How can you enable your children to grow and deve1o as people of faith? How can the church avoid making children feel that they should adopt adult religious language and activities rather than expressing their faith hi their own ways? Think about the experiences of worship on offer to the children in your group. Are there any changes you would like to see made in the light of this session?

13 Biblical Thought: Jesus & Children Read Mark 9:33—37 and 10:13—16. What do you think Jesus meant when he told his disciples to ‘receive the kingdom of God like a little child’?

14 Reflection On Learning What questions do you have about life and faith? Where do you look for answers? What do you think a new child would like or need to know about your children’s group? Talk to the children in your group about this. What practical things can be done to enable a new child to settle in and want to keep being involved?

15 Worship

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