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+ Human Biology Clicker Quiz Respiration. + The pleurae are vital to the integrity of the lungs because they A. Contain cilia that protect the lungs B.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Human Biology Clicker Quiz Respiration. + The pleurae are vital to the integrity of the lungs because they A. Contain cilia that protect the lungs B."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Human Biology Clicker Quiz Respiration

2 + The pleurae are vital to the integrity of the lungs because they A. Contain cilia that protect the lungs B. control the volume of the lungs C. Secrete a lubricating serous fluid, allowing the lungs to glide over the thoracic wall during breathing D. Maintain the proper temperature of the lungs during sleep

3 + The respiratory membrane is a combination of A. Respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts B. Alveolar walls, alveolar space and capillary walls C. Atria and alveolar sacs D. None of the above

4 + The nose serves all the following functions except A. As a passageway for air movement B. As the initiator of the cough reflex C. Warming and humidifying the air D. Cleansing the air

5 + Exchange of air occurs in _______ which are also known as 'air sacs'. A. Alveolar duct B. Bronchi C. Bronchioles D. Alveoli

6 + Which cells of the body carry oxygen to different parts of the body? A. Red blood cells B. White blood cells C. B cells D. Neutrophil

7 + The visceral pleural membrane of mammals is linked to the parietal pleural membrane by A. Myosin fibers B. Fluid-filled space C. Smooth muscle D. Loose connective tissue

8 + The most common gas found in air is A. Oxygen B. Argon C. Nitrogen D. Carbon dioxide E. Carbon monoxide

9 + Which of the following is the correct sequence of the pathway through which air travels after entering the body? A. Larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchioles B. Pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchioles C. Pharynx, larynx, bronchioles, trachea D. Pharynx, trachea, larynx, bronchioles

10 + Normal rate of respiration in an adult human being is ____ times/minute. A. 10-12 B. 12-14 C. 16-18 D. 22-24

11 + Which part of the respiratory tract contains the voice box? A. Pharynx B. Larynx C. Trachea D. Epiglottis

12 + True or False: The trachea contains ‘O’ shaped cartilaginous rings. A. True B. False

13 + True or False: Breathing through the mouth is considered as healthy as breathing through the nose. A. True B. False

14 + True or False: Two-layered membrane which covers the lungs is known as the pericardium. A. True B. False

15 + Which function is the larynx not involved in? A. Swallowing B. Sound production C. Digestion D. The larynx is not involved in any of these

16 + Cigarette smoke A. Reduces the production of mucus in the respiratory tract B. Contains particles of carbon that are rapidly cleansed from the lungs C. Contains sulfur dioxide, which temporarily paralyzes the cilia in the lungs D. Contains pollutants that increase the lungs’ natural cleansing mechanism

17 + In the lungs, oxygen A. Travels from the blood, through the wall of the alveolus, then into the alveoli B. Travels from alveolar air through the wall of the alveolus into surrounding capillaries C. Travels from areas of high to low concentrations via diffusion D. A and B E. B and C

18 + Most oxygen in the blood is A. Transported in the plasma as bicarbonate ions B. Transported in the plasma bound to hemoglobin molecules C. Is transported inside the red blood cells bound to hemoglobin molecules D. None of the above

19 + The large muscle separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities A. is known as the diaphragm and is under involuntary control B. Is the intercostal muscle and is involved in inhalation C. Flattens and lowers when it contracts, forcing air out of the lungs D. All of the above E. None of the above

20 + During inspiration, the rib cage A. Lifts up and out B. Does not move C. Compresses D. None of the above

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