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6 Cell Differentia- tion Organ Systems Grab Bag Interactions More About Organ Systems Mixed Bag 22222 44444 6666 8888 10 8.

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Presentation on theme: "6 Cell Differentia- tion Organ Systems Grab Bag Interactions More About Organ Systems Mixed Bag 22222 44444 6666 8888 10 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Cell Differentia- tion Organ Systems Grab Bag Interactions More About Organ Systems Mixed Bag 22222 44444 6666 8888 10 8

2 1-200  A cell that can differentiate into different types of cells. Stem cell

3 1-400  The two kinds of stem cells. Embryonic (can differentiate into any kind of cell) & Tissue or adult stem cells (can only differentiate into certain types of cells).

4 1-600 Regeneration.  The ability of a tissue to repair itself is called this.

5 1-800  Three parts of cell theory. All living organisms are made of cells; the cell is the smallest unit of life; all cells come from other cells;.

6 1-1000  A type of cell that cannot regenerate. Nerve cells.

7 2-200  Function of arteries. Carry blood away from heart (to lungs [blue], to body [red])

8 2-400  The veins appear blue going from ______ to ______ because of the presence of ______________. Body tissue; heart; carbon dioxide.

9 2-600  The sheet of muscle under the lungs. (Spell it.) Diaphragm.

10 2-800 Multiple sclerosis: malfunction of the immune system; destroys myelin sheath in the CNS; muscles weakness, slurred speech, difficulty walking.  Name and describe one disease or disorder of the nervous system.

11 2-1000  A person who takes many rapid, deep breaths may become dizzy. This has happened to the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the person’s bloodstream, and this is why breathing into a paper bag is sometimes recommended. There is more oxygen than carbon dioxide in the blood; breathing into the bag makes more carbon dioxide available.

12 3-200  The organ system that interacts with most other systems. Circulatory system

13 3-400  An example of the nervous system coordinating activities in other body systems. E.g. detects low oxygen in blood, tells respiratory system to breathe faster and the circulatory system to beat faster.

14 3-600  The reason oxygen always flows from the alveoli into the blood. Diffusion: stuff always flows from areas of high concentration to low concentration; there is a higher concentration of oxygen in the alveoli than in blood in the lungs.

15 3-800  The ____________ nervous system is made of nerves, which are bundles of _________. Its function is to _____________. Peripheral; neurons; relay info to and from brain to control many of body’s functions and responses.

16 3-1000  How the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems depend on each other. Cells need oxygen and nutrients to work and need to get rid of wastes. The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide; the digestive system brings nutrients into the body; the circulatory system transports everything to the appropriate places (and takes waste to the urinary system).

17 4-200  The name of the tiny blood vessels that surround most organs. Capillaries; the walls are thin so that gasses, wastes, and nutrients can easily diffuse into and out of the bloodstream.

18 4-400  The purpose of the myelin sheath. Fatty tissue that acts like insulation for the nerve tissue; keeps impulses from going to the wrong neuron.

19 4-600  Name and describe one disorder or disease of the circulatory system. Coronary heart disease: arteries become clogged with plaque, so the blood has a hard time getting through.

20 4-800  Name 3 types of senses, other than the 5 main ones. Pressure, temperature, pain, balance, position, motion, etc.

21 4-1000  The difference between gas exchange and breathing. Gas exchange is diffusion through capillary and alveolus walls; breathing is the mechanics of bringing oxygen into and expelling carbon dioxide out of the body.

22 5-200  Name something in your body made of cartilege. Ear, nose, esophagus, joints, spinal disks; shark skeletons.‏

23 5-400  The hierarchy of organization within an animal, from most complex to least. Organism, organ system, organ, tissue, cell

24 5-600  The three main functions of blood. To carry oxygen from lungs to active cells; to carry carbon dioxide to the lungs; to carry waste to the kidneys.

25 5-800  The type of tissue that provides support or insulation for various parts of the body. Connective.

26 5-1000  The one type of tissue not found in the heart. Epithelial.


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