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PCACS Penn Center for Advanced Clinical Simulation Integrated Surgical Skills Curriculum Surgical Knowledge Manual Skills Medical StudentsSurgical ResidentsAuxiliary.

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Presentation on theme: "PCACS Penn Center for Advanced Clinical Simulation Integrated Surgical Skills Curriculum Surgical Knowledge Manual Skills Medical StudentsSurgical ResidentsAuxiliary."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCACS Penn Center for Advanced Clinical Simulation Integrated Surgical Skills Curriculum Surgical Knowledge Manual Skills Medical StudentsSurgical ResidentsAuxiliary PersonnelStaff Members

2 PCACS PCACS: Penn Center for Advanced Clinical Simulation Residents Surgical Skills Curriculum Medical Students Surgical Skills Curriculum … Surgical Skills Curriculum

3 Integrated Surgical Skills Curriculum Objectives - Surgical Knowledge - Manual Skills Core Competence - Medical Knowledge - Patient Care - Interpersonal and Communication Skills - Professionalism - Practice based learning - Systems-Based Practice

4 JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune PGY 4/3 PGY 2 PGY 1 Team Members: 3 to 4 Residents: One PGY 3 /Lab Res One PGY 2 Two PGY 1 Integrated Surgical Skills Curriculum

5 Morning SessionAfternoon Session MondayColonoscopy HUP/MahmoudSkills Center TuesdaySkills Center WednesdaySkills CenterColonoscopy Presby/Maron ThursdaySkills Center FridayColonoscopy Presby/RossSkills Center SaturdayCALL SundayCALL Weekly Schedule

6 Week 1 Schedule WEEK1Surgical Field MondayGeneral Surgery TuesdayTrauma WednesdaySCC ThursdayGI Surgery FridayGI Surgery Concepts Skills Drill Interaction with The Clinical Expert Self Directed Learning Team Based Skills Each Day

7 Day 1 General Surgery Session 7: Group Dynamic Training Clinical Scenarios eg. SCARED Session. Stanford Course on Active Resuscitation Evaluation Decision Making Concepts Session 1: Introduction to Surgical Tools and Instruments Session 2: Aseptic and Sterile Techniques Session 3: Suture Material and Handling Session 4: Knot Tying Techniques Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 5: Video Interaction with Surgeon eg. Excissional Biopsy Self Directed Learning Session 6: Self Directed Practice Session Team Based Skills

8 Day 2 Trauma Session 7: Group Dynamic Training Clinical Scenarios (eg. Trauma Scenario Review c Trauma Surgeon) Concepts Session 1: Brief Review ATLS Concepts Session 2: Airway Management, Line Placement,.. Session 3: Thoracotomy, Tube thoracostomy,.. Session 4: Chest Tube Placement (Trauma Man) Trachs & Cricothyroid, (Trauma Man) Central Line Placement (SimLab/TraumaMan) Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 5: Video Interaction with Trauma Surgeon Video Review of Trauma Response Sessions Self Directed LearningSession 6: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic Training

9 Day 3 SCC Concepts Session 1: Understanding Ventilators Session 2: Understanding Hemodynamic Monitoring Session 3: Central Line Placement, Intubation SkillsSkills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Case Scenario review with Surgical Critical Care Expert Self Directed Learning Session 5: Self Directed Practice Session/SimMan Group Dynamic TrainingSession 6: Review of Different Clinical Scenarios c SimMan (Section I)

10 Day 3 SCC Laerdal SimMan Features: Extensive Practical Features Allows Individual and Group Practice of multiple clinical scenarios Airway features: Cardiac functions: CPR: Blood Pressure: Circulatory skills and IV drug administration: Sounds: Genitalia for urinary catheterization: Event log: Easy to use scenario and trend tools: Air supply available by two alternatives: Air compressor/regulator unit Easy to use: Portable: Easy storage and transportation.

11 Day 4 GI Surgery Concepts Session 2: Stapling Instrumentation Session 3: Suture and Skin stapling Session 1: Instrument Tie, Hand Tie Two Hand Tie – Square Knot Two Hand Tie – Surgeon’s Square Knot Tow Hand Tie – Slip Knot One Hand Tie -- Slip Knot Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Video Interaction with the Expert Fascia/Abdominal Wound Closure Self Directed LearningSession 5: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic TrainingSession 6: Review of Different Clinical Scenarios c SimMan (Section II)

12 Day 5 GI Surgery Concepts Session 1: Stapling Instrumentation Session 2: Anastomosis in GI Tract Session 3: Inanimate Lab – Basic Ligation -- Wedge Resection -- Functional end-to-end Anastomosis -- Bilroth II -- Low Anterior Resection Session 4: Synthetic Lab – Bowel Anastomosis Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 5: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Performing Bowel Anastomosis Self Directed Learning Session 6: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic Training Session 7: Expert procedure task analysis Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

13 Week 2 Schedule WEEK2Surgical Field MondayPlastic & Recosntr TuesdayVascular WednesdayBasic Lap ThursdayVascular II FridayAdvanced Lap Concepts Skills Drill Interaction with The Clinical Expert Self Directed Learning Team Based Skills Each Day

14 Day 1 Plastic & Reconstructive Concepts Session 1: Scientific Basis of Wound Closure Techniques Session 2: Concepts of Flaps and Tension Free Reconstruction Session 3: Excision of benign skin lesions and closure of simple wounds Excision of a hand ganglion. Repair of divided hand extensor tendon Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 5: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Performing Plastic Procedure/ Flap Self Directed LearningSession 6: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic Training Session 7: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

15 Day 2 Vascular Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomy Review for Vascular Access Session 2: Concepts of Vascular Anastomosis Session 3: Practical Session Vascular Anastomosis (I) Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Vascular Anastomosis Self Directed LearningSession 5: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic Training Session 6: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure. Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

16 Day 3 Basic Laparoscopy Concepts Session 1: Key Skills in Laparoscopic Surgery Port Placement Camera and scope manipulation Abdominal access and insufflation Ergonomics Session 2: Sharp and blunt dissection Clip application electrosurgery Looping Tissue extraction Port Site Closure Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 3: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Lap Chole Self Directed Learning Session 4: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic TrainingSession 5: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

17 Day 4 Vascular Surgery II Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consideration for Vascular Incisions Session 2: Concepts of Endovascular Techniques Session 3: Practical Session Vascular Anastomosis (II) Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 5: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Central Vascular Procedure/AAA Self Directed LearningSession 6: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic TrainingSession 7: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

18 Day 5 Intermediate Laparoscopy Concepts Session 1: Techniques necessary to overcome the visual demands in laparoscopic surgery -Effective equipment and instrument positioning using ergonomic principles -Laparoscopic Energised Dissection Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 3: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Lap Band/ Gastric Bypass Self Directed Learning Session 4: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic Training Session 5: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies Session 2: Laparoscopic suturing and knot tying Tumbled square knot using laparoscopic instruments to safely ligate a vessel Pick up an endoscopic needle and make a bite through tissue Form a surgeon’s knot using laparoscopic needle holders Demonstrate optimal bite placement and knot tying technique during laparoscopic tissue approximation

19 Week 3 Schedule WEEK3Surgical Field MondayThoracic TuesdayThoracic WednesdayColorectal ThursdayColorectal FridayEndocrine Concepts Skills Drill Interaction with The Clinical Expert Self Directed Learning Team Based Skills Each Day

20 Day 1 Thoracic Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consideration for Thoracic Surgery Session 2: Thoracic Surgical Techniques Session 3: Animal Lab Lobectomy Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Lobectomy/Thoracic Procedure Self Directed LearningSession 5: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic TrainingSession 6: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

21 Day 2 Thoracic Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consideration for Thoracic Surgery Session 2: Concepts of VATS Session 3: Animal Lab VATS Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 5: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing VATS Procedure Self Directed LearningSession 6: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic TrainingSession 7: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies Session 4: Animal Lab Nissen

22 Day 3 Colorectal Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consideration Colorectal Surgery Session 2: Concepts of Bowel Anastomosis in Colorectal Session 3: Practical Session Bowel Anastomosis Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Colon Surgery Self Directed LearningSession 5: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic TrainingSession 6: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

23 Day 4 Colorectal Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consideration for Colon Surgery Session 2: Concepts of Laparoscopic Colon Surgery Session 3: Animal Lab Laparosocopic Right Colectomy Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 5: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Lap Colectomy Self Directed LearningSession 6: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic TrainingSession 7: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

24 Day 5 Endocrine Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consideration for Endocrine/Oncology Session 2: Concepts of Lap Adrenalectomy Session 3: Practical Session Advanced Laparoscopy Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 5: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Thyroid/Adrenal Procedure Self Directed LearningSession 6: Self Directed Practice Session Group Dynamic TrainingSession 7: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

25 Week 4 Schedule WEEK4Surgical Field MondaySurgical Oncology TuesdayBreast Surgery WednesdayTransplant ThursdayPediatric FridayOSAT Concepts Skills Drill Interaction with The Clinical Expert Self Directed Learning Team Based Skills Each Day

26 Day 1 Surgical Oncology Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consideration for Endocrine/Oncology Session 2: Concepts of Thyroidectomy/Sarcoma/Melanoma Session 3: Practical Session Advanced Laparoscopy Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Thyroid/Sarcoma/Melanoma Self Directed Learning Session 5: Self Directed Practice Session, Allgoritmus for Sarcoma, Thyroid Mass, Melanoma Group Dynamic TrainingSession 6: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

27 Day 2 Breast Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consepts in Breast Surgery Session 2: Anatomical Concepts of Axillary LN Dissection Sentinel LN Biposy Session 3: Practical Session Lumpectomy, Sentinel LN Biopsy, Mastectomy Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Lumbectomy, Sentinel LN Dissection, Self Directed Learning Session 5: Self Directed Practice Session, Allgoritmus for Breast Mass Group Dynamic TrainingSession 6: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

28 Day 3 Transplant Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Consepts in Liver Resections Session 2: Anatomical Concepts of Kidney, Liver Txpl Session 3: Practical Session Liver Resection in Wet Lab (Animal) Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Hepatic Lobecotmy, Txpl… Self Directed Learning Session 5: Self Directed Practice Session, Algorithms for Transplant Rejection Group Dynamic TrainingSession 6: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

29 Day 4 Pediatric Surgery Concepts Session 1: Anatomical Aspects of common Pediatric Procedures Session 2: Surgical Techniques in Pediatric surgery Session 3: Review of common pediatric procedures with Inclusion of skills directed technical aspects Skills Drill Interaction With the Clinical Expert Session 4: Video Interaction with Clinical Surgeon Expert Performing Pediatric Surgery (Hernia, Pyloromyotomy, Volvulus, …) Self Directed Learning Session 5: Self Directed Practice Session, Algorithms for Pediatric Case Presentations Group Dynamic TrainingSession 6: Expert procedure task analysis, Expert definition of most common errors for each step of procedure Description of error prevention strategies and error rescue strategies

30 Day 5 Objective Skills Assessment Formal content testing of subjects Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) Imperial College Surgical Assessment Device (ICSAD) Multiple Objective Measures of Skills (MOMS) Intraoperative Critical Event Management (ICEMAN)

31 Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 1 WeekDayTopicYearTrainingSession TypeMaterial Week 1Day 1GeneralPGY 1 & 2Surgical Tools and InstrumentationDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 1GeneralPGY 1 & 2Aseptic and Sterile TechniquesDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 1GeneralPGY 1 & 2Suture Material and HandlingDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 1GeneralPGY 1 & 2Knot Tying TechniquesBenck WorkPig Feet & Knot Boxes Week 1Day 1GeneralGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 1Day 1GeneralPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkPig Feet & Knot Boxes Week 1Day 1GeneralGroupSCAREDVirtual Patient Roomz Week 1Day 2TraumaPGY 1 & 2Review ATLS ConceptsDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 2TraumaPGY 1 & 2Airway ManagementDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 2TraumaPGY 1 & 2FASTDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 2TraumaPGY 1 & 2Tskill: Chest TubeBenck WorkTrauma Man Week 1Day 2TraumaPGY 1 & 2Tskill: FAST/Wound MngmtBenck WorkTrauma Man Week 1Day 2TraumaPGY 1 & 2Tskill: Trach/CricothyroifBenck WorkTrauma Man Week 1Day 2TraumaPGY 1 & 2Tskill: Venous AccessBenck WorkTrauma Man Week 1Day 2TraumaGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 1Day 2TraumaPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkTrauma Man Week 1Day 2TraumaGroupTrauma ScenariosVirtual Trauma BayZ

32 WeekDayTopicYearTrainingSession TypeMaterial Week 1Day 3SCCPGY 1 & 2Understanding VentilatorsDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 3SCCPGY 1 & 2Understanding Hemodynamic MonitDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 3SCCPGY 1 & 2SC Skill: Central Line PlacementBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Week 1Day 3SCCPGY 1 & 2SC Skill: IV AccessBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Week 1Day 3SCCPGY 1 & 2SC Skill: Airway ManagementBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Week 1Day 3SCCPGY 1 & 2SC Skill: IntubationBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Week 1Day 3SCCGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 1Day 3SCCPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Week 1Day 3SCCGroupCritical Care ScenariosVritual ICUVisicu Session Week 1Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Instrument TieDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Two Hand Tie Square KnotDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Two Hand Tie Surgeon's Sqaure KnotDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Two Hand Tie Slip KnotDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2One Hand Tie Slip KnotDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Stapling InstrumentationDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Knot Tying TechniquesBenck WorkPig Feet & Knot Boxes Week 1Day 4GI SurgeryGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 1

33 WeekDayTopicYearTrainingSession TypeMaterial Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Stapling InstrumentationDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Anastomosis in GI TractDry LabProjector/Computer Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Inanimate Lab: Basic LigationBenck WorkFoam and Live Organs Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Inanimate Lab: Wedge ResectionBenck WorkFoam and Live Organs Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Inanimate Lab: End-to-EndBenck WorkFoam and Live Organs Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Inanimate Lab: Bilroth IIBenck WorkFoam and Live Organs Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Inanimate Lab: Low AnteriosBenck WorkFoam and Live Organs Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Inanimate Lab: Bowel AnastomosisBenck WorkFoam and Live Organs Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkFoam and Live Organs Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 1Day 5GI SurgeryGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 1

34 Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 2 Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconPGY 1 & 2Scientific Basis of Wound ClosureDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconPGY 1 & 2 Concepts of Flaps and Tension Free ReconDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconPGY 1 & 2 Excision of benign Skin Lesion/Wound ClosureBenck WorkLimbs&Things Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconPGY 1 & 2Excision of Hand GanglionBenck WorkLimbs&Things Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconPGY 1 & 2Repair of Hand Extensor TendonBenck WorkLimbs&Things Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkLimbs&Things Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 1Plast&ReconGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 2VascularPGY 1 & 2Surgical Anatomy for AccessDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 2VascularPGY 1 & 2Concepts of Vascular AnastomosisDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 2VascularPGY 1 & 2 Practical Session Vascular AnastomosisBenck Work Vascular Model/Limbs and Things Week 2Day 2VascularGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 2VascularPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck Work Vascular Model/Limbs and Things Week 2Day 2VascularGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 2VascularGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 2VascularGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

35 Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 2 Week 2Day 3VascularPGY 1 & 2Surgical Anatomy for Vascular SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 3VascularPGY 1 & 2Concepts of Endovascular TechniquesDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 3VascularPGY 1 & 2Practical Session Vascular AnastomosisBenck WorkVascular Model/Limbs and Things Week 2Day 3VascularGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 3VascularPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkVascular Model/Limbs and Things Week 2Day 3VascularGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 3VascularGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 3VascularGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2Key Skills in Laparoscopic SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2Port PlacementDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2Camera and Scope ManipulationDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2Abdominal Access and InsufflationDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2ErgonomicsDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2Sharp and Blunt DissectionBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2Clip Application/ElectrocautryBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2LoopingBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2Tissue Extraction Port Site ClosureBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 4LaparoscopyGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

36 Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 2 Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2 Techniques to Overcome Visual DemandsDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Effective Equip and InstrumntDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Lap Energised DissectionDry LabProjector/Computer Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Lap Suturing and Knot TyingBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Tumbled Square KnotBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Pick up and Endoscopic NeedleBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Surgeon's Knot LaparoscopicBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Bite Placement and Knot TyingBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Lap Tissue ApproximationBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 2Day 5Interm LapscoGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

37 Week 3Day 1ThoracicPGY 1 & 2 Surgical Anatomy for Thoracic SurgeryDry Lab Projector/Compute r Week 3Day 1ThoracicPGY 1 & 2Thoracic Surgical TechniquesDry Lab Projector/Compute r Week 3Day 1ThoracicPGY 1 & 2Animal Lab LobectomyBenck WorkPig Organs Week 3Day 1ThoracicGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 1ThoracicPGY 1 & 2Animal Lab Real TimeAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Week 3Day 1ThoracicGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 1ThoracicGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 1ThoracicGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 2ThoracicPGY 1 & 2 Surgical Anatomy for Thoracic Surgery (II)Dry Lab Projector/Compute r Week 3Day 2ThoracicPGY 1 & 2Concepts of VATSDry Lab Projector/Compute r Week 3Day 2ThoracicPGY 1 & 2Animal Lab Nissen / VATSBenck WorkPig Organs Week 3Day 2ThoracicGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 2ThoracicPGY 1 & 2Animal Lab Real TimeAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Week 3Day 2ThoracicGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 2ThoracicGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 2ThoracicGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 3

38 Week 3Day 3ColorectalPGY 1 & 2Anatomical Principles for Colon SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Week 3Day 3ColorectalPGY 1 & 2Concepts of Colorectal AnastomosisDry LabProjector/Computer Week 3Day 3ColorectalPGY 1 & 2Practical Session Bowel AnastomosisBenck WorkPig Organs Week 3Day 3ColorectalGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction) Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 3ColorectalPGY 1 & 2Animal Lab Real Time ColonAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Week 3Day 3ColorectalGroupExpert Procedure Task Analysis Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 3ColorectalGroupExpert Definition of Common Errors Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 3ColorectalGroupExpert Error Prevention Strategies Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 4ColorectalPGY 1 & 2Anatomical Principles for Lap ColonDry LabProjector/Computer Week 3Day 4ColorectalPGY 1 & 2Concepts of Lap Colorectal SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Week 3Day 4ColorectalPGY 1 & 2Practical Session Lap ColectomyBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 3Day 4ColorectalGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction) Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 4ColorectalPGY 1 & 2Animal Lab Real Time Lap ColonAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Week 3Day 4ColorectalGroupExpert Procedure Task Analysis Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 4ColorectalGroupExpert Definition of Common Errors Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 4ColorectalGroupExpert Error Prevention Strategies Conference RoomVideo Interaction

39 Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 3 Week 3Day 5EndocrinePGY 1 & 2 Anatomical Principles for Endocrine/OncologyDry LabProjector/Computer Week 3Day 5EndocrinePGY 1 & 2Concepts of Lap AdrenalectomyDry LabProjector/Computer Week 3Day 5EndocrinePGY 1 & 2Practical Session Lap AdrenalectomyBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Week 3Day 5EndocrineGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction) Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 5EndocrinePGY 1 & 2Animal Lab Real Time Lap AdrenalAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Week 3Day 5EndocrineGroupExpert Procedure Task Analysis Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 5EndocrineGroupExpert Definition of Common Errors Conference RoomVideo Interaction Week 3Day 5EndocrineGroupExpert Error Prevention Strategies Conference RoomVideo Interaction

40 Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 4 Day 1Surg OncPGY 1 & 2Surgical Anatomy for Surgical OncDry LabProjector/Computer Day 1Surg OncPGY 1 & 2 Techniques of Thyroidectomy/Sarcoma/MelanomaDry LabProjector/Computer Day 1Surg OncPGY 1 & 2Practical Session Advanced LaparoscopyBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Day 1Surg OncGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Surg OncPGY 1 & 2Animal Lab Real Time ThyroidectomyAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Day 1Surg OncGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Surg OncGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Surg OncGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2 Breast SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Anatomical Concepts Breast/ALNDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2 Breast SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Surgical Techniques for Breast/ALNDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2 Breast SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Practical Session ALN/Sentinel LN/MasrBenck WorkLimbs&Things Day 2 Breast SurgeryGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2 Breast SurgeryPGY 1 & 2Algorithms of Clinical PresentationComputer Lab Day 2 Breast SurgeryGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2 Breast SurgeryGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2 Breast SurgeryGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

41 Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 4 Day 3Transplant SrgPGY 1 & 2Anatomy for the TXPL SurgeonDry LabProjector/Computer Day 3Transplant SrgPGY 1 & 2Procedures for Liver/Kidney/PancDry LabProjector/Computer Day 3Transplant SrgPGY 1 & 2Practical Session Liver&Panc&KidneyBenck WorkPig Organs Day 3Transplant SrgGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3Transplant SrgPGY 1 & 2Algorithms of Clinical PresentationComputer Lab Day 3Transplant SrgGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3Transplant SrgGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3Transplant SrgGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4Pediatric SurgPGY 1 & 2Anatomical Principles for Pediatric SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4Pediatric SurgPGY 1 & 2Surgical Procedures in PediatricsDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4Pediatric SurgPGY 1 & 2Practical Session HerniaBenck WorkLimbs&Things Day 4Pediatric SurgGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4Pediatric SurgPGY 1 & 2Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkLimbs&Things Day 4Pediatric SurgGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4Pediatric SurgGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4Pediatric SurgGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

42 Course Topics PGY 1&2 Week 4 Day 5Skills AssessmGroupFormal Content Testing of SubjectsPaper&Pencil Day 5Skills AssessmGroup Objective Structures Assessment of Technical SkillsOSATSHaptica/SimMan Day 5Skills AssessmGroupImperial College Surgical Assessment DeviceICSADHaptica/SimMan Day 5Skills AssessmGroupMultiple Objective Measures of SkillsMOMSVirtual OR Day 5Skills AssessmGroupIntraoperative Critical Event ManagementICEMANVirtual OR

43 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 1 Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1GeneralGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1GeneralPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Day 1Leader ShipGroupSCAREDVirtual Patient Room Day 2TraumaPGY 3Review ATLS ConceptsDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2TraumaPGY 3Airway ManagementDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2TraumaPGY 3FASTDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2TraumaPGY 3Tskill: Chest TubeBenck WorkTrauma Man Day 2TraumaPGY 3Tskill: FAST/Wound MngmtBenck WorkTrauma Man Day 2TraumaPGY 3Tskill: Trach/CricothyroifBenck WorkTrauma Man Day 2TraumaPGY 3Tskill: Venous AccessBenck WorkTrauma Man Day 2TraumaGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2TraumaPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkTrauma Man Day 2Leader ShipGroupTrauma ScenariosVirtual Trauma Bay

44 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 1 Day 3SCCPGY 3Understanding VentilatorsDry LabProjector/Computer Day 3SCCPGY 3Understanding Hemodynamic MonitDry LabProjector/Computer Day 3SCCPGY 3SC Skill: Central Line PlacementBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Day 3SCCPGY 3SC Skill: IV AccessBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Day 3SCCPGY 3SC Skill: Airway ManagementBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Day 3SCCPGY 3SC Skill: IntubationBenck WorkSim Man/Trauma Man Day 3SCCGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 3Instrument TieDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 3Two Hand Tie Square KnotDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 3Two Hand Tie Surgeon's Sqaure KnotDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 3Two Hand Tie Slip KnotDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 3One Hand Tie Slip KnotDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 3Stapling InstrumentationDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 3Knot Tying TechniquesBenck WorkPig Feet & Knot Boxes Day 4GI SurgeryGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4GI SurgeryPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Day 4Leader ShipGroupClinical Practice SessionsVirtual Patient RoomSim Man/Trauma Man

45 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 1 Day 5GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 5GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 5GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 5GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 5GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 5GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 5GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 5GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 5GI SurgeryGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5GI SurgeryPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck Work Foam and Live Organs Day 5GI SurgeryGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5GI SurgeryGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5GI SurgeryGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

46 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 2 Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1GeneralPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 1Plast&ReconGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Plast&ReconPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkLimbs&Things Day 1Plast&ReconGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Plast&ReconGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Plast&ReconGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2VascularPGY 3Surgical Anatomy for AccessDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2VascularPGY 3Concepts of Vascular AnastomosisDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2VascularPGY 3Practical Session Vascular AnastomosisBenck Work Vascular Model/Limbs and Things Day 2VascularGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2VascularPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck Work Vascular Model/Limbs and Things Day 2VascularGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2VascularGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2VascularGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

47 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 2 Day 4VascularPGY 3Surgical Anatomy for Vascular SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4VascularPGY 3Concepts of Endovascular TechniquesDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4VascularPGY 3Practical Session Vascular AnastomosisBenck WorkVascular Model/L&T Day 4VascularGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4VascularPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkVascular Model/L&T Day 4VascularGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4VascularGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4VascularGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Colonoscopy/EndoscopyClinical CaseEndoscopy Suit Day 3LaparoscopyGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3LaparoscopyPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkHaptica/LapSim Day 3LaparoscopyGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3LaparoscopyGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3LaparoscopyGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

48 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 2 Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Techniques to Overcome Visual DemandsDry LabProjector/Computer Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Effective Equip and InstrumntDry LabProjector/Computer Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Lap Energised DissectionDry LabProjector/Computer Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Lap Suturing and Knot TyingBenck WorkHaptica/LapSim Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Tumbled Square KnotBenck WorkHaptica/LapSim Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Pick up and Endoscopic NeedleBenck WorkHaptica/LapSim Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Surgeon's Knot LaparoscopicBenck WorkHaptica/LapSim Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Bite Placement and Knot TyingBenck WorkHaptica/LapSim Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Lap Tissue ApproximationBenck WorkHaptica/LapSim Day 5Interm LapscoGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction) Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5Interm LapscoPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Day 5Interm LapscoGroupExpert Procedure Task Analysis Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5Interm LapscoGroupExpert Definition of Common Errors Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5Interm LapscoGroupExpert Error Prevention Strategies Conference RoomVideo Interaction

49 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 3 Day 1ThoracicPGY 3Surgical Anatomy for Thoracic SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Day 1ThoracicPGY 3Thoracic Surgical TechniquesDry LabProjector/Computer Day 1ThoracicPGY 3Animal Lab LobectomyBenck WorkPig Organs Day 1ThoracicGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1ThoracicPGY 3Animal Lab Real TimeAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Day 1ThoracicGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1ThoracicGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1ThoracicGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2ThoracicPGY 3Surgical Anatomy for Thoracic Surgery (II)Dry LabProjector/Computer Day 2ThoracicPGY 3Concepts of VATSDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2ThoracicPGY 3Animal Lab Nissen / VATSBenck WorkPig Organs Day 2ThoracicGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2ThoracicPGY 3Animal Lab Real TimeAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Day 2ThoracicGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2ThoracicGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2ThoracicGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

50 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 3 Day 3ColorectalPGY 3Anatomical Principles for Colon SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Day 3ColorectalPGY 3Concepts of Colorectal AnastomosisDry LabProjector/Computer Day 3ColorectalPGY 3Practical Session Bowel AnastomosisBenck WorkPig Organs Day 3ColorectalGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3ColorectalPGY 3Animal Lab Real Time ColonAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Day 3ColorectalGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3ColorectalGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3ColorectalGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4ColorectalPGY 3Anatomical Principles for Lap ColonDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4ColorectalPGY 3Concepts of Lap Colorectal SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4ColorectalPGY 3Practical Session Lap ColectomyBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Day 4ColorectalGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4ColorectalPGY 3Animal Lab Real Time Lap ColonAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Day 4ColorectalGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4ColorectalGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4ColorectalGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

51 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 3 Day 5EndocrinePGY 3Anatomical Principles for Endocrine/OncologyDry LabProjector/Computer Day 5EndocrinePGY 3Concepts of Lap AdrenalectomyDry LabProjector/Computer Day 5EndocrinePGY 3Practical Session Lap AdrenalectomyBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Day 5EndocrineGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5EndocrinePGY 3Animal Lab Real Time Lap AdrenalAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Day 5EndocrineGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5EndocrineGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 5EndocrineGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

52 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 4 Day 1Surg OncPGY 3Surgical Anatomy for Surgical OncDry LabProjector/Computer Day 1Surg OncPGY 3Techniques of Thyroidectomy/Sarcoma/MelanomaDry LabProjector/Computer Day 1Surg OncPGY 3Practical Session Advanced LaparoscopyBenck WorkHaptica/SimMan Day 1Surg OncGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Surg OncPGY 3Animal Lab Real Time ThyroidectomyAnimal LabAnimal x 1 Day 1Surg OncGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Surg OncGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 1Surg OncGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2Breast SurgeryPGY 3Anatomical Concepts Breast/ALNDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2Breast SurgeryPGY 3Surgical Techniques for Breast/ALNDry LabProjector/Computer Day 2Breast SurgeryPGY 3Practical Session ALN/Sentinel LN/MasrBenck WorkLimbs&Things Day 2Breast SurgeryGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2Breast SurgeryPGY 3Algorithms of Clinical PresentationComputer Lab Day 2Breast SurgeryGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2Breast SurgeryGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 2Breast SurgeryGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

53 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 4 Day 3Transplant SrgPGY 3Anatomy for the TXPL SurgeonDry LabProjector/Computer Day 3Transplant SrgPGY 3Procedures for Liver/Kidney/PancDry LabProjector/Computer Day 3Transplant SrgPGY 3Practical Session Liver&Panc&KidneyBenck WorkPig Organs Day 3Transplant SrgGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3Transplant SrgPGY 3Algorithms of Clinical PresentationComputer Lab Day 3Transplant SrgGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3Transplant SrgGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 3Transplant SrgGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4Pediatric SurgPGY 3Anatomical Principles for Pediatric SurgeryDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4Pediatric SurgPGY 3Surgical Procedures in PediatricsDry LabProjector/Computer Day 4Pediatric SurgPGY 3Practical Session HerniaBenck WorkLimbs&Things Day 4Pediatric SurgGroupClinical Case (Video Interaction)Conference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4Pediatric SurgPGY 3Self Directed Practice SessionBenck WorkLimbs&Things Day 4Pediatric SurgGroupExpert Procedure Task AnalysisConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4Pediatric SurgGroupExpert Definition of Common ErrorsConference RoomVideo Interaction Day 4Pediatric SurgGroupExpert Error Prevention StrategiesConference RoomVideo Interaction

54 Course Topics PGY 3 Week 4 Day 5Skills AssessmGroupFormal Content Testing of SubjectsPaper&Pencil Day 5Skills AssessmGroup Objective Structures Assessment of Technical SkillsOSATSHaptica/SimMan Day 5Skills AssessmGroupImperial College Surgical Assessment DeviceICSADHaptica/SimMan Day 5Skills AssessmGroupMultiple Objective Measures of SkillsMOMSVirtual OR Day 5Skills AssessmGroupIntraoperative Critical Event ManagementICEMANVirtual OR


56 ManufacturermodelpurposeFeaturesNotes FLS FLS lap trainer box Laparoscopic skills training comes with validated course/CD rom $1500 per trainer box/ can bundle with CDs/ CDs can be purchased separately approx $100 per CD and $350 per training voucher HapticaProMIS Laparoscopic skills training hybrid mechanical/virtual, tracks performance metrics Immersion Endoscopy Accutouch upper/lower endoscopy, bronchoscopy Haptic feedback, patient sensitivity feedback, tracks performance metrics LaerdalSimMAN crisis management, codesphysiologic responses Limbs and Things Ultrasound subclavian trainer has blood in vessels, but no pulse. Limbs and Things Open inguinal hernia model Hernia training (Inguinal w/ mesh placement) Has CD ROM for self training $388.61 for set with CD ROM (P# 60427), $155.41 for 2-pack replacement blocks (P# 60399) Limbs and ThingsGall bladders Laparoscopic skills training four options with differen anatomy cost: 45 pounds per, can be used in standard lap trainer boxes Limbs and Thingsskin padssuturing/biopsies various sebaceous cyst pads, minor skin procedure pads, bowel, vesselscost 22 pounds to 40 pounds per Limbs and Things central line trainercentral line placement Training Tools

57 METI Human Patient Simulator Crisis management, codesPhysiologic responses METISimSurgery Laparoscopic skills training Produced by Norwegian comp/Marketing by Meti SimbionixGI Mentorupper/lower endoscopy Haptic feedback, expandable w/ new modules SimbionixLAP Mentor Laparoscopic skills training haptic option, expandable w/ new modules, tracks trainee performance SimulabCentralLineMancentral line placement Anatomic landmarks, U/S compatible, pulsitile artery $1340 per, $435 per replaceable tissue set (many many uses from each tissue set) SimulabTraumaMan cricothyroidotomy, chest tube, pericardiocentesis, DPL, IV cutdown $23K to purchase or approx $8K per year for lease of 2 SimulabLapTrainer Laparoscopic skills training displays camera output on pc, many available plastic inserts for training $1795 per with lap chole ($595) and lap nissen ($725) add- ons available Simulabknot Tying board lap or open suture practicereplaceable parts$65 per, replacement parts? SimulabHernia Model Hernia training (Ventral, direct and indirect mesh placement) "realistic vessel, testicle and cord structures with lifelike synthetic tissue"$1395 per Training Tools

58 Simulab Cadaveric structure holder open surgical skills training to hold tissue during wet tissue labs $55 per, reuseable, no replacement parts SimulabSimulated skin/bowelsuturing/biopsiesvarious$20-$75 per SimulabLap chole modelLap cholevarious $595 per with $50 per replaceable gall bladder Surgical ScienceLapSIM Laparoscopic skills training haptic feedback (immersion tech), tracks performance metrics ACSUS Course/FAST IntuitiveDaVinci Trainer Mass Casualty Exercise Crisis Resource MgmtSimMan ? VAHPS Human Patient Simulator Training Tools

59 Floor Plan: Skills Center: University Of Toronto Skills Center

60 Skills Center : University Of Toronto Skills Center Prep / Storage RoomLab Area

61 Skills Center : Web Resources

62 Skills Center : Web Resources/Video Libraries Endovascular

63 Skills Center : Web Resources/Video Libraries

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