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Respiratory physiology:

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1 Respiratory physiology:

2 Respiration Ventilation: Movement of air into and out of lungs
External respiration: Gas exchange between air in lungs and blood Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood Internal respiration: Gas exchange between the blood and tissues

3 Respiratory System Functions
Gas exchange: Oxygen enters blood and carbon dioxide leaves Regulation of blood pH: Altered by changing blood carbon dioxide levels Voice production: Movement of air past vocal folds makes sound and speech Olfaction: Smell occurs when airborne molecules drawn into nasal cavity Protection: Against microorganisms by preventing entry and removing them

4 Respiratory System Divisions
Upper tract Nose, pharynx and associated structures Lower tract Larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

5 Nasal Cavity and Pharynx

6 Nose and Pharynx Pharynx Nose
Common opening for digestive and respiratory systems Three regions Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Nose External nose Nasal cavity Functions Passageway for air Cleans the air Humidifies, warms air Smell Along with paranasal sinuses are resonating chambers for speech

7 Larynx Functions Maintain an open passageway for air movement
Epiglottis and vestibular folds prevent swallowed material from moving into larynx Vocal folds are primary source of sound production

8 Vocal Folds

9 Trachea Windpipe Divides to form Primary bronchi Carina: Cough reflex

10 Tracheobronchial Tree
Conducting zone Trachea to terminal bronchioles which is ciliated for removal of debris Passageway for air movement Cartilage holds tube system open and smooth muscle controls tube diameter Respiratory zone Respiratory bronchioles to alveoli Site for gas exchange

11 Tracheobronchial Tree

12 Bronchioles and Alveoli

13 Alveolus and Respiratory Membrane


15 Fig. 4. Effects of methacholine on depth of airway
surface liquid. a: control tissue not exposed to methacholine. b: 2-min methacholine exposure. Putative sol and mucous gel are clearly visible. c: 30-min exposure. Tissues were radiant etched for 20 s to 1 min. Scale bar 5 20 μm. From Am. J. Physiol. 274 (Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 18): L388–L395, 1998.—

16 Lungs Two lungs: Principal organs of respiration Divisions
Right lung: Three lobes Left lung: Two lobes Divisions Lobes, bronchopulmonary segments, lobules

17 Thoracic Walls Muscles of Respiration

18 Thoracic Volume


20 Pleura Pleural fluid produced by pleural membranes Acts as lubricant
Helps hold parietal and visceral pleural membranes together

21 Ventilation Movement of air into and out of lungs
Air moves from area of higher pressure to area of lower pressure Pressure is inversely related to volume

22 Alveolar Pressure Changes

23 Changing Alveolar Volume
Lung recoil Causes alveoli to collapse resulting from Elastic recoil and surface tension Surfactant: Reduces tendency of lungs to collapse Pleural pressure Negative pressure can cause alveoli to expand Pneumothorax is an opening between pleural cavity and air that causes a loss of pleural pressure

24 Normal Breathing Cycle

25 Compliance Measure of the ease with which lungs and thorax expand
The greater the compliance, the easier it is for a change in pressure to cause expansion A lower-than-normal compliance means the lungs and thorax are harder to expand Conditions that decrease compliance Pulmonary fibrosis Pulmonary edema Respiratory distress syndrome

26 Pulmonary Volumes Tidal volume Inspiratory reserve volume
Volume of air inspired or expired during a normal inspiration or expiration Inspiratory reserve volume Amount of air inspired forcefully after inspiration of normal tidal volume Expiratory reserve volume Amount of air forcefully expired after expiration of normal tidal volume Residual volume Volume of air remaining in respiratory passages and lungs after the most forceful expiration

27 Pulmonary Capacities Inspiratory capacity Functional residual capacity
Tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume Functional residual capacity Expiratory reserve volume plus the residual volume Vital capacity Sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume Total lung capacity Sum of inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes plus the tidal volume and residual volume

28 Spirometer and Lung Volumes/Capacities

29 Minute and Alveolar Ventilation
Minute ventilation: Total amount of air moved into and out of respiratory system per minute Respiratory rate or frequency: Number of breaths taken per minute Anatomic dead space: Part of respiratory system where gas exchange does not take place Alveolar ventilation: How much air per minute enters the parts of the respiratory system in which gas exchange takes place


31 Physical Principles of Gas Exchange
Partial pressure The pressure exerted by each type of gas in a mixture Dalton’s law Water vapor pressure Diffusion of gases through liquids Concentration of a gas in a liquid is determined by its partial pressure and its solubility coefficient Henry’s law





36 Physical Principles of Gas Exchange
Diffusion of gases through the respiratory membrane Depends on membrane’s thickness, the diffusion coefficient of gas, surface areas of membrane, partial pressure of gases in alveoli and blood Relationship between ventilation and pulmonary capillary flow Increased ventilation or increased pulmonary capillary blood flow increases gas exchange Physiologic shunt is deoxygenated blood returning from lungs

37 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Diffusion Gradients
Moves from alveoli into blood. Blood is almost completely saturated with oxygen when it leaves the capillary P02 in blood decreases because of mixing with deoxygenated blood Oxygen moves from tissue capillaries into the tissues Carbon dioxide Moves from tissues into tissue capillaries Moves from pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli

38 Changes in Partial Pressures


40 Hemoglobin and Oxygen Transport
Oxygen is transported by hemoglobin (98.5%) and is dissolved in plasma (1.5%) Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve shows that hemoglobin is almost completely saturated when P02 is 80 mm Hg or above. At lower partial pressures, the hemoglobin releases oxygen. A shift of the curve to the left because of an increase in pH, a decrease in carbon dioxide, or a decrease in temperature results in an increase in the ability of hemoglobin to hold oxygen

41 Hemoglobin and Oxygen Transport
A shift of the curve to the right because of a decrease in pH, an increase in carbon dioxide, or an increase in temperature results in a decrease in the ability of hemoglobin to hold oxygen The substance 2.3-bisphosphoglycerate increases the ability of hemoglobin to release oxygen Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than does maternal

42 Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve at Rest

43 Bohr effect:

44 Temperature effects:


46 Shifting the Curve

47 Transport of Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide is transported as bicarbonate ions (70%) in combination with blood proteins (23%) and in solution with plasma (7%) Hemoglobin that has released oxygen binds more readily to carbon dioxide than hemoglobin that has oxygen bound to it (Haldane effect) In tissue capillaries, carbon dioxide combines with water inside RBCs to form carbonic acid which dissociates to form bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions


49 Transport of Carbon Dioxide
In lung capillaries, bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions move into RBCs and chloride ions move out. Bicarbonate ions combine with hydrogen ions to form carbonic acid. The carbonic acid is converted to carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide diffuses out of the RBCs. Increased plasma carbon dioxide lowers blood pH. The respiratory system regulates blood pH by regulating plasma carbon dioxide levels

50 Haldane Effect The amount of carbon dioxide transported is markedly affected by the PO2 Haldane effect – the lower the PO2 and hemoglobin saturation with oxygen, the more carbon dioxide can be carried in the blood

51 Haldane Effect At the tissues, as more carbon dioxide enters the blood: More oxygen dissociates from hemoglobin (Bohr effect) More carbon dioxide combines with hemoglobin, and more bicarbonate ions are formed This situation is reversed in pulmonary circulation


53 Haldane Effect Figure 22.23

54 CO2 Transport and Cl- Movement

55 Transport and Exchange of Carbon Dioxide
Figure 22.22a

56 Transport and Exchange of Carbon Dioxide
Figure 22.22b

57 Ventilation-Perfusion Coupling
Figure 22.19

58 Ventilation-perfusion coupling:

59 Respiratory Areas in Brainstem
Medullary respiratory center Dorsal groups stimulate the diaphragm Ventral groups stimulate the intercostal and abdominal muscles Pontine (pneumotaxic) respiratory group Involved with switching between inspiration and expiration

60 Respiratory Structures in Brainstem

61 Rhythmic Ventilation Neurons controlling inspiration and expiration are clustered into two groups which make up the Respiratory Rhythmicity Centre (RRC) in the medulla. The dorsal resp. group (DRG and the ventral resp. group (VRG) have reciprocal inhibition. i.e. when one group is active, the other is inhibited.

62 Starting inspiration Neurons of the DRG are spontaneously active in bursts (usually about 2 second burst duration during quiet breathing). Action potentials stimulate inspiratory muscles to contract. Center receives stimulation from stretch receptors and simulation from parts of brain concerned with voluntary respiratory movements and emotion. These inputs can modify the bursting activity.

63 Stopping inspiration DRG neurons become quiet. Inspiratory muscles relax, passive expiration occurs. Neurons responsible for stopping inspiration, receive input from pontine group and stretch receptors in lungs. Inhibitory neurons activated and relaxation of respiratory muscles results in expiration. Neurons in the VRG can become active, which instigates forced expiration.


65 Modification of Ventilation
Chemical control Carbon dioxide is major regulator Increase or decrease in pH can stimulate chemo- sensitive area, causing a greater rate and depth of respiration Oxygen levels in blood affect respiration when a 50% or greater decrease from normal levels exists Cerebral and limbic system Respiration can be voluntarily controlled and modified by emotions

66 Higher Control of Breathing
Two centres found in the Pons can modify the rate generated by the RRC. These are the Apneustic centre and the Pneumotaxic centre. The apneustic centre receives input from stretch receptors in the lungs and stimulates the DRG constantly; however, the stimulation intensity can vary. This stimulation increases the strength of the DRG signal (i.e. forced inspiration).

67 The pneumotaxic centre inhibits the apneustic centre.
The pneumotaxic centre receives input from higher brain centres. Thus, the higher brain centres can force a different rhythm on the RRC.




71 Modification of Ventilation
Chemical control Carbon dioxide is major regulator Increase or decrease in pH can stimulate chemo- sensitive area, causing a greater rate and depth of respiration Oxygen levels in blood affect respiration when a 50% or greater decrease from normal levels exists Cerebral and limbic system Respiration can be voluntarily controlled and modified by emotions

72 Modifying Respiration

73 Regulation of Blood pH and Gases

74 Herring-Breuer Reflex
Limits the degree of inspiration and prevents overinflation of the lungs Infants Reflex plays a role in regulating basic rhythm of breathing and preventing overinflation of lungs Adults Reflex important only when tidal volume large as in exercise

75 Ventilation in Exercise
Ventilation increases abruptly At onset of exercise Movement of limbs has strong influence Learned component Ventilation increases gradually After immediate increase, gradual increase occurs (4-6 minutes) Anaerobic threshold is highest level of exercise without causing significant change in blood pH If exceeded, lactic acid produced by skeletal muscles

76 Effects of Aging Vital capacity and maximum minute ventilation decrease Residual volume and dead space increase Ability to remove mucus from respiratory passageways decreases Gas exchange across respiratory membrane is reduced


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