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Ungodly practices in society are being fueled by a redefinition of terms “gay” for homosexuality “pro-choice” for abortion “substance abuse” for drug.

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2 Ungodly practices in society are being fueled by a redefinition of terms “gay” for homosexuality “pro-choice” for abortion “substance abuse” for drug addict “under the influence” for drunk “cock-tail” or “martini” instead of a shot of whiskey “disease” instead of drunk, wino, alcoholic “affair” or “cheating” for fornication or adultery

3 A more “attractive face” is being put on the ugly face of SIN! “But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. 1 Thes 5:21-22 Sin is sin and we’ll not escape the consequences of that sin “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight! Isaiah 5:20-21

4 About Sin Sin defined: A transgression of the commandment of God A serious matter in the eyes of God Romans 6:23; Ephesians 1:7 People tend to make some transgressions as “insignificant” Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. 1 John 3:4

5 Sin Exacts a Heavy Price Spiritually Isaiah announced to the children of Israel the consequences of their sin Isaiah 59:2 Sin – no fellowship with God 1 John 1:6-2:1 Attractive to the world – an abomination to God

6 Physically Many sins cause physical damage as well David’s sin with Bathsheba 2 Samuel 12:13-14 He bore the consequences of his sin Sword never departed from his house Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs change and altar life Sexual immorality has destroyed many lives Influence of sin shackles one to death

7 Mentally and Emotionally Sometimes we will not forgive ourselves after we have asked forgiveness of sins Sin brings sorrow in life Mark 14:72 We should remember our wrong so as not to do it again 1 Timothy 4:2; Ephesians 4:17-19

8 The Price for Redemption Took the death of Christ to free man from the slavery of sin Sin cannot be considered a trivial matter Romans 5:6-11 God gave the very best heaven had to offer! Sin separates us from God

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