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1.Description - what do you see 2. Analysis - composition (elements/principles) 3. Interpretation - what you feel the art work is saying (mood) 4. Judgment.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Description - what do you see 2. Analysis - composition (elements/principles) 3. Interpretation - what you feel the art work is saying (mood) 4. Judgment."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Description - what do you see 2. Analysis - composition (elements/principles) 3. Interpretation - what you feel the art work is saying (mood) 4. Judgment - success of piece (craftsmanship, strong areas) How to critique a painting:

2 -what do you see Describe (the work)—What do you see? What things are in the painting? Think of things like clothing, environment, etc. Description

3 -composition (elements/principles) Analyze the artwork’s organization? What detail is in the work? How did the artist achieve the result? How are the elements of line, shape, form, texture, space and value used? How are the principles of unity, pattern, rhythm, variety, balance, emphasis and proportion used? Analysis

4 -What you feel the art work is saying (mood) What is the artist trying to say? What caused the artist to say it? What is the historical milieu (personal social environment) that surrounds the work of art? Why was the work of art created in this particular style? Interpretation

5 -success of piece (craftsmanship, strong areas) Evaluate/ Decide What do you think about the art work? Do you like it? Why/why not? How does the intent of the artist match up with the result of his/her labor? What is special about it? Judgment

6 For example mons/7/7d/A_Sunday_on_La_Grande_Jatt e,_Georges_Seurat,_1884.jpg George Seurat An Afternoon at La Grande Jette

7 Description: The painting shows a group of people standing around a beach or lake. The clothes that the people are wearing are an older style. The skirts the women are wearing are large, and some of the men are wearing top hats. A man is sitting on the front left side wearing a baseball hat and a sleeveless shirt. There is a woman and a man on the right-side, who are standing in the shade, with some animals around them, including a dog and a monkey. There are a number of people sitting around and looking at the water. Some of the women have umbrellas, although it is not raining. Some of the people are in the shade.

8 Analysis: The painting shows a contrast of light and dark colors. The artist creates space by having the beach and people go back in the painting. There are no real lines in the painting because it is painted in a pointillist style. The artist shows texture in the dresses and on the grass. The artist uses different color values for the clothes and on the grass to show the difference between the shaded area and sunny area. the painting shows a realistic scene.

9 Interpretation: I think that the painting is about people gathering around outside on a nice day and looking at the water. Maybe they are all there on a weekend day. There are lots of people in the picture, some are sitting down and maybe having a picnic. There are some boats in the distance on the water and maybe the they are watching a boat race.

10 Judgment: I think that this is a good painting because the artist uses a different style to create the image and uses a lot of different colors. The contrast between the shaded area and the light area shows that it is a sunny day. The artist uses different colors and values, and creates a unique texture through his style of painting.

11 As a class, critique the next two paintings using the format previously described. Go in order 1 through 4. Only move on when a criterial is exhausted. Remember this is personal opinion so you have the right to your opinion. Be orderly, raise your hand and answer when you are called on. Allow 5-8 minutes for each piece.

12 George Seurat "Bathing at Asnieres"

13 American Gothic Grant Wood

14 Now, in your sketchbook, critique the next three paintings using the format previously described. Only advance the slide when the majority of the class has completed the practice. Allow 5-8 minutes for each piece.

15 Toulouse Lautrec At the Moulin Rouge, 1892/1895

16 Toulouse Lautrec


18 Finally, on a separate piece of paper, complete a critique of the following painting. This will be handed in, so make it legible and neat. Make sure to put your name on the top of the paper. Use complete sentences. Make it Legible! (Mr. Martin stare…)

19 Edgar Degas La Classe de Danse

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