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Announcements ● Tutoring Center SCI I, 407 M 12-3, 5:30-6:30; W 8-9, 5:30-6:30, Th 8-12, 6-7; F 8-9 ● MasteringBiology Assignment due Thursday 4/28.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements ● Tutoring Center SCI I, 407 M 12-3, 5:30-6:30; W 8-9, 5:30-6:30, Th 8-12, 6-7; F 8-9 ● MasteringBiology Assignment due Thursday 4/28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements ● Tutoring Center SCI I, 407 M 12-3, 5:30-6:30; W 8-9, 5:30-6:30, Th 8-12, 6-7; F 8-9 ● MasteringBiology Assignment due Thursday 4/28

2 Producers and Consumers Autotrophs (self-feeders): Make their own organic matter from inorganic nutrients. Heterotrophs (other-feeders): Organisms that cannot make organic molecules from inorganic ones.

3 Energy Flow and Chemical Cycling in the Biosphere Sunlight energy enters ecosystem Photosynthesis Cellular respiration drives cellular work Heat energy exits ecosystem ATP C 6 H 12 O 6 (Glucose) + O 2 (Oxygen) CO 2 (Carbon dioxide) + H 2 O (water)

4 Cellular Respiration – Cellular respiration is: The main way that chemical energy is harvested from food and converted to ATP An aerobic process—it requires oxygen Organic + Oxygen Carbon + Water + Energy Compounds Dioxide Summary equations:

5 Breathing Cellular respiration Muscle cells Lungs CO 2 O2O2 O2O2 Cellular respiration and breathing are closely related. Cellular respiration requires a cell to exchange gases with its surroundings. Breathing exchanges these same gases between the blood and outside air. Cellular Respiration and Breathing

6 Cellular Respiration C 6 H 12 O 6 CO 2 O2O2 H2OH2O GlucoseOxygenCarbon dioxide Water  6 6 Reduction Oxidation Oxygen gains electrons (and hydrogens) Glucose loses electrons (and hydrogens) By oxidizing glucose, energy is taken out of “storage” and made available for ATP synthesis

7 Cytoplasm Animal cellPlant cell Mitochondrion High-energy electrons carried by NADH High-energy electrons carried mainly by NADH Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Glycolysis Glucose 2 Pyruvic acid ATP Figure 6.6 Cytoplasm Animal cell Plant cell Mitochondrion High-energy electrons carried by NADH High-energy electrons carried mainly by NADH Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Glycolysis ATP

8 Cytoplasm Animal cellPlant cell Mitochondrion High-energy electrons carried by NADH High-energy electrons carried mainly by NADH Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Glycolysis Glucose 2 Pyruvic acid ATP Figure 6.6 Cytoplasm Animal cell Plant cell Mitochondrion High-energy electrons carried by NADH High-energy electrons carried mainly by NADH Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Glycolysis ATP 2 2 ~34 ~38 ATP per glucose

9 Versatility of Cellular Respiration Food PolysaccharidesFats Proteins Sugars Glycerol Fatty acids Amino acids Glycolysis Acetyl CoA Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport ATP – In addition to glucose, cellular respiration can “burn”: Diverse types of carbohydrates Fats Proteins

10 Fermentation aerobic anaerobic

11 Photosynthesis: Is used by plants, some protists, and some bacteria Transforms light energy into chemical energy Uses carbon dioxide and water as starting materials Photosynthesis Carbon dioxide 6 O 2 6 CO 2 6 H 2 O C 6 H 12 O 6 Water Glucose Photo- synthesis Oxygen gas Light energy

12 Photosynthesis – Organisms that use photosynthesis are: Photosynthetic autotrophs The producers for most ecosystems Plants (mostly on land) Photosynthetic Protists (aquatic) PHOTOSYNTHETIC AUTOTROPHS Photosynthetic Bacteria (aquatic) Micrograph of cyanobacteriaKelp, a large alga Forest plants LM

13 found b/w lower and upper epidermis Photosynthesis

14 Light H2OH2O O2O2 Chloroplast Light reactions NADPH ATP Calvin cycle CO 2 NADP + ADP P Sugar (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) Photosynthesis

15 Why Green? Light Chloroplast Reflected light Absorbed light Transmitted light

16 Alternative Pathways Sugar C 4 Pathway (example: sugarcane) C 4 plant CAM plant Sugar Calvin cycle Calvin cycle Day Cell type 1 Four-carbon compound Night Four-carbon compound Cell type 2 CAM Pathway (example: pineapple) ALTERNATIVE PHOTOSYNTHETIC PATHWAYS CO 2

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